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«Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: ...»

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1. Ragtime: the form of music, song and dance of black US origin, popular in the 1920's in which the strong note of the tune comes just before the main beat of the music played with it (syncopation)

2. a new model T-Ford: the model T-Ford, of which 15 million were sold, was the automobile that changed the pattern of life in the United States. It first appeared in 1908 and was one of the first cars to be made by assembly line methods and was the first gasoline-operated car sold at a price that many Americans could afford. The name of its builder, Henry Ford, became a household word around the world.

3. Theodore Roosevelt: (1858-1919), twenty-sixth president of the United States of America (1901 -1909).

4. Manhattan: one of the five boroughs that make up New York City. Reputation as the cultural centre of the nation.

5. Wall Street: a street in New York City, extending from Broadway to the East River, financial center of the United States.

6. Scott Joplin: (1868-1917), American composer of ragtime music, who was known as the "King of Ragtime". The son of a railroad laborer who had been a slave, Joplin showed musical ability by the time he was seven. He taught himself to play the piano and eventually became an itinerant musician, playing in cafes and honky-tonks and learning the music of the blacks in the Mississippi Valley.

7. Carrie Jacobs Bond: (1862-1946), songwriter, author of about 170 published songs, including "I Love You Truly" and "The End of a Perfect Day".

8. coon songs: White American Negro (Black) folksongs.

9. minstrel show: stage entertainment featuring comic dialogue, song and dance, in highly conventionalized patterns. Performed by a troupe of actors in blackface comprising of an interlocutor, two end men, and a chorus; developed in the United States in the early and mid-19th century.



1.... there was something disturbingly resolute and self-important in the way he asked her...

There was something strange in (about) the way he greeted me that morning.

There was something disturbing (in) about the way the girl entered the room.

There is something special in the way she dresses on Sundays.

2. He was a stocky man with large dark eyes so intense as to suggest they were about to cross.

I think the speaker is about to conclude his speech.

I have a strange feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

The satellite launch is about to commence.

3. This was the most she had said in all the months she had lived in the house.

This was the most he had eaten in a long time.

This was the most I had heard from my family all year.

While your pupil is recovering he can only read the book. This will be the most you can expect of him.

4.... tuned or not the Aeolian had never made such sounds.

Clumsy or not she was a good basketball player.

Busy or not Mr Jones always finds time for his students.

disturbingly [dis'tq:biNli] syn(annoyingly) – раздражающе; надоедливо, неприятно

resolute ['rezqlu:t] – непоколебимый, решительный, твердый

self-important [ ] с большим самомнением; важничающий

disturbing [dis'tq:biN] беспокоящий, волнующий

stocky – коренастый, низкий, приземистый

Phrases and Word Combinations

to go past to suffer (no) embarrassment – пройти (не) испытывая смущения/затруднения (?)

(to look) right and left on the contrary – (смотреть) налево, направо, напротив (?); осмотреться

to judge one's age (to do smth) to one's satisfaction – оценивать ч-л возраст для ч-л

to presume to do smth to bring to a conclusion – осмелиться сделать ч-л для завершения

to regret smth to clear one's throat – прокашляться с сожалением (?)

to question the propriety to be knowledgeable* in/about of smth – осведомляться об уместности (?)

* be knowledgeable – хорошо осведомленный, знающий (about); умный


1. set vt/i 1) to make to be in a specified condition, as to open the cage and set the bird free; to set the papers (a village, a house) on fire; to fix or determine (a rule, time, standard), as to set a wedding day, to set a new land, speed, record; 2) to give (a piece of work) for (someone) to do, e. g. Who sets the questions for the examination? The teacher sets the class various exercises. 3) to fix firmly (a part of the body, esp. regarded as showing one's intentions, feelings, etc.), e. g. He set his jaw and refused to agree to anything I said. She's set against her daughter's marriage. 4) to put into action, e. g. He set the machine going with a push; to set the ball rolling; 5) to cause (a liquid, paste, soft material, etc.) to become solid, e. g. Set the jelly by putting it in a cold place. 6) to write or provide (music) for a poem or other words to be sung, e. g. The poem was set to аn old working song tune.

1. set vt/i 1) привести в опр. состояние, как то открыть клетку и освободить птичку; поджечь бумаги (деревню, дом); назначить или определить (правило, время, стандарт), как то назначить день свадьбы, to set a new land, speed, record; 2) назначить/выделить кому-то участок работы, e. g. Кто устанавливает вопросы на экзамен? Учитель задал классу различные упражнения. 3) to fix firmly (a part of the body, esp. regarded as showing one's intentions, feelings, etc.), e. g. He set his jaw and refused to agree to anything I said. She's set against her daughter's marriage. 4) задействовать, e. g. He set the machine going with a push; to set the ball rolling; 5) затвердеть (a liquid, paste, soft material, etc.) to become solid, e. g. Set the jelly by putting it in a cold place. 6) писать музыку на слова for a poem or other words to be sung, e. g. The poem was set to аn old working song tune.


to set 1) а) сажать, усаживать а) сесть, сидеть в) сидеть (об одежде) 3), подходить, соответствовать, быть к лицу 4) садиться, заходить (о солнце, луне;); подходить к концу (о дне) 6) а) ставить, класть; расставлять, размещать, располагать 7) иметь от природы определенное положение, расположение 9) подписывать, ставить (подпись, печать на документе) 10) приводить (в какое-л. состояние), помещать (в какое-л. положение); в этом значении употребляется в большом количестве фразеологических сочетаний, а также с прилагательными в роли комплемента, часто соответствует по значению одиночному глаголу 11) а) заставить принять определенное положение в пространстве б) придать (чему-л. определенную форму) в) оформиться, сложиться; принять определенные очертания, определенную форму 12) ставить благосостояние, судьбу в зависимость от чего-л. ; зависеть (в своей судьбе от чего-л. - upon) 13) покоиться, останавливать, быть прикованным (на ком-л., чем-л. - о взгляде, глазах) 14) а) назначать, устанавливать, определять (цену; в наст. время преим. в сочетании:) б) оценивать, давать оценку 15) помещать, размещать, расставлять (кого-л. для выполнения каких-л. обязанностей - часовых, охрану и т. п.) 16) ограничивать, устанавливать ограничения 17) предписывать, устанавливать (правила, регламент и т. п.), формулировать (закон) 18) назначать, фиксировать (время или период времени) 19) подавать (пример); вводить (моду, стиль) 20) а) ставить (задачу, цель и т. п.); задавать (работу, задание и т. п.) б) предлагать (вопрос, задачу) для решения; предлагать, предписывать (книгу, учебник и т. п.) для экзамена, курса обучения 21) ставить (сети, ловушки) 22) устанавливать; пригонять, вправлять 23) сажать в печь, засовывать в печь (для выпечки, обжига и т. п.) 24) вставлять в раму или оправу, оправлять (драгоценные камни); 25) поднимать, ставить (паруса) 26) а) заливать (жидкость) при определенной температуре, давлении и т. п. для осуществления каких-л. процессов, особ. в сыроварении б) добавлять закваску, дрожжи (в пивоварении, кулинарии) 27) а) накрывать на стол б) класть, размещать (еду) в) организовывать цвета на палитре 28) набирать (шрифт) 29) а) положить (слова) на музыку; написать (музыкальную композицию) для определенных голосов или инструментов; (реже) сочинить (музыку) к словам; б) (хорошо) ложиться на музыку 30) монтировать декорации (для сцены); размещать (предметы декорации) на сцене; 31) точить (острые инструменты, особ. бритву); разводить (пилу) 32) а) вправлять (напр., костные фрагменты) б) срастаться (о кости) 33) укладывать (волосы), делать укладку 34) классифицировать, ставить на какое-л. место 35) быть решенным, быть определенным; быть полным решимости 36) становиться неподвижным (о лице, взгляде и т. п.) 37) а) стискивать, сжимать (зубы, губы, рот) б) сжиматься, стискиваться (о зубах, губах) в) напрягаться, твердеть (о мускулах); приготовиться, быть готовым (что-л. делать) 38) а) заставлять твердеть, застывать; свертывать, сгущать (молоко и т. п.) б) затвердевать, застывать; делаться густым, прочным; схватываться; створаживаться (о молоке) 39) а) способствовать образованию завязи (о пчелах); приниматься (о деревьях) б) завязываться (о цветах, плодах) 40) устанавливаться (о погоде) 41) принять определенное положение и произвести несколько шагов, повернувшись лицом к партнеру или танцору справа или слева 43) выбрать (определенное) направление или курс (о течении, ветре и т. п.); иметь (ту или иную) тенденцию, направленность 44) перемещать, перевозить, переправлять 45) нести, увлекать в определенном направлении (о течении, ветре и т. п.) 46) направлять, поворачивать 47) засаживать (кого-л. за работу), поручать, заставлять (что-л. делать) 48) а) направлять, сосредоточивать (мысль, волю, желание и т. п. на рассмотрение или выполнение чего-л.) б) засесть (за работу), взяться, приняться (за что-л., делать что-л.) 51) подносить, приближать, приставлять

to set eyes on – to see, e. g. I hope I never set eyes on that fellow again.

to set one's teeth on edge – to make one disgusted; to make one feel annoyed or irritated by a remark, a sound or an action. 1. To have a sharp sour taste that makes you rub your teeth together. 2. To make one feel nervous or annoyed. – вызывать досаду, раздражение замечанием, звуком, действием

to set one's heart (mind, hopes) on – to be filled with strong desire for, e. g. The boy has set his heart on becoming an engineer. – to be intent on; to be determined about, want very much

set a 1) determined, e. g. He is very set on going and I can't make him see that it's a bad idea. 2) given or fixed for study, e. g. The examination will have questions on the set books (texts). 3) (of part of the body, manner, state of mind, etc.) fixed in position, unmoving, e. g. She greeted her guests with a set smile. 4) ready, prepared, e. g. Are you all set? Then let's go.

set n 1) (informal) a group of people of a special type: – круг людей, связанных своим статусом, общими интересами, привычками или занятием: группа, компания, шайка и т. п. (the jet set – элита, сливки общества; "денежные мешки"). 2) (not pl) natural position of part of the body – положение, позиция частей тела (случайная или постоянная), e. g. From the set of her shoulders it was clear that she was tired. 3) setting of the hair – б) укладка (волос), e. g. "Shampoo and set, please," she said abruptly.

2. abandon vt 1) to leave completely and forever, desert, e. g. The sailors abandoned the sinking ship. 2) to leave (a relation or friend) in a thoughtless (необдуманно) or cruel (жестоко) way, e. g. He abandoned his wife and went abroad. 3) to give up, esp. without finishing, e. g. The search was abandoned when the night came though the child had not been found.

N.B. to abandon may be used with far more negative reasons than to give up.

3. resent vt to show or feel indignation at, as to resent smb's behaviour (smb's words, an insult, smb's manner, etc.), e. g. Anyone would resent such treatment. The child resented being made fun of. – негодовать, возмущаться; обижаться

Note: the pattern smb resents smth. Compare with the Russian patterns: кого-л. возмущает что-л.; что-л. возмущает кого-л.

resentful a feeling or showing resentment, as to be resentful of smb (smth), e. g. The boy was resentful of the remark. – 1) обиженный; возмущённый (about, at, of) 2) обидчивый

resentment n a feeling of indignation or annoyance; a deep sense of injury, as to (have) bear no resentment against smb (smth), e. g. His conduct aroused everybody's resentment. – негодование, возмущение; чувство обиды (about; against; at, towards)


4. suggest vt 1) to cause to come to the mind, e. g. The open window suggested that somebody else had got into the house. – 1) предлагать, советовать 2) внушать, вызывать; подсказывать (мысль); намекать; наводить на мысль; говорить о, означать

2) to bring itself to the mind, e. g. An idea suggested itself, Harry has bad manners. Lack of proper home training suggests itself.

3) to give signs (of), e. g. Her expression suggested anger/(that) she was angry.

suggestion n a slight sign, e. g. Her face held a suggestion of anger.

5. hand n 1) a performer; a practiser of a skill

an old hand – An experienced and highly skilled expert at some particular job.,

be good hand at smth – To be talented, gifted, or skilled in some activity.

Ant. not much of a hand at smth, e. g. I am not much of a hand at making pastry.

2) encouragement given by clapping the hands, as to give a (good, big) hand to, get a (big, good) hand; 3) help (lend a helping hand to); 4) control (get/become out of hand), e. g. The meeting is getting out of hand — will everybody stop talking at once!

at hand (formal) near in time or place, e. g. She always keeps her dictionary at hand. – находящийся под рукой; близкий (тж. о времени)

by hand by a person, not a machine or organisation, e. g. These rugs are made by hand. – 1) руками; ручным способом 2) самолично

to eat out of someone's hand – to be ready to do everything someone wants, e. g. I'll soon have him eating out of my hand. – To trust someone fully; believe or obey someone without question. – — безоговорочно подчиняться кому-л.; становиться совсем ручным

to give smb a free hand – to allow smb to do things in his/her own way – давать кому-л. свободу действий

hand in glove (with) – closely connected (with someone), esp. in smth bad, e. g. They were found to be hand in glove with enemy agents. – Very close or friendly; working together; in very close agreement or cooperation, especially for bad purposes. – в приятельских отношениях, на короткой ноге, не разлей вода

hat in hand – to beg, look for smth, e. g. He went to his employer, hat in hand, for a pay-rise (повышение заработной платы). – In a humble and respectful manner. – подобострастно

on the one/other hand (used for comparing different things or ideas), e. g. I know this job of mine isn't much, but on the other hand I don't feel tied down.

to try one's hand (at) to attempt (an activity), e. g. I tried my hand at swimming though it was the first time I'd been in the water.

to wash one's hands of (affair)– to refuse to be concerned with or responsible for, e. g. He washed his hands of the entire affair. –умыть руки (не иметь больше отношения к чему-либо)


6. clear vt/i 1) to cause to become clear, e. g. After the storm the sky cleared. He cleared his throat. 2) to (cause to) go away, e. g. Soldiers! Clear the people away from the palace gates. 3) to remove, take away, get rid of, e. g. Whose job is it to clear snow from the road? 4) to free from blame (a person wrongly thought to have done smth wrong), e. g. The judge cleared the prisoner of any crime and set him free.

clear a 1) bright, free from anything that darkens, as clear sky, clear eyes. 2) certain, confident, e. g. She seems quite clear about her plans. 3) free from guilt or blame, untroubled, as a clear conscience, clear of guilt. 4) open, free from blocks, danger or obstructions, as a clear road, clear view, e. g. The road's clear of snow now.

the coast is clear (informal) all danger has gone, e. g. When the coast was clear the two thieves escaped. – no danger is in sight, no one can see you – No enemy or danger is in sight; there is no one to see you.

7. conduct n (formal) behaviour, e. g. I'm glad to see your conduct at school has improved. – 1) руководство, управление; командование 2) поведение ( обыкн. связывается с моральными принципами )

conduct vt 1) (formal) to behave (oneself), e.g. I like the way your children conduct themselves. Their behaviour is very good. 2) to direct the course of (a business, activity, etc.). 3) to lead or guide (a person, tour, etc.). 4) to stand before and direct the playing of musicians or a musical work. 5) to act as the path for (electricity, heat, etc.), e. g. Plastic and rubber won't conduct electricity. 6) to collect payments from the passengers (on a public vehicle), e. g. She's conducted on London buses for 20 years.

1) сопровождать, сопутствовать, быть чьим-л. проводником 2) вести, руководить 3) дирижировать (оркестром, хором и т. п.) 4) вести себя (о манере, поведении) 5) проводить; служить проводником 6) вести (о дороге, проходе и т. п.)

conductor n 1) a person who directs the playing of a group of musicians. 2) a substance that readily acts as a path for electricity, heat, etc., e. g. Wood is a poor conductor of heat. 3) (AE) a railroad employee in charge of a train and train crew.

8. compose vt/i 1) to write (music, poetry, essays, etc.), e. g. It is very time-consuming to compose a good essay. 2) to make up (smth), form (smth), e. g. The chemistry teacher asked the pupils what water was composed of. – 1) сочинять, писать ( музыкальное или литературное произведение ) 2) набирать 3) улаживать, успокаивать ( ссору, разногласия ); успокаиваться 4) составлять

Syn. comprise, consist of, include, be made up of

3) to make (esp. oneself) calm, quiet, etc., e. g. The students couldn't stop laughing so the teacher asked them to compose themselves. 4) to make or form (smth) by putting parts together, e. g. The artist composed an interesting picture by putting the variously-coloured shapes together.

composer n a person who writes music.

composition n 1) act of putting together parts to form smth, act of composing, as a piece of music of his own composition. 2) an example of this, as a piece of music or art or a poem, e. g. I like his earlier poems but not his later compositions.


9. abrupt a 1) sudden and unexpected, e. g. The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. 2) (of behaviour, speech, character, etc.) rough and impolite, not wanting to waste time being nice, e. g. Everybody resented his abrupt answer. – 1) внезапный; неожиданный, непредвиденный 2) крутой, обрывистый 3) резкий, грубый ( о манерах и т. п. ) 4) отрывистый, неровный ( о стиле ) 5) скачкообразный ( об изменении и т. п. )

abruptly adv in an abrupt manner, e. g. "No," said Roger abruptly, "I'm staying here."

abruptness n e. g. His abruptness was really impolite. – 1) крутизна, обрывистость 2) внезапность; неожиданность 3) резкость ( движений ); резкость, грубость ( ответа ) 4) отрывистость, неровность ( стиля )

10. ignore vt not to take notice of, e. g. Ignore the child if he misbehaves and he will soon stop.

to ignore smth to pretend not to know or see it, e. g. She saw him coming but she ignored him. Ant. to consider, to regard

Note: The Russian for to ignore is игнорировать, не замечать. Ignore does not correspond to the Russian пренебрегать, не заботиться о чём-л., упускать из виду which is expressed by the verb to neglect, as to neglect one's duties, one's children.

ignorant a 1) lacking knowledge, not aware, as ignorant of even simplest facts, e. g. He is quite ignorant of these facts. She was ignorant of his presence. (She didn't know he was there.) 2) rude, impolite esp. because of lack of social training, e. g. He is an ignorant person — he always goes through a door in front of a girl (lady). She is an ignorant girl: she knows nothing about her country's history. – 1) невежественный, необразованный, безграмотный 2) несведущий, не знающий ( of, in; that ) 3) вульгарный, невоспитанный


1. a) Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words:

rigidly ['ri8idli] – 1) жестко, твердо; неподвижно 2) строго, сурово

nuisance ['nju:sns] – 1) досада; неприятность 2) то, что мешает, создает проблемы а) надоедливый человек; зануда б) невыносимое состояние, положение вещей в) неудобство, помеха

bouquet [bu(:)'kei] – 1) букет; букетик 2) комплимент, любезность 3) букет, аромат (вина)

chrysanthemum [kri's1nT(q)mqm] – хризантема

transient ['tr1nziqnt] – 1. 1) кратковременный, мимолетный, недолговечный, преходящий, скоротечный 2) временный, переходный 3) мигрирующий, кочующий; 4) временный, транзитный (жилец) (о жильце в гостинице) 5) случайный; отдельный 2. 1) нечто временное, проходящее 3) ; человек, переезжающий с места на место в поисках работы

exhilarate [ig'zilqreit] – веселить, развлекать; оживлять, подбодрять, воодушевлять

intransigence [in'tr1nsi8qns] – непримиримость (about)

awe [O:] – 1. (благоговейный) страх, трепет, благоговение

ensemble [a:n'sa:mbl] – 1) ансамбль (тж. tout ensemble) а) группа музыкантов б) произведение для совместного исполнения 2) общее впечатление 3) костюм, туалет; гарнитур, ансамбль

casino [kq'si:nqu] – игорный дом, казино

chord [kO:d] – 1) струна (тж. перен.) 2) связка 3) хорда (окружности) 4) пояс фермы II 1) аккорд, гармония звуков 2) сочетание цветов, гамма красок

delineate [di'linieit] – 1) набрасывать, чертить, намечать 2) схематически изображать (то, что должно быть создано); делать набросок; набрасывать 3) очерчивать, обрисовывать, изображать 4) изображать; выражать, описывать

syncopate ['siNkqpeit] – 2) сокращать слово, опуская звук или слог в середине его

octave ['Oktiv] – 4) восьмерка, восемь предметов

vigorous ['vig(q)rqs] – сильный, энергичный; решительный

intricate ['intrikit] – запутанный, сложный, замысловатый; затруднительный

coon [ku:n] – 1) енот 2) хитрец, ловкач, хитрый парень 3) ; негр, чернокожий

minstrel ['minstr(q)l] – 1) менестрель (средневековый поэт) 2) поэт; певец 3) исполнители негритянских песен (загримированные неграми; тж. Christy minstrel, Negro minstrel, nigger minstrel)


b) Get together with another student. Listen to his/her reading. What recommendations would you give to correct any mispronunciations?

2. a) Read out aloud the following sentences from the text; divide them into intonation groups using proper intonation patterns; observe stresses, strong and weak forms. Make them sound rhythmically correct:

1. I am looking for a young woman of color [k0lq] whose name is Sarah, he said. 2. She is said to reside [ri'zaid] in one of these houses.

3. He was a stocky man with a red-complected shining brown face, high cheekbones ['7i:kbquns] and large dark eyes so intense as to suggest they were about to cross. 4. Mother, not thinking clearly, was suddenly outraged that he had presumed to come in the door. 5. The colored man took another glance at the child, rose, thanked her and departed. 6. One Sunday the colored man left a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums which in this season had to have cost him a pretty penny (= a large amount of money). 7. Mother said he was well-spoken[28] and conducts himself as a gentleman. 8. It was important, he said, for a musician to find a place that was permanent, a job that required no travelling. 9. He had heard [hiqd] it in his nightlife period in New York. 10. Well, he said, it appears as if Miss Sarah will not be able to receive me.

b) Get together with your partner. Listen to his/her reading, analyse possible variants in the intonation group division.

3. Complete the following sentences:

1. There is something nice in the way she dresses on Sundays. 2. There is something exciting in her light step. 3. There was something unusual in what she had said.

4. This is the most the girl can offer him... 5. This was the most the man could respond her.. 6. This will be the most the children can be expected of..

7. Delicious or not the dinner came in very handy.. 8. Pleasant or not you must take him into consideration. 9. She was about to catch into the icy cold water but then she decided not to. 10. We are about to complete an agreement with you.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the speech patterns (p. 108):

1. He has a pleasant way of looking at her. 2. She has a poetical way of speaking. 3. This was the biggest meal David Copperfield had eaten for a week. 4. She had never before said anything so unpleasant to him. 5. No matter how tired she was she was always ready to give a helping hand. 6. We shall buy the piano whether it is expensive or not. 7. She was just leaving the house when the telephone rang. 8. She was on the point of tears when he suddenly appeared in the doorway. 1. There is something pleasant in the way he was looking at her. 2. There is something poetical in the way she was speaking. 3. This was the most meal David Copperfield had eaten for a week. 4. This was the most unpleasant she had ever before said to him. 5. Tired or not she was always ready to give a helping hand. 6. Expensive or not we shall buy the piano. 7. She was about to leave the house when the telephone rang. 8. She was about to burst into tears when he suddenly appeared in the doorway.


5. Make up and act out dialogues using the speech patterns.

– There was something strange in the way she has entered the>

– I don't think so. She always enters the room in such a way.

– No, she was about to jump on me with her global usual accusations.

– Hm, may be you are right, but nothing was the most she had said in all the minutes before the lesson.

– True or not I have only shared my anxiety with you.

6. Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns:

1. Есть что-то странное в том, как она одевается. 2. Было что-то удивительное в том, как он это сказал. 3. Было что-то привлекательное в том, как ребенок протянул цветы. 4. Она позвонит ему обязательно. Но это самое большее, что она может сделать. 5. Она съела ломтик хлеба и снова уснула. Это было самое большее, что она съела за два дня. 6. Интересные рассказы или нет, их нужно прочитать. 7. Болезненная операция или нет, она обязательна. 8. Она собралась что-то сказать, но затем передумала. 9. Она собралась уже взять отпуск, когда заболел ее отец. 10. Она уже сидела у пианино, чтобы начать играть, когда зазвонил телефон. 1. There is something strange in the way she dresses herself. 2. There was something astonishing in the way he (had) said it. 3. There was something nice in the way the child held the flowers out. 4. She shall phone him of cause but it is the most she can do. 5. She ate a slice of bread and felt asleep again. This was the most she had eaten in two days. 6. Interesting or not the stories are to/should be read. 7. Painful or not the operation is obligatory. 8. She was about to do smth (on the point of doing smth), but than decided not to (changed her mind). 9. She was about to vocation when her father felt ill. 10. She was about to play the piano when the phone began to ring.

7. Note down the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 109) and translate them into Russian.

Father noted that he suffered no embarrassment by being in the parlor with a cup and saucer in his hand. – Отец заметил, что он не испытывает не какого смущения будучи в гостиной с чашкой и блюдцем в руке.

The driver was looking right and left as if trying to find a particular address; – Водитель оглядывался по сторонам, как будто пытаясь отыскать определённый(?) адрес.

Mother could not judge his age. – Мама не могла определить его возраст (судить о)

Mother, not thinking clearly, was suddenly outraged that he had presumed to come in the door. – Мама, не осознавая толком, вдруг возмутилась тем, что он посмел войти в дверь.

She began to regret Sarah's intransigence. – Она начала сожалеть о непримиримости Сары

Father questioned the propriety of this. – Отец осведомился об уместности этого.

8. Paraphrase the following sentences:

1. We are losing money right and left. 2. Days went past without any news. 3. Judge its size, please. 4. He presumed to tell his manager how the work ought to be done. 5. I don't mind living in the city but I regret being without my horse. 6. I would never question his honesty. 7. She suffered the loss of her pupils' respect. 8. "I believe you like your job." "On the contrary, I hate it" 9. It's been proved to my satisfaction that you are telling the truth. 10. "He is very knowledgeable about flowers," he said clearing his throat.

9. Make up and set out dialogues using the phrases and word combinations (pair work).

10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Мимо пробежали дети. 2. Она посмела зайти за прилавок магазина, так как очень торопилась. 3. Мне трудно судить о его знаниях в физике. 4. Я всегда сожалею о потерянном времени. 5, Я никогда не сомневалась в его честности. 6. К моему великому удивлению, он не страдает от угрызений совести. 7. Сегодня холодно, не правда ли? — Наоборот, сегодня тепло. 8. К моему большому удовлетворению, oна подала заявление в институт. 9. Он блестяще подвел к концу свое исследование. 1. Children ran past. 2. She presumed to drop into the shop board/counter because she was very hurry. 3. I am difficult to judge his knowledge in Physics. 4. I always regret the last time. 5. I would never question his honesty. I never doubt his honesty. 6. To my great astonishment he does not suffer from remorse. 7. It is cold today, isn't it? — On (to) the contrary it is warm today. 8. To my great satisfaction she has applied to an institute. 9. He has brilliantly brought/get his investigation to a head/close. He has brilliantly button/carry his investigation up/out/through.


11. Answer the questions and do the given assignments:

a) 1. Who was the man who arrived one Sunday afternoon to the house? 2. Why was the man looking for the young woman of colour? 3. Why was the girl Sarah accustomed to sitting at the window? 4. What made Sarah ask Mother send the visitor away? 5. Why was Mother outraged when she returned downstairs? 6. Why did Mother decide to give him more of a visit next time? 7. Why did the Negro suffer no embarrassment in the parlour? 8. How did the Negro describe his career as a pianist? 9. What was the source of Father's irritation when he finally asked the Negro to play the piano? 10. Why did the Negro agree to play the piano for them? 11. What was it in the music he played that changed the mood of the family. 12. Do you think the Negro accomplished what he had hoped for from the visit?

b) The title "Ragtime" is supposed to be the symbolic representation of the atmosphere which characterizes the scene of the novel. Do you feel that the rhythm and the intonation of E. Doctorow's prose imitate those of ragtime? (whose characteristic features are syncopation, swing, high tension, fluctuation between the regular rhythm of sharp harmonic accents and a lively irregular ragged melodic line, the incongruity, that is a special charm of the music).

c) 1. Discuss the stylistic means the author uses to create tension:

1) the incongruity of the sensational plot and the dry tone in which it is described, 2) the common situation and the formal tone, 3) the contrast of different>

2. Describe how the author contrasts the young man's behaviour and appearance with the music he plays. Pay attention to the epithets, similes, metaphors, repetitions and gradation, abrupt changes from short sentences to long ones, and then back again. Observe the proportion of short sentences, the telegraphic>


12. Explain what is meant by:

  1. He was dressed in the affection of wealth to which coloured people lent themselves. – Он был одет в привязанности к достатку, к которому относили себя негры.
  2. She is said to reside in one of these houses. – Она, говорят, живёт в одном из этих домов.
  3. A bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums which in this season had to have cost him a pretty penny. – букет желтых хризантем, которые в это время года, должно быть, стоили ему немалых денег.
  4. The surroundings did not awe him nor was his manner deferential.
  5. Oh, yes, Mother said, we are terrible about that.
  6. There seemed to be no possibilities for life than those delineated by the music.
  7. This was a most robust composition, a vigorous music that roused the senses and never stood still a moment.
  8. ... until the entire room was made to glow with its own being.
  9. His taste ran to Carrie Jacobs Bond.
  10. He thought Negro music had to have smiling and cakewalking.

13. Give a summary of the text (p. 104).

14. Make up and act out dialogues between:

1. Mother and Father before the tea.

2. Mother and Sarah after the visit of the Negro pianist.

3. Father and Mother's Younger Brother about the pieces the pianist had played.

15. Sometimes we accept invitations to go to the event, just to be polite, so we don't hurt other people's feelings. Write about an experience you didn't enjoy, but which you felt obliged to participate in.


1. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

A. 1. He was given a little money and at times, in the spirit of adventure, he would set off to explore the town. 2. You should set aside some money for a rainy day. 3. He tried to set aside his dislike of his daughter's fiance. 4. We should set off before dawn to get there on time. 5. The redundancies set off strikes throughout the area. 6. The bank helps people wanting to set up business. 7. He set out to climb Everest. 8. Put the jelly into the ice-box to set. 9. We are all set. 10. I like the setting of the show. 11. He has set his heart on becoming a ballet dancer. 117 12**. They sat up till the small hours[29] setting the world to rights[30]. 13. Did someone set fire to the house deliberately? 14. Di had never set foot in Italy before. 15*. Jill is very set in her ways. 16*. Stephen tut-tutted his way through the end-of-vacation examination papers he had set his freshmen students. 17*. The chauffeur regretfully abandoned his plans for an afternoon at the railings. 18*. Anthony could not have blamed Steve if through resentment he now decided to abandon his brother to the dreadful struggle that was to come. 19. The Forsytes resented encroachments on their property. 20. Kit had been called out once before during the night and his body resented the second disturbance. 21. He was a big man who resented the buttons on his shirts. A. 1. Ему давали немного денег и, время от времени, из духа приключения, он, бывало, отправлялся исследовать город. 2. Вам следует откладывать немного денег на "чёрный день". 3. Он пробовал положить конец своей неприязни в отношении невесты! своей дочери. 4. Чтобы добраться туда вовремя нам следует отправиться до рассвета,. 5. (Увольнения по) Сокращения штатов вызвали забастовки повсюду в области. 6. Банк оказывает содействие людям, желающим начать (собственное) дело. 7. Он намеревался взобраться/подняться на [покорить] Эверест. 8. Чтобы желе застыло, поместите его в холодильник. 9. Мы все готовы. 10. Мне нравится помещение/окру­жающая обстановка/художественное оформление спектакля. 11. Он страстно желает стать танцором балета. 117 12. Они не ложились спать до первых часов после полуночи, приводя мир? в порядок. (две идиомы и герундиальный оборот) 13. Кто-то преднамеренно поджёг дом? 14. Дай никогда прежде не ступал ногой на землю Италии. 15. Джилл совершенно определилась в своих манерах/привычках. 16. [Стивен не выразил неодобрение тем, что установил для своих студентов-новичков экзаменационные работы в конце каникул.] 17. Этот шофер, к сожалению, отказался от своих планов [провести день на рельсах](?). 18. Энтони не мог обвинить Стива, если [поборов] негодование он теперь?/[тогда] решил оставить/бросить своего брата перед ужасной борьбой, которая должна была [начаться]. 19. Форсайты обижались за посягательство на их собственность. 20. Кита уже раз вызывали в течение ночи и его тело негодовало за повторное вторжение. 21. Он был крупным мужчиной, который негодовал/возмущался пуговицами/кнопками своей рубашки.
B. 1. It is said that the business of words in prose? is primarily to state; in poetry not only to state but also (and sometimes primarily) to suggest. 2. White gloves to the elbow suggested a Royal Garden party. 3. It would be dreadful if something terrible happened and I were not at hand. 4. He spoke German without any suggestion of French accent. 5. Gentlemen, give a big hand to the band. 6. "I'm old enough to play poker and do something with it. I'll try my hand to-night," thought Hurstwood. 7. My doubts on that point, if I had any, were soon cleared. 8. The debate was conducted in the depressing atmosphere of a half-empty Chamber. 9. The curator's conduct through the museum was informative. 10. A pianist, bandleader, composer and arranger, Duke Ellington, had a major impact on jazz composition and playing. 11. It is the highland nearest to the shore which falls most abruptly. 12. When the adjective "abrupt" is used speaking about words and manners we mean that they are sudden and unconnected. 13. They say that to be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. 14. He had been working at hospital for so long that he ignored the "No smoking" sign. B. 1. Говорят, что в прозе дело слов прежде всего заявить/утверждать/излагать; а в поэзии не только это, но и (а иногда – прежде всего) предлагать (подсказывать, намекать; наводить на мысль). 2. Белые перчатки до локтя предложила Королевская (сад?) партия. 3. Было бы ужасно, если бы случилось что-нибудь ужасное, и я не случился бы под рукой. 4. Он говорил по-немецки без какого-либо намёка на французский акцент. 5. Господа, дайте большую руку полосе (?). 6. "Я слишком стар, чтобы играть в покер и делать что-то с ним. Я попробую свою руку сегодня вечером, " думал Херствуд. 7. Мои сомнения на этот счёт, если бы и были, вскоре рассеялись. 8. Это обсуждение проводилось в гнетущей атмосфере полупустой Палаты. 9. Сопровождение хранителя/смотрителя по музею дало много информации. 10. Пианист, руководитель джаз-оркестра, композитор и аранжировщик, Дюк Эллингтон, обладал основным влиянием на сочинение и исполнение джаза. 11. Это – нагорье, ближайшее к побережью, [которое обрывается наиболее отвесно]. 12. Когда прил. "резкий" употребляется в применение к словам и манерам, подразумевается, что они быстры/неожиданны и несвязны. 13. Говорят, что не знать о своём незнании - болезнь незнающих / не ведать о своём невежестве – болезнь невежд. 14. Он работал в больнице так долго, что он не придавал значения знаку/вывеске «Не курить».


3. Give the English equivalents for:

приводить в определенное состояние, в движение; освобождать; пускать в ход машину; начать дело; сосредоточить мысль на чём-л.; твердеть; заживать; положить на музыку; задерживать; бросить привычку; бросить курить; бросить жену; оставить (потерять) надежду; оставить друга в беде; покинуть свой пост; отказаться от усилий; покинуть тонущий корабль; возмущаться чьим-л. поведением; негодовать на чье-л. отношение; обижаться на замечание; затаить обиду; внушать; вызывать; подсказывать (мысль); намекать; наводить на мысль; говорить о; говорить само за себя; рабочий сцены; из первых рук; продолжительные аплодисменты; сделанный ручным способом; имеющийся в распоряжении; на руках; руки прочь; с одной/другой стороны; убирать со стола; откашливаться; распутывать дело; проясняться (о погоде); вести разговор; дирижировать оркестром; вести дела; вести переговоры; водить группу туристов; проводить урок; проводник; кондуктор; писать музыку; улаживать ссору; успокаиваться; крутой поворот; резкие манеры; отрывистый стиль; крутая тропинка; сказать что-л. резко (отрывисто); не принять к сведению чеи-л. совет; пропустить замечание мимо ушей; не обратить внимание; игнорировать чье-л. присутствие; ничего не понимать в искусстве; не подозревать о существовании кого-л. (чего-л.); невежественный человек; держать кого-л. в неведении; пренебречь обязанностями; запустить дом (дела); не заботиться о детях; запустить занятия. to set into/(to be in) a certain state/condition/position, in motion; to set free; to set in motion/action; to set up business; to set/fix a thought on smth; to set; to set; to set; to cease/(leave/break off)/give up)/relinquish/drop smoking to desert/leave the wife; to drop one's bundle/(lost/give up hope) to abandon the friend in troubles; to leave in the lurch; to desert to abandon efforts; to abandon a sinking ship; to resent smb’s conduct; to resent smb’s attitude; to resent smb’s remark; to bear smb. a grudge, to nurse a grievance (against) to suggest, to put some thought / idea into smb.'s mind / head; to suggest; (the facts) speak for themselves; a grip/scene shifter/stagehand; at first hand; big hand/good hand/ Kentish fire/standing ovation; done by hand, manually; disposable/at the command/available/on hand; in one’s hand; hands off! from the one/other hand; to clear the table/to clear away, clear one's throat; to puzzle the matter out; to clear up; to have / hold a conversation, to talk; to conduct the orchestra; to plead a case, to deal with; to negotiate (with); to carry on negotiations (with); to guide a tourists’ group; to conduct a lesson; a conductor; to compose/write/set music; to make/patch quarrel up; calm / quiet / settle down; an abrupt turn, chicane, right-about face, volte-face; an abrupt manners, abruptness/an abrupt> to turn a deaf ear (to); to pay no heed (to), to pass off (reproof, rebuke); to ignore smb’s presence; not to know the first word about smth. (art); to unsuspect/ignore smth existence; ignorant man; keep in the dark/ignorance; to neglect duties; to neglect/disregard matters/house; to neglect children; to neglect

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:

1. Please, will somebody set (start) the discussion? 2. Mrs Cassidi was fully set (determined) to give her son a good education. 3. If you don't want to set some lung disease you must give up smoking altogether. 4. Is there any wonder she resented (felt injured about) your criticism, it was so bitter. 5. Let's clear (resolve) this problem once and for all. 6. After many attempts the scientist eventually managed to conduct (carry out) his experiment successfully. 7. The path was so abrupt (steep) that we could hardly make it. 8. She knew so many things that the average girl of eight did not know. 9. She ignored (paid no attention to) the hint. 10. The bad mistakes you sometimes make bring to mind the idea of bad knowledge of grammar. 11. When working he always sets (keeps) his tools within easy reach. 12. Pull yourself together, and start from the very beginning.

5. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions:

1. When do people carry a chip on their shoulder? 2. What do some people do when they are in a tight corner and they can see no way out? 3. Why didn't you have a chance to tell him what you think of the whole situation before he left? 4. Why hasn't the orchestra played yet? 5. Why does the man keep working when he must be in so much pain after the accident? 6. What did his poor answer imply about his knowledge of the subject? 7. What do you do with your test paper after finishing it? 8. Why can't you put these questions on the examination paper? 9. When did the robbers manage to escape? 10. Why wasn't Mary able to express herself clearly?


6. Choose the right word: to ignore, to neglect or their derivatives.

1. The easiest way is to just... the letter, act as if I've never got it 2. Sometimes he was so busy that he... to shave for a day, often his shirts needed changing and he... these too.

3. She... him, and let him standing with an outstretched hand.

4. The children were suffering from.... 5. For a week afterwards he... the financial pages. 6. He is also absorbed in sports to the... of his studies. 7. If any exceptions to these rules occurred, they were quite simply.... 8. The house was in a... state. 9. The young officer decided that he could safely... the whole thing. 10.... of the truth he committed the crime.

7. Fill in the blanks with postlogues:

1. It was a popular tune of the day set... new words. 2. The bad weather will set... our building plans. 3. There is no one to set... him as an actor. 4. The judge set... the decision of the lower court. 5. She set... her house work straight after breakfast 6. The pupils cleared... when they saw the teacher. 7. Clear... of the room, I want some peace and quiet. 8. Clear... your desk before you leave school.

8. Make up short situations or a story using the essential vocabulary.

9. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Она поклялась никогда не переступать порог этого дома. 2. Учитель задал ученикам трудную задачу. 3. Он откашлялся и продолжал рассказ. 4. Опасность миновала, можно было действовать без промедления. 5. Дети, давайте поаплодируем артистам. 6. С одной стороны, работа была трудной, с другой — очень заманчивой. 7. Через несколько минут корабль должен был пойти ко дну, и капитан приказал команде покинуть его. 8. Водитель резко повернул машину, чтобы не столкнуться с автобусом, идущим навстречу. 9. Старая леди была шокирована грубыми манерами молодого доктора. 10. Соберитесь с мыслями и начните ответ сначала. 11. Несколько слов, случайно оброненных им, наводили на мысль, что все сказанное было чистейшей выдумкой. 12. У нее ужасно болела голова, но она, не обращая внимания на боль, продолжала работать. 13. Грейс возмущалась, когда ее называли ребенком. 1. She has sworn never to cross the threshold of this house. 2. The teacher has set a difficult problem to pupils. 3. He cleared his throat and continued the story. 4. The danger passed, and it was possible to act delay (immediately). 5. Children, let cheer to the actors. 6. On the one hand, the work was difficult, on the another it was very tempting. 7. In some minutes the ship would have to go to the bottom (to founder), so the captain ordered the crew to abandon her. 8. The driver sharply turned the machine aside in order not to come into collision the bus going towards. 9. The old lady has been shocked with the rough manners of the young doctor. 10. Collect the thoughts/yourself and start the answer from the beginning. 11. Some words, casually dropped by him, put us thought / idea into our mind / head that all told was the absolutest fib. 12. Her head ached awfully but she continued to work without paying [any] attention to the pain. 13. Hreis resented when she was named (as) a child.


10. a) Give the Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs:

1. He who pays the piper calls the tune. – Кто платит, тот и заказывает музыку

2. Don't take your harp to the party. – Не бери свою волынку на чужую вечеринку.

3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. – Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. Лучше одна птичка в руках, чем две в кустах. Лучше воробей в руке, чем петух на крыше Лучше голубь на тарелке, чем тетерев на току Ср. Не сули журавля в небе, дай синицу в руки. –
• one today is worth two tomorrows • A sparrow in the hand is better than a cock on the roof • Better a dove on the plate than a woodgrouse in the mating place • Better a tomtit in your hand than a crane in the sky

b) Explain in English the meaning of each proverb.

c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs.



1. Musical genres (styles):>

2. Musical forms: piece, movement (часть), sonata, aria, fantasy, suite, rhapsody, concerto, solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet (etc.), chorus.

3. Musical rhythms: polka, waltz, march, blues, ragtime, jazz, swing (свинг), bassanova(?), sambo, disco, rock.

4. Musical instruments: (string group): violin, viola (альт), celo, bass, harp (арфа); (wind group): flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon (фагот); (brass group – медные духовые): trumpet, French horn, tuba; (percussion ­ выстукивание, перкуссия), piano, accordion, guitar, saxophone, synthesizer, acoustic, electronique, electric instruments.

5. Music makers: composer, conductor, musician, soloist, virtuoso, minstreller group, team, band, orchestra.

6. Music making: to write authentically Russian, Afro-American, etc. music, to compose, to arrange, to transcribe (аранжировать, транскрибировать), to make music, to perform, to improvise, to interpret, to accompany, to complete.


7. Musical equipment: tape-recorder, video cassette-recorder, tuner, amplifier, player, equalizer, (loud) speaker, turn-table.

8. Musical events: (made up) concert, recital – а) сольный концерт ( даваемый одним исполнителем ) б) концерт или программа, состоящие из произведений одного композитора, jam session – джем-сейшен ( особый тип джазового мероприятия, на котором музыканты совместно импровизируют ), festival, competition.

9. Miscellany: major, flat, baton (дирижёрская палочка), bow (поклон), drum sticks (барабанные палочки), under the baton, single, album, track, record jacket (sleeve), score (партитура), spiritual (церковный), beat (5) такт, ритм; движение дирижерской палочки, дирижирование 6) размер, ритм), video-clip, syncopation, harmony.

Names of Notes

Russian до ре ми фа соль ля си
English С D E F G A В

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