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«Кафедра английской филологии УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС По дисциплине «Основной (английский) язык» ...»

-- [ Страница 4 ] --


1 С-. Бартоломей, Больницы С-Свизина: военно-медицинские школы
в Лондоне.

2 следящий за студентами во время экзамена: человек, который следит за студентами в течение

3 Центральный уголовный суд: Центральный Уголовный суд, расположенный в Лондоне в
улица того же самого названия.

4 tripos: экспертиза на степень почестей в Кулаке -
Университет моста.

5 первые, секунды, трети: система аттестации степеней.

Step 2:

  • Put 15 questions to the text
  • Note down the sentences from the text which contain the word combinations and phrases. Translate them into Russian.

Some questions to students:

Who is Richard Gordon?

When he left his medical practice?

What means an examination to medical student?

Richard Gordons feeling in a moment he is going to have an examination?

4. Application

  • Giving home task

To write a commentary to the text

To learn by heart new words

  • Marking

Theme: Exercise on the text



Lesson: #7

Time required: 50 min


  • To develop students writing skills
  • To develop skill to analyze, generalize and do conclusions
  • To develop a habit closely and seriously to concern toBusiness

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation
  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Giving character sketch of a person

The sketch should be informative and convincing enough. A mere outward description of a person is not a character sketch. The student should present a sort of critical analyses and pass their own grounded judgment of a personality.

Outline for a character sketch

  1. Appearance : age, height, weight, build of figure, face, hair, eyes, complexion, closes.
  2. Background: family, education, profession or occupation.
  3. Likes and dislikes: with regard to people, tastes, hobbies, and interests.
  4. Character, disposition.
  5. Conclusion

The aim of this activity is to correct the person’s behavior, character, manners etc.

2. Presentation: Practice

Exercise 3

Read the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connective speech (assimilation, lateral, and nasal plosions, the loss of plosions, the linking “r”) Mind the pronunciation of the vowels fnd observe proper rhythm:

That the authorities have found the most fair and convenient to both sides; they are straight contest between himself and the examiners; There is rarely any frank cheating in medical examination; standing at the frost and gazing at him; like the policeman that flank the dock at the Old Bailey; they were able

Exercise 9.Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Хорошо. Я принимаю ваш отказ. В любом случае я рада, что мы познакомились. Надеюсь, в другой раз вы будете более сговорчивы. 2. Я и не надеялась застать Джонни дома в такое время. 3. Не пытай­ся заставлять ее работать на вас. Так или иначеона сделает, что вы просите.

1. Наконец Джесс уговорил (заставил) Рэя дать ему работу. 2. Пока я хозяин дома, я заставлю всех повиноваться мне — слыши­те? 3. Не моя вина, что ты не понимаешь меня, но я заставлю тебя внять здравому смыслу. 4. В среду миссис Хиггинс принимала гос­тей, и Хиггинс заставил ее пригласить Элизу.

I. Теперь, когда все экзамены позади, можно с уверенностью сказать, что из вас выйдет настоящий адвокат. 2. Раз уж Том убедил всех, что Симон был невиновен, необходимо найти настоящего пре­ступника. 3. Теперь, когда Памела нисколько не волновалась о том, что могут сказать о ней люди, о ней перестали распускать слухи.

Exercise 10. Note down from the text (p. 6) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 11) and translate them into Russian

14.Explain what is meant by:

1. Examinations touch off his fighting spirit. 2. A single in­vigilator sat on a raised platform to keep an eye open for fla­grant cheating. 3.... hoping by an incomplete sentence to give the examiners the impression of frustrated brilliance. 4. Confu­sion breeds confusion and he will come to the end of his inter­rogation struggling like a cow in a bog. 5. "It's the same idea as talking about passing away and going above instead of plain dying."

15.Answer the following questions and do the given assignments:

a) 1. Why does Gordon equate the final examinations with death? How does he define an examination? 2. What is the usual way medical students prepare for examinations? 3, Why were the students so particular to humour Malcolm Max-worth? 4. Describe the procedure of the written examination as presented by the author. 5. In Gordon's opinion why are oral examinations so unpopular with the students? 6. Describe the psychological types fairly commonly seen in viva waiting-rooms. 7. Why were the days after the oral examination black ones for the students? 8. What was Grimsdyke's theory about failing exams? 9. In what way are the examination results usu­ally announced? 10. How did Gordon feel when he learned that he had passed the exams?

b) 1. What is the general slant of the story? 2. What imag­ery is employed by the writer in describing the student's anticipating the examinations? 3. By commenting on six cases of simile chosen from the text explain and bring out the effective­ness of this stylistic device in the description of the examina­tions. 4. Explain and discuss the effectiveness of the allusion "judgement day" for conveying the students' fear of the examinations. 5. How does the author describe the difference between the psychological types of students at the examina­tions? What makes the description convincing? 6. Show how the writer conveys a sense of futility and despair in the de­scription of the aftereffect of the examination on the students. Bring out the effectiveness of the sustained metaphor in creat­ing the sense of futility Richard had after the examinations.

7. In what way is the atmosphere of growing suspense created? Show its function in conveying the sense of anticipation and excitement which is generated towards the end of the extract.

8. What contrast in mood and atmosphere do you detect be­tween the whole text and the last paragraph? 9. By referring to four examples from the text, comment on the writer's sense of humour. 10. What impressions of Gordon's character do you derive from this passage?


4. Application :

Your home task will beExercise17.Use the phrases and word combinations and act out the dialogues be­tween:

  1. Benskin and Richard Gordon on the technical details of the coming examinations. 2. Richard and his friend discussing the written examinations they’ve been through. 3. Richard and Grimsdyke discussing the psychological types of students tak­ing examinations. 4. Gordon and his friend in anticipation of the coming examination results.
  • Marking

Theme: Discussing the text



Lesson: #8

Time required: 50 min


  • To increase the students vocabulary and to improve their knowledge.
  • To develop speech and thinking of pupils.
  • To bring them up to use their free time correctly and to by mixer with others in society.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation
  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Bad Fruit: A Shoppers' Nightmare

Level: Easy to Medium

This is an oral communication activity appropriate for EFL learners in university. This game is designed for practicing "shopping" dialogues and vocabulary.

Materials: "produce" and play money.

Object of Game: To accumulate as many products as possible.

Students are divided into clerks and shoppers.

The clerks set up "stands" to allow easy access for all shoppers (e.g. around the outsides of the room with their backs to the wall).

The shoppers are given a set amount of money* (e.g. dollars, euros, pounds, etc.) and begin at a stand where there is an open space.

Students shop, trying to accumulate as many items as possible (each item is 1 unit of currency).

Periodically, the instructor will say "stop" (a bell or other device may be needed to attract attention in some cultural and >
The student with the most products at the end wins.

Students then switch roles.

2. Presentation: Discussing the text.

Students divide into three parts. All of students make up questions. One part asking questions to other, others answer to them. Questions had to be about the textand about examinations.


Ex. 10 Note down from the text the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations and translate them into Russian.

Ex. 11 Complete the following sentences, using the phrases and word combinations:

  1. If you are smart enough to cheat in this exam …. 2 Tick the names off …. 3 I hate swootting up before exams …. 4 Keep an eye open for …. 5 Young teachers … mark and grade the papers. 6 The results of the written test will come out …. 7 … adopted such an attitude towards people. 8 … get through. 9 He’s just the sort of people … cut you short. 10 … rallied her thoughts. 11 The chairperson called out the names of the student who …. 12 Never raise your voise….

Ex. 13 Translate the following sentences into English, using the phrases and word combinations:

  1. Все уговаривали его воспользоваться шпаргалкой на экзамене, но он твердо стоял на своем в желании сдать экзамен самостоятельно. 2. Деловая Диана просматривала список гостей на прощальный обед и отмечала галочкой тех, кого считала ненужным приглашать. 3. Майк, ты что, много занимался перед экзаменами? Никогда не поверю, что ты способен на это. 4. Следите, пожалуйста за этим молодым человеком, он вполне способен воспользоваться шпаргалками на экзамене. 5. Обычно требуется неделя, чтобы проверить экзаменационные работы в колледже. 6. Результаты собеседования будут известны через три дня. 7. Дороти сосредоточилась (собралась с мыслями), приняла суровый вид и открыла заседание совета директоров. 8. Ему удалось проскочить на экзамене, хотя времени на зубрежку медицинских терминов ему не хватило. 9. Честер начал было объяснять ситуацию, но Рей резко оборвал его. 10. Руководитель группы называл имена участников и они отходили в сторону. 11. Он никогда не повышал голос на своих подчиненных, но они были готовы выполнить любую его просьбу.


  • Giving home task

Your home task will be to write down a situation about your examination. You may write about your first examination, interesting examination, an exam. to which you were not ready but you got it.

  • Marking

Theme: Pair work



Lesson: #9

Time required: 50 min


  • To develop any attention, observation, skill to listen to
  • Reveal laws, to do conclusions and generalizations
  • To develop speech and speaking of pupils
  • To develop positive habits.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

1. Warm-Up/Motivation

  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

What's the Question?

Level: Any Level

Type of Activity: listening and speaking

Purpose: review question forms previously studied in >
Form two teams (three will work, but two seems to add just the right amount of competitive tension).

Explain the game, with a few examples of answers in search of questions. Ask, 'What's the question?', and get students to correctly say the corresponding questions for your answer.

Have two players--one from each team--come to the front.>

Next, read an answer to a question and say, 'What's the question?' The fastest player to respond wins a point for her/his team. New contestants come to the front for a new round.

Rationale: This game forces the students to think backwards a little, so they must provide a grammatically perfect question. All too often, they are used to answering rather than asking questions, so this is challenging and useful as review.

2. Presentation: Pair works


12. Pair work. Make up and act out situations, using the phrases and word combinations:

1. Imagine that you are sharing your experience in the technique of taking examinations with a freshman. You are not exactly a hardworking student

2. Imagine you are instructing a young teacher who is to be an invigilator at the written exam.

8.Pair work. Make up and act out a dialogue, using the patterns on page 10

1. However, I'm not worried. They never read the papers any­way.

— You needn't worry about the meals. She never has anything for breakfast anyway.

— I'm sure she is perfect for you. Anyway, I didn't mean to im­ply she was deficient.

2. "His father will have him go in for medicine," the house­master said.

None can have him wear a formal dress for any function. The examiner will have him give the proper answer.

3. Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Now that you are through with this problem you can do


Now that he's become a graduate student, he can go in for



1. However, I'm not worried. They never read the papers any­way.

— You needn't worry about the meals. She never has anything for breakfast anyway.

— I'm sure she is perfect for you. Anyway, I didn't mean to im­ply she was deficient.

2. "His father will have him go in for medicine," the house­master said.

None can have him wear a formal dress for any function. The examiner will have him give the proper answer.

3. Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Now that you are through with this problem you can do


Now that he's become a graduate student, he can go in for


EX. 7. Ask and answer questions. Work in pair
Develop your answers using the words in brackets.
Negative tags generally suppose the answer will be Yes. Positive tags generally suppose the answer will be No. a) Your train leaves at four, doesn't it? - Yes, it does. It leaves at 4 o'clock, it doesn't leave at 5.
b) You don't know the answer, do you? - No, I don't. I don't know the answer, but Bill knows it.

1. The teacher always gives instructions in English (Russian).

2. Your father doesn't smoke cigarettes after dinner (cigar)

3. They don't stay in London for their summer holidays (go to Italy).

4. I often work overtime this month because I want to save up for buying a new car (a house).

5. She doesn't go skiing in France in winter (stay at home).

6. Sam, my neighbor, usually goes fishing at the weekend (buy fresh fish).

7. As a rule she drinks black coffee in the morning (tea).

8. Mrs Bell usually has meals at home (eat out).

9. As a rule Mr Smith gets out at Piccadilly and walks to his office (Trafalgar Square).

10. It takes him ten minutes to get to his work (half an hour).

11. She comesform Scotland (England).

12. You often phone your parents (not write).

13. Once a month she goes to the library to borrow books for writing her thesis (have a lot of books).

Application: Poem

Who love the trees best

Who loves the trees best?

“I”, said the spring,

“Green leaves so beautiful

To them I bring”

Who loves the trees best?

“I” summer said,

“I give them flowers,

White, pink and red.”

Who loves the trees best?

“I” autumn said,

“I give them ripe fruit,

Golden and red.”

Who loves the trees best?

“I love them best,”

White winter answered

“I give them rest”.

  • Giving home task

Your home task is to learn by heart the poem and think about who loves the trees best.

  • Marking

Theme: Commentary on the text.



Lesson: #10

Time required: 50 min


  • To develop and enrich memory of pupils, to skill to build the scheme of the reasoning, skills to make comment.
  • To bring up respect for a cultural heritage and cultural traditions of other people.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

1. Warm-Up/Motivation

  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Think Fast!

Level: Any Level

A game for revision (review). It also works well for the last 5 minutes of>

The teacher prepares a list of items for revision e.g. word fields, grammar, facts. In >

  • Teacher: You have 20 second to name as many things as come to your mind.
  • Your topic: Parts of the body / London sights / plays by William Shakespeare / the places in a town / traffic signs / weekend shopping-list / etc.
  • Ready, steady, go

Once all volunteers have done their bit, award a small prize (e.g. a sticker) to the winner of the round. Then ask the>

Allow more time (30 or 40 seconds) for longer answers: What have you done so far today? / What did you do last weekend? / School rules: What do students have to do? What are they not allowed to do? / etc.

If this game is played in groups, they should be evenly balanced.


Text: “Doctor in the house”

Questions for the comment.





  • Giving home task

To write a commentary to the text

To learn by heart new words

  • Marking

Theme: Answer the questions



Lesson: #11

Time required: 50 min


  • To develop and enrich memory of pupils, to skill to build the scheme of the reasoning, skills to make comment.
  • To bring up respect for a cultural heritage and cultural traditions of other people.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

1. Warm-Up/Motivation

  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Think Fast!

Level: Any Level

A game for revision (review). It also works well for the last 5 minutes of>

The teacher prepares a list of items for revision e.g. word fields, grammar, facts. In >

  • Teacher: You have 20 second to name as many things as come to your mind.
  • Your topic: Parts of the body / London sights / plays by William Shakespeare / the places in a town / traffic signs / weekend shopping-list / etc.
  • Ready, steady, go

Once all volunteers have done their bit, award a small prize (e.g. a sticker) to the winner of the round. Then ask the>

Allow more time (30 or 40 seconds) for longer answers: What have you done so far today? / What did you do last weekend? / School rules: What do students have to do? What are they not allowed to do? / etc.

If this game is played in groups, they should be evenly balanced.

2. Presentation:

Ex 15. Answer the following questions and do the given assignments:

  1. 1. Why does Gordon equate the final examinations with death? How does he define an examination?

2. What is the usual way medical students prepare for examinations?

3. Why were the students so particular to humor Malcolm Max-

4. Describe the procedure of the written examination as presented by the author.

5. In Gordon's opinion why are oral examinations so unpopular with the students?

6. Describe the psychological types fairly commonly seen in viva waiting-rooms.

7. Why were the days after the oral examination black ones for the students?

8. What was Grimsdyke's theory about failing exams?

9. In what way are the examination results usu­
ally announced?

10. How did Gordon feel when he learned that he had passed the exams?

b) 1. What is the general slant of the story?

2. What imagery is employed by the writer in describing the student's anticipating the examinations?

3. By commenting on six cases of simile chosen from the text explain and bring out the effective­ness of this stylistic device in the description of the examina­tions.

4. Explain and discuss the effectiveness of the allusion "judgement day" for conveying the students' fear of the examinations.

5. How does the author describe the difference between the psychological types of students at the examina­tions? What makes the description convincing?

6. Show how the writer conveys a sense of futility and despair in the de­scription of the aftereffect of the examination on the students. Bring out the effectiveness of the sustained metaphor in creat­ing the sense of futility Richard had after the examinations.

  1. In what way is the atmosphere of growing suspense created?
    Show its function in conveying the sense of anticipation and excitement which is generated towards the end of the extract.
  2. What contrast in mood and atmosphere do you detect be­tween the whole text and the last paragraph?
  3. By referring to four examples from the text, comment on the writer's sense of humour.
  4. 1 What impressions of Gordon's character do you derive from this passage?

3. Practice

  • Students should make up a story close to the text.
  • Do activity “story building.


  • Giving home task

To revise all the vocabulary and exercises on translation

  • Marking

Theme: Vocabulary exercises



Lesson: #12-13

Time required: 50 min+50 min


  • To improve students speaking skills
  • To develop students speech
  • To challenge students to be friendly

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation
  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Survivor Spelling Game

Level: Any Level

Use this activity to review vocabulary:

Make a list of vocabulary covered in previous lessons. Have students stand. Call out a vocabulary word. The first student begins by saying the word and giving the first letter, the second student the second letter of the word, the third student the third letter, and so on until the word is spelled correctly. If somebody makes a mistake they must sit down and we start from the beginning again until the word is spelled correctly. The last student must then pronounce the word correctly and give a definition in order to stay standing. The student who is left standing is the "survivor" and wins the game. I usually give them some type of prize. If all the students remain standing we have a pizza party at the end of the week.

The students love it and it is a great way to practise vocabulary!!!



  1. Study the essential vocabulary. Give the Russian equivalents for every unit and translate the examples into Russian.
  2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

A. 1. "You are making too much fuss of me, don't worry", he said, with a smile, suggestive of annoyance.

"Вы делаете слишком много суеты меня, не беспокоите", он сказал, с улыбкой, напоминающую досаду.

2. I had seldom seen him like this. He seemed, indeed, annoyed with me for having asked this question.

2. Я редко видел его в таком виде. Он казался, на самом деле, его раздражало когда я задавал этот вопрос.

3. He was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole meeting.

3. Он был раздражен на то, как она пыталась взять на себя собрание.

4. I want you, Lady Willard, to ascertain for me exactly how much is newspaper chat­ter, and how much may be said to be founded on facts.

4. Lady Willard, Я хочу чтобы вы уточнили мне газетная болтовня ли это, и скольких можно сказать основан на фактах.

5. The woman kept chattering in and out as she prepared the table. In a nearby tree a squirrel chattered.

6. The noise of old-fashioned computer printers chattering away gave me a head­ache.

6. Шум старого принтера

7. Then the fever came on again and his teeth chattered.

  1. His friends cheered him on when he was about to give up.
  2. No one could help but cheer the verdict "not guilty". "Seeyou tonight then. Cheers!", I said and put down the receiver.

10. You can hear the cheers of the crowd two miles away from the football ground.

11. He gave me a cheery greeting. 12. His cheerful acceptance of responsibility encouraged us all.

  1. You could never be unhappy in such a cheerful house.
  2. A cheerful fire was burning in the grate. 15. "It's not a wrestling match, not a contest of strength", he said. 16. She contested five of seven titles. 17. There is always a contest be­tween the management and the unions. 18. She's won a lot of
    dancing contests. 19. The championship is being keenly con­tested by seven athletes. 20. In tonight's quiz the contestants have come from all over the country to fight for the title of "Superbrain". 21. The contest for leadership of the Party is gathering speed. 22. He became seriously depressed and suicidal, and applied for emergency psychotherapy. 23. She emerged from the sea cold but exhilarated and toweled herself vigorously. 24. The method of this comprehensive study is to highlight the issues that emerged in the 1960s in University life. 25. The President has emerged unscathed from the scan­dal. 26. He seemed to emerge from his reverie. 27. His profes­sional training enabled her to act swiftly and decisively when faced with an emergency. 28. My wife had to open the tins we kept for an emergency. 29. It has emerged that secret talks were under way between the two companies.

B. 1. He wanted to be left alone to go about his business. 2. His new book was going along nicely. 3. The breakfast arrived and he went at it like a starving refugee. 4. I'll try to go by reason as far as possible. I'm sorry, madam, but we have to go by rules. 5. "I think my presentation went down rather well, don't you?" 6. In spite of going down badly with the critics, the film has been a tremendous commercial success. 7. I'd rather not go into that now. 8. Don't sign anything until you have gone over it thoroughly. 9. Go easy on salt, it's bad for your heart. 10. Some jokes go round year after year. 11. Could I have a glass of water to help these pills go down? 12. They were looking for a minute at the soft hinted green in the branches against the sky. 13. Although it was a raw March afternoon, with a hint of fog coming in with the dusk, he had the window wide open. 14.1 coughed politely as she lit a cigarette but she didn't take the hint. 15. There's only a hint of brandy in the sauce, so I don't think it'll make you drunk. 16. This was a large low-ceilinged room, with rattling machines at which men in white shirt sleeves and blue aprons were working. 17. Druet was rattling on boasting about his recent victories and Hurstwood grew more and more resentful. 18. The quiet deliberate footsteps approaching my door rattled me/got me rattled. 19. She seemed rattled about my presence/by my ques­tion. 20.1 had taken a taxi which rattled down the road. 21. He was left alone except Rachel rattling pots in the kitchen. 22. Reduced to extreme poverty, begging, sometimes going hungry, sometimes sleeping in the parks, Hurstwood admitted to himself the game was up. 23. The Education Department had threatened the headmaster with a reduction in the staff, which meant more work and reduced salaries for the remain­ing teachers and himself. 24. Every building in the area was reduced to rubble. 25. The captain was reduced to the ranks for his dishonorable action. 26. The contractor had reduced his price from sixty to forty thousand dollars. 27. Mr. Lamb resent­ed these intrusions and reduced them to a minimum. 28. They were reduced to selling the car to pay the phone bill. 29. They have made substantial reductions in the labor costs. 30. By the end of the interview Martin was reduced to almost speechless anger.

2. Переведитесь следующие предложения на Русский:

A. 1. 6. Шум старомодных компьютерных принтеров, стучащих прочь давал мне головную боль. 7. Затем лихорадка приходила на снова и его зубы стучали.

8. Его друзья одобряли их на когда он собирался оставлять.

9. Никто не могло бы помочь но одобрять вердикт "не виновный". "Seeyou Сегодня вечером затем. Возгласы!", Я сказал и записывал получателя.

10. Вы можете получить известие возгласы толпы двух мили прочь от футбольной земли.

11. Он давал мне бодрое приветствие. 12. Его бодрое принятие ответственности способствовало мне все.

13. Вы не могли никогда быть неудачным в таком бодром доме.

14. Бодрый огонь горел на решетке. 15. "Это - не борьба спички, не конкурс силы", он сказал. 16. Она оспорила пять из семи названий. 17. Есть всегда конкурс между управлением и союзы. 18. Она быть завоеванное много танцуя конкурсы. 19. Первенство остро оспаривается семью атлетами. 20. На сегодняшней викторине, конкуренты исходят из повсюду страны, чтобы бороться с названием "Superbrain". 21. Конкурс для руководства Вечеринки собирает скорость. 22. Он становился серьезно подавленным и самоубийственным, и обратившимся за непредвиденной психотерапией. 23. Она возникла с морского холода но оживляла и toweled сама энергично. 24. Метод этого исчерпывающего анализа должен выделять вопросы, которые возникали в 1960s в жизни Университета. 25. Президент возник невредимый из скандала. 26. Он кажется, возникает из своей мечтательности. 27. Его профессионал, готовящий разблокированным она, чтобы действовать быстро и решительно когда встречено аварийной ситуацией. 28. Моя жена должна открывать банки, которые мы проводили для аварийной ситуации. 29. Возникло, который секретные переговоры осуществляли между двумя компаниями.

B. 1. Он захотел быть оставлен один, чтобы ходить о своем деле (бизнес). 2. Его новая книга собиралась вдоль хорошо. 3. Завтрак прибыл и он шел в этом любить голодающего беженца. 4. Я попытаюсь проходить мимо причины по возможности. Я сожалею, мадам, но мы должны пройти мимо правил. 5. "Я думаю что свое представление шло вниз довольно хорошо, не правда ли?" 6. Несмотря на ходя вниз плохо с критиками, фильм был огромным коммерческим успехом. 7. Я хотелось бы не вступать в это теперь. 8. Не подписывайте чему-нибудь пока Вы не пошли над этим тщательно. 9. Пойдите легко в соли, это плохо для вашего сердца. 10. Некоторые шутки ходят круглым годом после года. 11. Могло У меня есть стекло воды, чтобы помогать этим пилюлям ходить вниз? 12. Они искали минуту в мягком hinted зеленый на ветках против неба. 13. Хотя это было сырим полуднем Марша, с намеком тумана, входящего с сумерками, у него было окно широкое открытое. 14.1 покашлянное вежливо как она зажгла сигарету но она не брала намек. 15. Есть только намек брэнди в соусе, так что Я не думаю это сделает Вас попить. 16. Это было большим низким уровнем комнаты-ceilinged, с трещащими машинами в котором мужчины в белых рукавах рубашки и синие фартуки работали. 17. Druet Трещал в хвастовстве о его последних победах и Hurstwood выращивал все больше и больше обиженный. 18. Тихий преднамеренные следы, достигающие моей двери трещали мне/протрещал меня. 19. Она казалась протрещанной о моем присутствии/ моим вопросом. 20.1 выбрали такси, которое трещало вниз дороге. 21. Он был оставлен один кроме Rachel, трещащий горшкам в кухне. 22. Уменьшенное к крайней бедности, просящее, иногда ходя голодным, иногда спя в парках, Hurstwood допущенный себе игры было по. 23. Отдел Образования угрожал директором с уменьшением в персонале, который означал более работу и уменьшал фонд зарплаты для остальных учителей и сам. 24. Каждое встраивать в области было превращено в развалины. 25. Капитан был уменьшен к рангам для его dishonorable действия. 26. Контрагент уменьшил его цену от шестьдесят до сорок тысяча долларов. 27. М-р Lamb возмутившееся эти вторжения и уменьшившие им к минимуму. 28. Они были уменьшены к продаже автомобиля, чтобы платить телефону счет. 29. Они были сделаны надежные уменьшения в трудовых издержках. 30. К концу интервью Martin, был уменьшен к почти немому гневу.

3. Give the equivalents for:

досаждать кому-л. до смерти; наскучить, надоедать; было досад­но (неприятно); недовольный голос; раздраженный тон;

стучать зубами; болтуны; щебетанье птиц;

радостные мысли; веселое лицо; веселая комната; яркий, свет­лый день; бодрое настроение; жизнерадостный человек; приятная беседа; веселье, оживление; возгласы одобрения; поддержка, уте­шение; аплодисменты;

спор, состязание, борьба; международное соревнование; музы­кальный конкурс; бороться за каждую пядь земли; соперничать; до­биваться избрания в парламент; внезапно появиться; неприкосновенный запас; запасной выход; стоп-кран; крайняя необходимость; критическое положение; вы­нужденная посадка; чрезвычайные меры; чрезвычайное положение; непредвиденный случай; спасательная шлюпка; чрезвычайные пол­номочия;

расхаживать; продолжать; предшествовать; пересматривать; проанализировать заново; посредник; пасть, быть побежденным;

оставаться в веках; быть принятым, одобренным (кем-л.);

бросаться, нападать на кого-то; возвращаться к чему-л.;

основывать свое мнение на чём-л.; платить (за обед) поровну, (пополам); продать дешево (даром);

нравиться (о чем-то); потерять сознание; просмотреть что-л. (бегло ознакомиться);

слегка намекнуть; прозрачно намекнуть, намекать на что-л.; гру­бо намекнуть; быть признаком (надвигающейся грозы);

трещать, грохотать, греметь; барабанить (о дожде); болтать, тре­щать, говорить без умолку; мчаться с грохотом; отбарабанить урок; погремушка; гремучая змея;

снижать цены; снижать зарплату; укоротить юбку; уменьшить влияние; довести до крайности; довести до нищеты; довести до ми­нимума; довести до абсурда; сократить военные расходы; сбавить скорость, понижать температуру.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:

1. The girls talked very quickly without stopping as if un­aware of my presence. 2. The sounds of approval of the audi­ence filled the theatre. 3. Don't be sad, I've got good news for you. 4. You shouldn't argue a point or a statemeat trying to show that it is wrong, when you don't rely on facts. 5. Let's rehearse, this scene again. 6. How did you happen to find out about it? There wasn't even a slight suggestion of it in his letter. 7. An old cart passed by quickly making a lot of noise. 8. If you don't want to get some lung disease you must give up smoking or cut it to a minimum.

5. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions. Give
full answers repeating the words of the question:

1. How would you feel if somebody persistently interrupts your work by repeating the same question over and over again? 2. What do you do to try to raise the spirits of your sad friend? 3. What do you call a happy and contented person? 4. What do people say when soldiers put up a fearless fight not to retreat? 5. What should a pilot do if serious problems with the plane's engine arise midflight? 6. Do you agree that failing health too often accompanies old age? 7. Do students have to examine a deeper level of the writer's words while preparing for the interpretation of the text? 8. What kind of cars usually move noisily and not very quickly? 9. Why did Hurstwood have to start to beg for his living ?

  1. Mike up and act out short dialogues or stories using the essential vocabu­

4. Application

  • Giving home task


  • Marking

Theme: Reading comprehension exercises



Lesson: #14

Time required: 50 min


  • To increase the students translating skills using new words;
  • To express their opinion in English;
  • To check the understanding of the text ;
  • To increase speaking skills.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation
  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Sentence Race

Level: Any Level

A good game for large>

  1. Prepare a list of review vocabulary words.
  2. Write each word on two small pieces of paper. That means writing the word twice, once on each paper.
  3. Organize the pieces like bundles, 2 bundles, 2 sets of identical words.
  4. Divide the >
  5. Distribute each list of words to both teams. every student on each team should have a paper.  Both teams have the same words.
  6. When you call a word, 2 students should stand up, one from each team. The students must then run to the blackboard and race to write a sentence using their word.

The winner is the one with a correct and clearly written sentence.

This is always a hit with kids. For more advanced students, use tougher words.

  • Checking home task

Ex 7. Replace the phrases in bold type by suitable phrasal verbs based on the verb "to go":

1. I'll have to examine those papers closely before I can say anything definite.

2. I had the idea of making a raft but couldn't figure out how to start it.

3. The engineers examined the machine carefully trying to establish the cause of trouble.

4. In his report the speaker attacked the hedgers who were forever trying to shift the responsibility onto somebody else.

5. As you get better in English, you'll find it easier to com­municate.

6. I hope I can base my judgement of these events on your information.

7. He didn't fulfil his promise to work

8. How did your pupils accept your first lesson?
9. My opinion of him dropped considerably when I found out the truth. 10. Be kind to the dog, he didn't mean to hurt you.

11. I wouldn't dare criticise him to his face.

12. You shouldn't make your feelings so obvious to everyone.

Ex 8. Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of the exercise:

1. A lamb... 2. A mouse... 3. A pigeon... 4. A bird... 5. An owl... 6. A crow... 7. A tiger... 8. A rattlesnake... 9. A nightingale... 10. A monkey...

(warbles, rattles, roars, crbaks, squeaks, chatters, chirps, hoots, bleats, cooes)

2. Information

Exercise 9.Supply the appropriate word chosen from those at the end of the exercise:

1. The brakes... as the driver brought the car to a sudden stop.

2. The dry leaves... in the wind.

3. The hail... on the roof.

4. Old Thomas heard little feet... dawn the corridor and then stopping at his door.

5. The clock... twelve.

6. The bells... merrily as the horses drawing the carriage broke into a steady trot.

7. His teeth... with cold.

8. The air... as it escaped the punctured tyre.

9. She heard the door... and sighed in relief.

(bang, chime, chatter, patter, jingle, rattle, grate, hiss, rustle)


Ex 10. Which words given in brackets denote:

1. a clumsy, awkward person; 2. an offensively inquisitive person; 3. an impudent person who thinks he is clever; 4. a per­son who doubts everything; 5. a person who discourages hope, enthusiasm or pleasure; 6. a person who's always in the compa­ny of others even when he is not wanted

(smart alec, doubting Thomas, butter-fingers, wet blanket, Nosy Parker, a hanger-on)

4. Application

  • Giving home task

Ex 11

To learn by heart new words

  • Marking

Theme: Proverbs



Lesson: #15

Time required: 50 min


  • To improve students speaking skills
  • To develop will power, patience at achievement of the purpose.
  • To develop speech and thinking of pupils.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook
  • Activities
  • Related dictionary pages
  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation
  • Greeting
  • Org. moment
  • Activity

Story building:

The teacher starts by saying “My name is” The next student repeats what the first has said and adds on one. If this gets too long to do with the whole>

  • Checking home task

Ex 11. Translate the following sentences into English using the essential vo­cabulary:

a) 1. Закрой окно, пожалуйста, шум меня раздражает.

2. Вода была такая холодная, что Том начал стучать зубами от холода. 3. Влесной тиши было слышно щебетанье птиц.

4. Безрадостные мысли не давали ему спать всю ночь.

5. Через всю жизнь он пронес юношеский оптимизм и радостную веру в людей.

6. Молодой неизвестный музыкант, принимавший участие в международном конкурсе Чай­ковского, стал впоследствии знаменитым пианистом.

7. Рыба наконец появилась на поверхности воды. Старик был поражен ее размерами.

8. Он появился в городе, когда его менее всего ожидали.

9. Адвокат нападал на свидетеля, задавал ему бесконечные вопросы, так что в конце концов свидетель стал противоречить самому себе.

10. Мистер Волтер шел по набережной. Все вокруг было спокойно. 11. "Я знаю, что сейчас ты солгал мне, но я не буду на это обращать внимание, уверен, ты сам обо всем мне расскажешь", — сказал Геральд устало.

b) 1. Я намекнул, что ему причитаются кое-какие деньги, но, к
моему удивлению, мои слова не дошли до него.

2. Далли прозрачно намекнули, что в ее услугах больше не нуждаются, но она продол­ жала приходить каждый день.

3. Окна дребезжали от ветра.

4. Я не понимаю, зачем вы доводите мои слова до абсурда.

5. Долгая бо­лезнь мужа и безработица довели миссис Хартвуд до крайней нище­ ты.

6. Вы должны снизить скорость. Мы въехали в город.

7. Полков­ника разжаловали в солдаты за то, что он сдал город.



  • Familiarity breeds contempt.
  • Experience is the best knowledge.
  • Who chatters to you will chatter of you.

b) Make up and act out the stories illustrating the given proverbs.


Ex15. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and say­ings (or translate them into Russian),

b) Explain in English the meaning of each

c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs:

4. Application

  • Giving home task

To learn by heard proverbs

To make up situation to one of the proverbs

Theme: Module 1



Lesson: #17

Time required; 50 min


  • To check students knowledge

Materials needed:

  • Text books
  • Test


Module 1

  1. Speech Patterns (Unit 1)
  2. Essential Vocabulary
  3. Word Combinations and Phrases
  4. Exercises on translation
  5. Commentary on the text

1. Speech Patterns (Unit 1)


1. However, I'm not worried. They never read the papers any­way.

  • You needn't worry about the meals. She never has anything for breakfast anyway.
  • I'm sure she is perfect for you. Anyway, I didn't mean to im­ply she was deficient.

2. "His father will have him go in for medicine," the house­master said.

None can have him wear a formal dress for any function.

The examiner will have him give the proper answer.

3. Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Now that you are through with this problem you can doanything.

Now that he's become a graduate student, he can go in for research.

2. Essential Vocabulary


1. annoy vt/i 1)

Syn. vex, irk, bother


Ant. soothe, comfort

to be annoyed at/over smth,

to be annoyed with,

annoying a

Syn. bothersome, irritating, troublesome, harassing, torment­ing, nagging, vexatious.

2. chatter vi 1)



chatterbox n

chatter n

chattering n

to chatter like a magpie

3. cheer vt/i 1)


to cheer for (cheer on)

cheer n 1)


to give three cheers for

cheerful a 1)

Syn. glad, happy, light-hearted, joyful, joyous

Ant. gloomy

2) bright

Ant. cheerless, gloomy


cheers 1)

2) a

4. contest vt 1)



Syn. contend

contest n

contestant n

Syn. contender


5. emerge vt 1)



Syn. to turn up, to show up

emergency n

6. go vt with adv and prp

go about 1)


go along

go at)

go back 1)


3. Phrases and Word Combinations

to cheat in exams

to tick smth off

to swot up colloq. for to study

to keep an eye open for smth/smb

to mark and grade the papers

to come out (about results)

to adopt an attitude of...

... towards

to get through

to cut smb short

to rally one's thoughts

to call out names

to raise one's voice

Theme: Medicine



Lesson: #18

Time required: 50 min


  • To improve students speaking skills
  • To develop students speech
  • To challenge students to be friendly

Materials needed:

Workbooks, pp. 80-8T

Classic >

Related Dictionary Pages

  • The Body, pp. 74-75
  • Symptoms and Injuries, p. 78
  • Illnesses and Medical Conditions, p. 79
  • Medical Emergencies, p. 82
  • First Aid, p. 83


In the U.S., Americans annually spend more than 30 million dollars for pharmaceutical and health-care products. There are more than half,i million over-the-counter items to prevent and treat specific conditions and maintain health.


Related Vocabulary

Ice pack homeopath medication

Refill inoculation/shot

Inhaler crme/salve

Decongestant optician

Brand name nutritionist

Generic child-proof

Time-release side effect

Grammar: Word Endings -ist, -logy.

The suffixes –ist and -logy indicate nouns. The suffix -ist "a person who is skilled in-or works at—". The suffix -logy is Latin, and means "the science of." A pharmacist understands pharmacology, the science о drugs.

Review cardinal numbers and page 57, Weights and Measures, to help students discuss typical dosages of liquid medicines. Bring in realia to help students read drug labels.

Review page 78, Symptoms and Injuries, and page 79, Illnesses and Medical Conditions, so that students can talk about various treatments.


Bring in a variety of medications and health care products from your medicine cabinet. Ask students to identify as many items as they can. Talk about the symptoms and/or illnesses that these items treat. An antacid is used for an upset stomach or indigestion.

Ask students to look at page 80, treatments A-F, and give reasons for recommending each one. Get bed Take medicine if you have an infaction.


Ask students a series of or questions about the health care pictures. Is #5 a walker or wheelchair?(walker)


Chalkboard Activities

  • Have students categorize vocabulary.

1. External Use Internal Use

heating pad cold tablets

2. People Products

Optometrist eyeglasses


  • Put models on the board and practice

Make appropriate substitutions.

A: What kind of walker should I buy?

B: Talk to your [orthopedis]. [He] can advise you which one is best.

1. crutches 6. Wheelchair 7. Cane 8. Sling 31. Brace

A: I need some pain reliever. Can you help me?

B: Look on aisle [10].

17. cold tablets 18. antacid 19. vitamins

20. cough syrup 21. throat lozenges

22. eyedrops 23. nasal spray 24. ointment

Interview Questions

  1. Where can you buy over-the-counter medication? prescription medication?
  2. Dо you have a humidifier or air purifier in your home? if you do, why?
  3. Where do you keep medications?
  4. What kind of pain reliever do you prefer? Why?
  5. Have you ever worn a cast? a sling?
  6. Do you need eyeglasses or contact lenses? When do you wear them?
  7. Have you ever gotten acupuncture? Why?
  8. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor?

Listening: S #26, p. 218

"Ben Knows Best" Sludenls listen and point to the health care remedies.

EXPAND THE LESSON Discussion Questions

  1. Thousands of Americans need hospital treatment each year because they
    misuse medications. How can people use medicine safely?
  2. What are some items that are important for a home medicine chest?
  3. Do you prefer to use brand name or generic medications? Why?
  4. In your opinion, how should government money for health care or medical research be spent?
  5. What "alternative" treatments do you know that can be used instead of over-
    the-counter medicine?

6. You are organizing a community health fair. Look at pages 80-81. Which health-care professionals do you want to invite? What information would you like them to discuss?

Problem Solving

  • Have students brainstorm solutions. Your four-year-old nephew has an ear infection and a bad cough. He refuses to swallow his cough syrup or pills. How can you get him to take his medicine?

Language Workout

  • Copy these sentences on the board and discuss their meanings.

1. Buster hit Michael. Michael's brother gave Buster a black eye. Buster got a taste of his own medicine.

2. David's girlfriend gave back his

engagement ring and started dating his best friend, It was a bitter pill to swallow for David.

Backward Dictionary

A Give definitions or descriplions of the target vocabulary and have students guess what the word is. It's made of plaster. You need it to heal a broken leg or arm. What is it? (cast) They're made of soft plastic. You put them in your eyes. They help you see better. What arc they? (contact lenses)

GAMES Definition Bingo

  1. Have students fold a blank sheet of paper into 1 6 squares. Show students the different rows on the paper: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
  2. Dictate 16 health care words and have students write the items in random
    order on their pages, one item per square, until all the squares are (illed.
  3. Tell students they will be circling different words on their papers, as
    they hear you define them. Explain that when they get four circled words
    in a row, they shout "Bingo!"
  4. Give a sample definition. This helps keep the air clean. Make sure all
    students have circled the word air purifieron their papers.
  5. Call out definitions until one student gets four in a row. Check the student's
    work, and write his or her name on the board. Instruct him or her to try to
    get another set in a row and continue the game.
  6. Continue playing until five players have gotten four in a row.

Class Go-Around: A Shopping Trip

  1. Begin by saying, I'm going to the pharmacy because I have to buy some
  2. The first volunteer repeals (he sentence and adds another item. I'm
    going to the pharmacy because I have to buy some evedrops and cold tablets.
  3. The next student volunteer continues the chain by adding another item.
  4. Stop after the tenth item or when a student makes a mistake, and begin the game again.

Theme: Symptoms and Injuries



Lesson: #19

Time required: 50 min


  • To introduce students with new material
  • To teach new words
  • Students should be able to use new words in their speech

Materials needed:

Workbooks, p. 78

Classic >

Related Dictionary Pages

  • The Body, pp. 74-75
  • Illnesses and Medical Conditions, p. 79
  • Health Care, pp. 80-81
  • Medical Emergencies, p, 82
  • First Aid, p. 83


In the U.S., minor ailments and injuries account for a large percentage of doctor visits. Although these ailments are usually not life threatening, they account for many work and school absences.

Migraines are severe headaches. Their exact cause is unknown. Although there is no known cure, there are many ways to treat them.

TEACHING TIPS Related Vocabulary

pain* diarrhea

muscie cramps constipation

sprained muscle bee sling

stiff neck black eye

dislocated bone scrape

laryngitis wart

Usage: Cut and cough are both verbs and nouns. She cut her finger. That's a deep cut. He coughed nil last night. He has a terrible cough.

A Explain to students that the greeting

  • Explain to students that the greeting

"How are you?" does not require a detailed medical response. =y= Rage 78 and page 79 can be taught in conjunction with Health Care, pages 80 and 81.


Talk about your "numerous" aches and pains. Pause before you identify the symptom or injury to see if students can guess it. Oh, my head really hurts; I have pain above my eyes. This is a terrible... (headache).

Bring in different items from your medicine cabinet and have students help you choose the best treatment for each symptom or injury. / have a sore throat. Should I gargle with this liquid? What's best for a fever? Should I take aspirin or nonaspirin?


Ask students a series of or questions about the pictures. Look at fi4. Docs he have a stomachache or a backache? (Stomachache) Look at picture C, Does she feel dizzy? Is she throwing up? (feel dizzy)

PROVIDE PRACTICE Chalkboard Activities

  • Have students categorize vocabulary:
    1. Visible Not Visible

blister headache

1. Symptom Injury

chills cut


" Put models on the board and practice. Make appropriate substitutions.

A: What's [he matter?

B: I don’t feel well. I have a(n) headache.

A: Sorry to hear that.

2. toothache 3. earache 4. stomachache 5. backache 6. sore Ihroat 8. fever

Ai Look at my swollen finger. Bi Oh, too bad, [put it on ice]. A: Thanks, for the advice. 11. insect bite 12. bruise 13. cut etc

Interview Questions

  1. I low are you feeling now?
  2. What can you take for a stomachache?
  3. Have you ever had a bloody nose? A sprained ankle?
  4. What makes you sneeze? cough?

Listening: в #26, p. 218

"Ben Knows Best" Students listen and point to ihe symptoms and injuries on page 78 that are mentioned.


Discussion Questions

  1. Some people talk constantly or exaggerate stories about their health ailments. Why do they do this?
  2. Coughing and sneezing spread disease. How can you protect yourself
    and others from contagious germs?

Theme: Illnesses and Medical Conditions



Lesson: #20

Time required: 50 min


  • To improve students speaking skills
  • To develop students speech
  • To challenge students to be friendly

Materials needed:

Workbooks, p. 79

Classic >

Related Dictionary Pages

  • The Body, pp. 74-75
  • Symptoms and Injuries, p. 73
  • Health Care, pp. 80-81
  • Medical Emergencies, p. H2
  • First Aid, p. 83


In the U.S., new,and improved drug therapies, vaccines, technologies and surgical procedures have done much to improve health care. Most consumers rely on traditional "Western medicine" for the diagnosis and treatment of illness. However, there is growing acceptance of alternative, even ancient healing approaches. Flu, like the common cold, is a virus that spreads rapidly in schools and in the workplace.

  • The World Health Organization estimates that 1 7 million people worldwide have been infected with HIV. By Ihe year 2000, an estimated 30 lo 40 million people will have been infected.


Related Vocabulary

pneumonia benign

hepatitis contagious

bronchitis radiation

appendicitis stroke

heart attack chemotherapy

arthritis anlthiolics

  • Pick one disease that your>
  • Respect confidentiality and privacy when discussing medical conditions.


Describe pictures on the page as you use the target language several limes. Look at #3. The boy has an air infection. His ear hurts. Ear infections are not contagious. He needs antibiotics to get well.

Tell a story about your experience with a common illness or medical condition. My grandfather has diabetes. His pancreas doesn't produce insulin. My family helps him watch his diet. He can't eat many sweet foods.


Ask students a series of or questions about the pictures. Look at 5. Does the boy have measles or mumps? (measles) Look at f16. Do parasites develop in the lungs or intestines!* (inteslines)


Chalkboard Activities

  • Have students categorize vocabulary:
    1. Visible Not Visible

measles asthma

2. Vaccine No Vaccine

chicken pox tuberculosis


A Put models on the board and practice. Make appropriate substitutions.

A: ABC School. Can I help you?

B: Yes, this is Hose Ortega's mom]. Hose! is

sick wilh a cold today.

2. the flu 3. an ear infection 4. strep throal

5. the measles h. chicken роч

A: Dr. [WeissJ, do I have asthma?

B: Your test result is negative, but let's run another test to make sure.

9. diabetes 12. brain cancer 13.TU 16. intestinal parasites, etc.

Interview Questions

  1. Which childhood illnesses did you have?
  2. Is there a history of cancer or heart disease in your family?

Listening: Listen and Write

  • Have students write the number, e.g.:
  1. Pain, fever and dizziness are signs of an ear infection. (#3)
  2. Diabetes is not a contagious disease. (#9) Etc.


Problem Solving

  • Have students brainstorm solutions. Eva, age 14, has a serious disease. Her parents' religion forbids medical treatment. The doctors say she could die without treatment. Who should decide for Mona?

Theme: First Aid



Lesson: #21

Time required: 50 min


  • To improve students speaking skills
  • To develop students speech
  • To challenge students to be friendly

Materials needed:

Workbooks, p. 83

Classic >

Related Dictionary Pages

  • The Body, pp. 74-75
  • Symptoms and Injuries, p. 78
  • illnesses and Medical Conditions, p. 79
  • Medical Emergencies, p. 82


In the U.S., 41 I ii the universal telephone number for emergency aid. Operators can call for ambulances, firefighters, and the police department.

First aid is help you give victims of a medical emergency until they can receive medical attention. A first aid kit should be kepi closed and out of the reach of children.

The Keimlich maneuver is given when a person is choking and cm no longer cough or breathe.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is

a combination of chest compression and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and requires training. It is given when a person's heart has stopped beating.

Rescue breathing (mou t h - to- m о u th resuscitation or artificial respiration) is given when someone has stopped breathing.


Related Vocabulary

iodine alcohol

syrup of ipecac Epsom salts

boric acid smelling sails

to save a life internal use only external/topical use only

  • Students may not know what a

particular product is used for. Teaching how lo read warning labels is a worthwhile (follow-uр lesson).


Ask students to look at the dictionary page and name the items they have in their homes.

Tell students a story about a lime you used one of the items on this page. Talk about the injury or medical problem and how you took care of it.

Act out how a person removes a splinter. Speak as you do the actions. / have л little piece of wood in my finger. I'm going to take it out with tweezers.


Ask students to identify the number of a particular picture based on your description. You use this '' you have a cut. It doesn't burn. It's hydrogen peroxide. (#8)-You use this if you sprained or broke a finger. The finger can't move when you use it. It's a splint (#11)

PROVIDE PRACTICE Chalkboard Activities

Draw a large outline of a body. Have students write the first aid item on the board on the area of the body where it is used.


Put models on the board and practice. Make appropriate substitutions.

A: Excuse me, where can I find tape? B: On aisle 6, {near the back!. A: Thanks for your help.

6. gauze 8. hydrogen peroxide

9. antibacterial ointment 10. Antihislamine cream

A: I really want to learn how to do the

Heimlich maneuver. B: Why? A: It saved my friend's life!

16. rescue breathing 17. CPR

Interview Questions

  1. Do you have a first aid kit? Where do
    you keep it? What's in it?
  2. What do you usually put on a small
  3. What do you pul on an insect bite?

EXPAND THE LESSON Discussion Questions

  1. A medical emergency ID bracelet tells medical personnel about serious
    medical conditions. What are some reasons to wear one?
  2. What are some good reasons to learn CPR and rescue breathing?

Theme: Medical Emergencies


Lesson: #22

Time required: 50 min


  • To improve students speaking skills
  • To develop students speech
  • To challenge students to be friendly

Materials needed:

Workbooks, pp. 82

Classic >

Related Dictionary Pages

  • The Body, pp. 74-75
  • Emergencies and Natural Disasters,
    pp. 102-101
  • job Safety, p. 147


In the U.S., people with medical emergencies are usually taken to the emergency room in hospitals. In most places, it is possible to call 911 for a paramedic and an ambulance. Paramedics are able to administer first aid.

Some of the emergencies on this page, such as having an allergic reaction, burning yourself, bleeding, or falling can be minor problems that do not require medical attention. They are included here because in their extreme form they are life threatening. Shock has several meanings: as a medical condition, to be in shock is an acute state of physical collapse; whereas to get an electric shock is to receive a sudden charge of electricity through the body, which stimulates the nerves and contracts the muscles. Finally, to he shocked is also an emotional state.

Related Vocabulary
Paramedic ambulance*
Wound pain
Miscarriage puncture
Seizure coma
Fracture faint
Heatstroke hypothermia
Snakebite panic

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