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« министерство образования и науки рф государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования ...»

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  1. specialize in специализировать(ся)
  2. specific особый, специальный
  3. specific distinction характерное отличие
  4. speculation абстрактное теоретизирование,


  1. speech речевая деятельность, речь
  2. spinal cord спинной мозг
  3. spontaneous спонтанный
  4. stability стабильность, твердость характера
  5. stage стадия, фаза
  6. statistical psychology математическая психология
  7. steady 1. прочный, устойчивый, 2. постоянный
  8. steady man уравновешенный человек
  9. stimulate стимулировать, возбуждать
  10. stimulation возбуждение, раздражение
  11. stimulus – stimuli стимул, раздражитель
  12. storage хранение 2. запоминающее устройство
  13. store information накапливать, хранить информацию
  14. strong will сильная воля
  15. structural analysis структурный анализ
  16. structure структура, строение
  17. struggle for existence бороться за существование
  18. study 1. изучать 2. исследование 3. наука
  19. subject предмет, дисциплина
  20. subject of an experiment объект опыта
  21. subjective субъективный, личный
  22. subjective judgement субъективное суждение
  23. subject-matter содержание, предмет (дискуссии)
  24. subliminal perception подпороговое восприятие
  25. subliminally ниже порога восприятия
  26. suffer from stress страдать от стресса
  27. supply smb’s needs удовлетворять чьи-либо нужды
  28. support поддерживать, подтверждать
  29. surgical хирургический
  30. sympathy сочувствие, сострадание, симпатия
  31. taboo табу, запрет
  32. tactile sensation тактильное ощущение
  33. taste 1. вкус, 2. пробовать на вкус
  34. technique 1. техника

2. способ, методика (исследования)

  1. teenager подросток
  2. temper нрав, характер
  3. temperament темперамент
  4. tendency тенденция, склонность
  5. tentative опытный, экспериментальный
  6. term период, срок, время
  7. terminology терминология
  8. thesis тезис, гипотеза
  9. thinking мышление
  10. thought мышление, мысль
  11. totem тотем
  12. touch осязание, дотрагиваться, осязать
  13. trial-and-error method метод проб и ошибок
  14. training 1. воспитание 2. обучение 3. тренировка
  15. transient state переходное состояние
  16. transmission of information передача информации
  17. treatment 1. обращение, обхождение 2. лечение
  18. trend of thought направление мысли
  19. trying twenties трудный двадцатилетний возраст
  20. uncertainty 1.неуверенность 2. изменчивость
  21. under condition of при условии чего-либо
  22. understanding 1. понимание, 2. разум, рассудок
  23. universal values всеобщие ценности
  24. upbringing воспитание
  25. valid method эффективный метод
  26. value ценность
  27. variability изменчивость
  28. variable mood переменчивое настроение
  29. variant 1. различный, 2. вариант
  30. variety разнообразие, разновидность
  31. various разный, разнообразный
  32. verbal языковой, устный
  33. verbal suggestion словесное внушение
  34. victim жертва
  35. viewpoint точка зрения
  36. visible 1.видимый, 2. явный, очевидный
  37. vision of the world представление о мире
  38. vital жизненный, существенный, насущный
  39. vital parts жизненно важные органы
  40. vital personality человек, полный жизни
  41. voluntary action произвольное действие
  42. will воля, сила воли
  43. withdraw into oneself уходить в себя
  44. withdrawn замкнутый, углубленный в себя
  45. youngster мальчик, юноша
  46. youth молодежь, юношество


тесты по английскому языку

для студентов неязыковых специальностей


  1. Пояснительная записка
  2. Test Your Grammar
    1. Present Simple / Present Continuous/ Future Simple

Test 1 – Test 13

    1. Past Simple / Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous

Test 14 – Test 22

    1. Past Continuous /Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous

Test 23 – Test 27

    1. Gerund / Infinitive

Test 28 – Test 29

    1. Tense Mixture

Test 30 – Test 33

  1. Reading Comprehension

Test 1 – Test 4

  1. Pre-Exam Tests

Test 1 – Test 10

  1. Ключи к тестам
  2. Список использованной литературы

Пояснительная записка

В современных условиях широкого развития международных связей практическое владение иностранными языками приобретает очень важное значение. Приобретенные знания, умения и навыки должны обеспечить возможность использовать в своей работе иностранный язык.

Геополитические, коммуникационные и технологические преобразования в обществе на сегодняшний день вовлекают в непосредственное общение (например, через систему интернет) довольно большое количество людей самых разных профессий, возрастов и интересов.

Решающим для развития умения пользоваться иностранным языком является накопление достаточного словарного запаса и овладение грамматикой.

Объектом контроля при изучении иностранных языков является усвоение материала языка.

Тестирование выполняет свою основную функцию – контроль и служит средством измерения различных сторон учебного процесса. При подготовке тестов учитывались современные подходы и концепции: коммуникативные, текстоцентрические, культурологические.

Материал тестов рассчитан на самую широкую аудиторию изучающих английский язык. Он может быть использован и при подготовке к вступительным экзаменам в различные образовательные учреждения, и при подготовке к сдаче экзаменов для получения сертификата на знание языка, и в качестве учебного пособия для поэтапной проверки уровня знания в процессе обучения языку.

Большое внимание в сборнике уделено грамматике – Test Your Grammar. Набор многоуровневых тестовых заданий позволит определить степень и прочность усвоения знаний основных разделов морфологии и синтаксиса английского языка.

В сборнике даны различные по своей структуре тестовые задания, аналогичные тем, что предлагаются на вступительных и сертифицирующих экзаменах в учебных заведениях. Работая с разделами Use of English, Reading Comprehension, Pre-exam Tests вы легко сможете понять и усвоить способы такой проверки и быть готовыми к сдаче любого экзамена.

В конце сборника к каждому тесту есть ключи, которые помогут вам проверить правильность ответа и обратят ваше внимание на некоторые моменты, которые следует повторить перед решающим экзаменом.


Present Simple / Present Continuous /

Future Simple

Test 1

Questions (1). Fill in the blanks.

A) do B) does C) -

  1. ___ you like playing chess?
  2. your mother like cooking?

3.Where ___ she live?

4.Where ___ your parents spend their vacation?

5. What ___ your father do in his spare time?

6. What ___ you think of me?

7. When ___ you clean your teeth?

8. When ___ your father go to work?

9. Why ___ they learn poems by heart?

10.Why___ your sister go shopping on Saturdays?

11. Who you always walk your dog with?

12. Who his friend like to play chess with?

13. Who knows the way out?

14. Which of you ___ speaks English fluently?

15. What time ___ you get up?

16. What time ___ your sister come back home?

17. How often ___ you go swimming?

18. How often ___dad come to the club?

19. How much ___ your trousers cost?

20. How much ___ your sweater cost?

21. Whose parents ___ want to help us?

22. Which of your sisters ___ lives in the country?

23. Which letter ___ comes after "I"?

    1. Test 2

Questions (2). Fill in the blanks.

A) do B) does C) is D) are E) have F) has

1. What subjects ___ she good at?

2. ___ your brother got a camera?

3. ___ your mother like cooking?

4. What floor ___ your bedroom on?

5. ___ your parents in France now?

6. Where ___ the nearest book-store?

7. ___ your friend have any money?

8. Where ___ your uncle work?

9. What sports ___ they fond of?

10. What bike ___ you got?

11. What ___ the weather like today?

12. What languages ___ you speak?

13. ___you like science fiction?

14. What ___ your favourite pop group?

15. What bike ___ she got?

16. How many apples ___ you got?

17. What subject ___ you like best?

18. Where ___ the capital of your country?

19. ___ you know what time it ___ ?

20. How far ___ London from Liverpool?

    1. Test 3

Present Simple. Choose the correct variant.

1. A) I not usually have lunch at home.

B) I usually have not lunch at home.

C) I doesn't usually have lunch at home.

D) I usually have lunch at home.

  1. A) My friend don't goes to the cinema a lot.

B) My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.

C) My friend goes to the cinema a lot.

D) My friend doesn't goes to the cinema a lot.

3. A) Do his father drive a car very fast?

B) Is his father drive a car very fast?

C) Does his father drives a car very fast?

D) Does his father drive a car very fast?

4. A) Do the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

B) Does the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

C) Do the shops closes at 8 o'clock in the evening?

D) Are the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

5. A) You often play basketball?

B) Do you often play basketball?

C) Is you often play basketball?

D) Are you often play basketball?

6. A) How you often play basketball?

B) How do you often play basketball?

C) How often do you play basketball?

D) How often you play basketball?

7. A) She come home early.

B) She not comes home early.

C) She don't come home early.

D) She doesn't come home early.

8. A) Why doesn't you come to the youth club?

B) Why you not come to the youth club?

C) Why not you come to the youth club?

D) Why don't you come to the youth club?

9. A) My brother never waits for us.

B) My brother doesn't never wait for us.

C) My brother don't ever wait for us.

D) My brother does never wait for us.

10. A) We always go abroad for our holidays.

B) Always we go abroad for our holidays.

C) We go always abroad for our holidays.

D) We go abroad always for our holidays.

11. A) Does Sandra always get up early in the morning?

B) Does Sandra get up early always in the morning?

C) Does Sandra get up always in the morning early?

D) Does Sandra get up always early in the morning?

12. A) When next year do you start at the university?

B) When at the university do you start next year?

C) When do start you at the university next year?

D) When do you start at the university next year?

13. A) We enjoy the theatre, but we don't go very often there

B) We enjoy the theatre, but we don't very often go there

C) We enjoy the theatre, but very often we don't go there

D) We enjoy the theatre, but we don't go there very often

14. A) How much does cost it for the return ticket?

B) How much for the return ticket does it cost?

C) How much does it cost for the return ticket?

D) How does much it cost for the return ticket?

15. A) They don't often phone my mother in London.

B) They often don't phone my mother in London.

C) They don't phone my mother in London often.

D) They don't phone my mother often in London.

16. A) The next train leaves in the morning at two fifteen.

B) The next train leaves at two fifteen in the morning.

C) The next train at two fifteen in the morning leaves.

D) At two fifteen in the morning the next train leaves.

Test 4

Fill in the missing verbs. Choose the correct variant.

Lots of children have got a part-time job. As for me I ___1___ as a paper boy. I 2___ a paper twice a week, so I 3 at 6.30 on Wednesdays and on Sundays. It 4___ me about an hour.

Sometimes it 5 me longer on Sundays because the Sunday papers are very heavy. My parents (often) 6 me any pocket money, but I need it. The newsagent 7 me two pounds a weekday and three pounds on Sundays, so in a week I 8 five pounds. It 9 certainly nice to have some money in your pocket. I 10___ problems with my job, but I ___11___ getting up early or going out in the rain.

1. A) work 2. A) do 3.A) get up

B) works B) does B) got up

C) not work C) doesn’t C) gets up

D) not works D) do not D) gots up

4. A) take 5. A) take 6. A) do give

B) takes B) takes B) don’t give

C) is take C) is take C) does give

D) is takes D) is takes D) doesn’t give

7. A) pay 8. A) get 9. A) does

B) pays B) gets B) do

C) doesn't pays C) doesn’t get C) are

D) don't pay D) don’t get D) is

10. A) do have 11. A) like

B) doesn’t have B) doesn’t like

C) have no C) like not

D) has no D) don’t like

Test 5

Present Continuous.

Choose the correct variant.

1. A) What is the girl doing now?

B) What the girl is doing now?

C) What doing the girl now?

D) What does the girl doing now?

2. A) What those people are looking for?

B) What are those people looking for?

C) What is those people looking for?

D) What do those people looking for?

3. A) When you are going to have a meal?

B) When do you going to have a meal?

C) When are you going to have a meal?

D) When going you to have a meal?

4. A) Who're shouting at the dog?

B) Who's shouting at the dog?

C) Who shouting at the dog?

D) Who does at the dog shouting?

5. A) Do the children are listening to the teacher?

B) Are listening the children to the teacher?

C) Is the children listening to the teacher?

D) Are the children listening to the teacher?

6. A) How do many students sitting on the stairs?

B) How many students are sitting on the stairs?

C) How many are sitting on the stairs students?

D) How many is sitting students on the stairs?

7. A) Why do they looking at me like that?

B) Why is they looking at me like that?

C) Why are they looking at me like that?

D) Why they are looking at me like that?

8. A) The cat isn't hiding from the dog, isn't it?

B) The cat hiding from the dog, isn't it?

C) The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn't it?

D) The cat is hiding from the dog, isn't it?

9. A) Is the girl speaking rudely or politely?

B) Are the girl speaking rudely or politely?

C) Does the girl speaking rudely or politely?

D) The girl is speaking rudely or politely, isn't she?

10. A) The policemen is pointing at the dog.

B) The policemen isn't pointing at the dog.

C) The policemen are pointing at the dog.

D) The policemen doesn't pointing at the dog.

11. A) It doesn't not raining now.

B) It isn't rain now.

C) It's not raining now.

D)It doesn't raining now.

12. A) Mrs. Bell is no buying for her children ice-cream.

B) Mrs. Bell is buy ice-cream for her children.

C) Mrs. Bell buying ice-cream for her children.

D) Mrs. Bell is buying ice-cream for her children.

13.A) The students aren't drawing nothing.

B) The students are drawing nothing.

C) The students drawing nothing.

D) The students don't drawing nothing.

14.A) John's having a ride.

В) John has having a ride.

С) John having no ride.

D) John is have a ride.

15. A)Why they not cleaning the window?

B) Why they aren't cleaning the window?

C)Why aren't they cleaning the window?

D)Why don't they cleaning the window?

Test 6

Simple / Continuous.

Choose either the Present Simple or Present Continuous in the following sentences.

A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous

1.What are you doing Nick?

2. I’m cutting the grass.

3. I always cut the grass on Saturdays.

4. It's 1 o'clock. Nick's having lunch.

5. He always has lunch at 1 o'clock.

6. Mrs. Lee is pouring hot water in the tea-pot.

7. She wants to make some tea.

8. The workman is bringing a ladder.

9. He wants to climb up to the roof.

10. My bag is cheaper than yours.

11. We are taking photographs.

12. The parents are in the room next to ours.

13. This book is worth reading.

14. Tom is visiting a friend in Liverpool this weekend.

15. How do you feel when you're in an airport?

16. What do you usually do at the weekend.

17. This novel isn't boring at all.

18. Are you surprised at the news?

19. It's getting cold. I don't want to stay here any longer.

20. I'm tired of doing the same things every day.

Test 7

Choose the option to put in each sentence.

  1. It's 5 o'clock. She ____ tea.

A) has B) have C) is having D) having

  1. My friend never ____ basketball.

A) playing B) plays C) play D) am playing

3. Sorry, I can't. I ____ lunch.

A) have B) am having C) has D) having

4.They ____ hamburgers and chips.

A) are liking B) likes C) like D) doesn't like

  1. When ____ your homework?

A) is you doing B) you do C) you doing D) do you do

  1. I cook meal and my sister____ the dishes.

A) is wash B) is washing C) washes D) wash

  1. What ____ to do at the end of the lesson?

A) do you go B) are you go C) are you going D) have you go

  1. The boys ____ a game of football at the moment.

A) have B) having C) don't have D) are having

  1. Where ____ usually ____ in the evening?

A) do... go B) are... go C) are... going D)do... going

10. He it now.

A) understand B) understands

C) is understanding D) is understand

    1. Test 8

Present tenses for the future. Refer the situations to the future actions or the present ones.

A)Future B) Present

  1. - What's the man doing?

- He is mending the bike.

  1. - What are they doing?

- They're watching TV.

3. - What are you doing on Saturday?

- We're visiting the Tower.

4. - Can you mend the table?

- Sorry, but I'm washing my car.

5. - Is Ann coming to the concert tomorrow?

- No, she isn't.

6. - Your sister is walking the dog, isn't she?

- Yes, she is.

7. - What time are Nick and John coming?

- I believe, Ann knows.

8. - When does the plane leave?

- It leaves at 8.00 p.m.

9. - Who's standing with John at the moment?

- I'm sorry, I don't know.

10. - Are you working next week?

- I think, I am.

11. - What time does the film begin?

- I suppose at 7.30, as usual.

12. - Are you meeting Jane this evening?

  • I hope so.

Test 9

Simple / Continuous

Choose either the Present Simple or the Present Continuous in the following sentences.

A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous

1. He's in the bath room. I ____ (to think) he ____ (I wash) his hair.

2. Can I speak to your parents, please?

I'm sorry. They____ (to have) lunch at the moment.

3. I usually ____ (to cook) meals, and my brother ___ (to wash) the dishes.

4. Mr. Anderson ____ (to be) an English tourist who ____ (to travel) to Eastern Europe tomorrow. Just now he ____ (to have) breakfast at home. After breakfast he ____ (to go) to do a lot of things.

5.She's a school teacher. She ____ (to teach) maths.

6. I _____ (to wear) glasses only for reading and watching TV.

7. On Sundays they ____ (to have) dinner at a restaurant.

8. Oh, I ____ (to go) to work as a nurse in Africa, in Kenya, and I____ (to look) forward to it because it's such an exotic country for me.

9. Some pupils are outside. They ____ (to try) to get in.

10. The weather____ (to be) terrible today.

11. You can't miss him. He ____ (to wear) a white jacket, and he ____ (to carry) a striped umbrella.

12. We ____ (to wear) woollen clothes in winter.

13. We ____ (to organize) a holiday walking tour in the North of Scotland. We____(to go) to cover 150 miles of mountainous country in ten days. It ____ (to go) to be a hard work. We ____ (to go) to be wet, cold and tired a lot of the time. But it ____ (to go) to be fun!

14. It ____ (to rain) again.

Test 10

Simple / Continuous. Choose either the Present Simple or Present Continuous in the following sentences.

A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous

1.The coffee ____ (to taste) delicious.

2. We ____ (to look for) someone who ____ (to want) to make money.

3.John ____ (to play) in the school team this season.

4.____ you ____ (to see) that nice butterfly near the stream?

5. If you ____ (not to listen ) to the radio, please ____ ( to switch) it off.

6. I____ (to hear) someone speaking in the next room.

7. We ____ (to see off) our grandparents this morning.

8. Don't disturb him. He ____ (to water) flowers in the garden.

9.The cook ____ (to taste) the soup to see if it is right.

10. I (to like) this cake, I ( to taste) almond in it.

11. I (not to want) to go anywhere. I (to have) a headache. I

( to feel) tired.

12.It __ (to get) dark. Let's go home.

13. Jane (to have) got cold. I (not to think)she'll come to the party.

14. I ____ (to have) my hair cut on Tuesday.

15. The sea ____ (to grow) calmer. We can go to the beach in the afternoon.

16. You ____ (always to make) mistakes in your tests. You should be more attentive.

17. What ____ they ____ (to laugh) at? They ____

(to seem) to be very happy.

18.I ____ (to see ) my employer on Wednesday morning.

19. Who ____ this suitcase ____ (to belong) to?

20. The world ____ (to change) rapidly in such fields as business, art and medicine.

Test 11

Future Simple. Fill in the blanks.

A) will B) won't C) shall

1. How old ____ you be next birthday?

2. Our teacher is ill so she ____ be at school next week.

3. We haven't got any money so we ____ go on holiday this year.

4. ____ you be at home tomorrow?

5. It's already 5 o'clock. I'm afraid they catch their train.

6. ____ I send the letter immediately?

7. Who ____ meet you at the station?

8. Your English is good. I'm sure you pass the test.

9. What time ____ I come this evening?

10. If you don't work hard, you ____ pass your test.

11.I ____ get the book for you. This ____ take long.

12. The train arrive at the station on time, it?

13. Do sit down, you?

14. Where I go to buy all these things?

15. There be any trouble,____ there?

Test 12

Will / be going to. Choose either the Future Simple or be going to in the following sentences.

A) will B) be going to

  1. It probably ____ (not to rain) tomorrow.

2. ____ you ____ (to come) to my house, please?

3. Why have you got the flowers?

Because I ____ (to visit) my teacher.

4.The sky is very dark. It ____ (to rain).

5. Come to the party.

- OK. I ____ (to bring) my friend.

6. I ____ (to walk) the dog.

Wait a minute, and I ____ (to come) with you.

7. I probably never (to learn) this poem.

8. I (to stop) smoking - I really will.

9. Have you decided what to buy Alex for his birthday?

Yes, I ____ (to buy) a computer game.

10. I love sewing. I ____ (to be) a fashion designer.

11. How about going for a picnic at the weekend?

That's a good idea. I ____ (to make) a cake.

12.What fashion ( to be) like in the year 2000?

I’m sure people (not to wear) long dresses and suits. Clothes ___ ( to be)

comfortable and simple.

13. How long ____ it ____ (to take) you to do the work?

14. John, ____ you ____ (to do) me a favour?

15. Look at that tree. It ____ (to fall) down.

Test 13

Future actions. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future Simple.

A) Future Simple B) Present Simple

1. If I ____ (to be free) tomorrow night, I ____ (to go) to the concert.

2. He says he ____ (to look in) to see us before he ____ (to leave) our town.

3. Jane ____ (to stay) at home until she ____ (to feel) better.

4. When ____ you ____ (to visit) your grandma? - Probably next year.

5. When my brother ____ (to finish) school he ____ (to go) to college.

6. I _____ (to tell) you as soon as I ____ (to know).

7. I'd like to know when Dan ____ (to be back).

8. Give my love to Laura if you ____ (to see) her.

9. I ____ (not to know) when she ____ (to take) her


10. I don't think we ____ (to finish) our work in time

unless you ____ (to help) us.

11.I ____ (to give ) you my bike for tomorrow providing

you ____ (to bring) it back the day after tomorrow.

12. Mother says we____ (to have dinner) after she____ (to unpack) our things.

13. Don't get off the train until it ____ (to stop).

14. You may take this book if you ____ (not to keep) it too long.

15. Your boss ____ (to give) you the day off on condition that you ____ (to work) on Saturday morning.

16. Provided that they ____ (not to do) anything stupid, they ____ (to win) tonight's match easily.

17. Unless he ( to arrive) soon, we ( to have to) go without him.

18. I ( to wonder) if they ( to follow) our advice.

Past Simple. Present Perfect. Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous

Test 14

Was / were. Put in was or were.

A) was B) were

Last night I had a strange dream. I ___1___ in the world where all the colours 2 different. The grass 3 orange, the trees 4 white; in the green sky there 5 a purple sun and a moon the colour of blood. I 6 a child again, eight years old, and I 7 lost. But I 8 not frightened. In front of me there 9 a long street, stretching away as far as I could see.

There 10 no people, but all around me I heard the noise of big insects. It __11___ neither cold nor hot. I walked until I came to a church. In the church there 12 hundreds of people, all looking at me. They started to come towards me, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Then I woke up.

Test 15

Questions. Choose the correct variant of the question.

Bill was at home last night. He cleaned his clothes. First he put them in the washer. Next he added soap. Later he placed the clothes in the dryer. Then he folded them. Bill was very proud he did it himself.

1. A) Did Bill at home last night?

B) Did Bill was at home last night?

C) Did Bill be at home last night?

D) Was Bill at home last night?

2. A) Who did be at home last night?

B) Who was at home last night?

C) Who did at home last night?

D) Who did was at home last night?

3. A) When did Bill at home?

B) When did Bill was at home?

C) When was Bill at home?

D) When did Bill be at home?

4. A) Who cleaned clothes last night?

B) Who did cleaned clothes last night?

C) Who was cleaned clothes last night?

D) Who did clean clothes last night?

5. A) When Bill cleaned his clothes?

B) When did Bill cleaned his clothes?

C) When was Bill cleaned his clothes?

D) When did Bill clean his clothes?

6. A) What he did first?

B) What was he do first?

C) What was he did first?

D) What did he do first?

7. A) Where he put them?

B) Where was he put them?

C) Where he was put them?

D) Where did he put them?

8. A) Why he placed them in the dryer?

B) Why did he place them in the dryer?

C) Why was he placed them in the dryer?

D) Why did he placed them in the dryer?

9. A) Was he folded them after that?

B) Did he folded them after that?

C) Did he fold them after that?

D) Was he fold them after that?

10. A) Was Bill proud?

B) Did Bill was proud?

C) Was Bill did proud?

D) Did Bill proud?

11. A) Why he was proud?

B) Why did he proud?

C) Why was he proud?

D) Why he proud?

Test 16

Present / Past. Read the text. Fill in the blanks in the questions.

People used to get water mostly from streams, lakes and rivers. Then cities started growing. This brought many people to one place. They needed more water for their homes and factories.

Sometimes it didn't rain for a long time. Then the rivers had very little water left. People learned to save water for these dry times. They built places in which to

store water. They called these places reservoirs.

Reservoirs hold water until people in cities need it. Large pipes carry water from reservoirs to the city. People also get water from wells.

Years ago, people lifted water out of wells in buckets. It was hard work and took a long time. Now they pump the water up. The pump makes it easier for people to get water where they want it.

A) do B) does C) did D) is

E) are F) was G) —

1. Where ___ people use to get water from?

2. What ___ started growing?

3. Why ___ the rivers have very little water left?

4. What ___ people learn to do for the dry times?

5. What ___ people build to store water?

6. How long ___ reservoirs hold water?

7. What places ___ people call reservoirs?

8. What ___ reservoirs for?

9. How ___ people lift water out of wells years ago?

10. ___ you think, it ___ hard work?

11. How long ___ it take them to lift water out of wells years ago?

12. What ___ the way to get water now?

13. What ___ people do to lift water out of wells now?

14. ___ the pump make it easier to get water where they want?

Test 17

Regular / irregular verbs. Which of the verbs are regular ones? Write in the correct form of each verb in the Past Simple.

R) regular verb I) irregular verb

On the 15-th of October, two men ___1___ (to try) | to get to the top of Everest. They ___2___ (to make)| their camp at the bottom of the mountain. They 3 (to feel) very well in it. It ___4___ (to be) the highest camp on the mountain. The night before the climbing, they ___5___ (to drink) tea and had supper. They 6 (to discuss) what to take with them to the top. The ___7___ (to decide) to leave their sleeping bags and tents because the equipment 8___ (to be) too heavy.

Early in the morning they 9 (to have) breakfast and _10 (to get) dressed. Then they 11 (to start) to go up the mountain. It 12 (to be) extremely difficult. The snow 13 (to be) very deep. After a long, hard fight they 14 (to reach) the top together. They 15 (to laugh), 16 (to shout) and 17 (to take) some photographs.

Then the sun 18 (to disappear) and the two men 19 (to realize) they 20 (to be) on the top of Everest and it 21 (to be) almost night. Their camp 22 (to be) too far to reach. They 23 (to go) a little way down the mountain, but there 24 (to be) no moon and it ___25 (to be) too dangerous.

They 26 (to have) to spend the night on the mountain, at about 10,000 metres, with no tents, sleeping bags or food. They 27 (to believe) it 28 (to be) possible. They 29 (to dig) a hole in the snow, and 30 (to bury) themselves. They 31 (not to sleep). It 32 (to be) -30 °C. When the light

33 (to come) at last they 34 (to begin) climbing down, and soon they 35 (to get) to their camp. They 36 (to be) happy.

Test 18

Present Perfect. Fill in the blanks.

A) already B) yet C) still

1. Have you made your bed ____ ?

2. He's ____ come back from jogging, and he's a bit tired.

3. - Have they woken up ____ ? - No, they are ____ asleep.

4. I haven't had a bath ____.

5. My brother has graduated from the university.

6. He's ____ set the table.

7. We haven't seen your best friend ____.

8. Will you ____ love me when I'm old and grey?

9. I've ____ combed my hair. I'm dressing now.

10. He's ____ setting the table.

11. They are here. They haven’t gone.

12. She's __ looking for her notebook.

13. They are waiting for a bus. The bus hasn’t arrived.

Test 19

Fill in the blanks with time words where necessary.

A) since B) for C) —

1. My parents have worked for this company ___ 1993.

2. My elder brother left school ___ three years ago.

3. We have known the Smiths ___ they moved to Bridge Street.

4. John has played in the school team ___ two years.

5. Mr. Dave was Jane's teacher ___ last year.

6. The team hasn't lost matches ___ several years.

7. Tom has been ill ___ a week.

8. They have had a new car__ January.

9. I slept well __ last night.

10. We've known each other __. a long time.

11. They lived in Australia ___ one year.

12. I haven't seen him ___ last night.

13. I played the guitar ___ three years.

14. It's been ages ___ my last meal, and I'm very hungry.

15. That theatre was closed many years ago.

Test 20

Choose the correct word suitable for each sentence.

1.I have been late for school.

A)ever B)never C) yet D) as

2. Have you forgotten a friend's birthday?

A) ever B) never C)yet D) as

3.Have they watered the plants ?

A) ever B) never C) yet D) just

4.I've not peeled the potatoes.

A)ever B)as C) yet D) always

5.Have you finished your lunch?

- No, I'm ___ eating it.

A) always B) still C)yet D) recently

6. He's been to Paris ___.

A)once B) never C) yet D) ever

7. I haven't had bad dreams.

A) already B) several times

C) yet D) so far

8. Have you had a holiday ?

  1. just B) this year

C)ever D) for a long time

9.Has he driven a car ?

A) just now B) before

C) ever D) for a long time

10.I haven't eaten any fruit.

  1. just now B) today

C) never D) yesterday

Test 21

Present Perfect / Past Simple. Use either the Present Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences.

A) Past Simple B) Present Perfect

1. George went to the cinema, but he____ (not to enjoy) the film much.

2. ____ you ever ____ (to have) any serious illness?

3. I (to come) to school without glasses. I can't

read the text.

4. Who ____ (to eat) all the apples?

5. So far we ____ (to have) no troubles.

6. Jane ____ (to move) to a new flat a month ago.

7. We ____ (to wonder) where he gets his money.

8. Do you know that they ___ (to be born) on the same day?

9.How often ____ you ____ (to fall) in love?

10. I'm delighted to tell you that you ____ (to pass) your


11.I ____ (to use) to swim every day when I was young.

12. Some people think that "The twelfth night"____ (not to be written) by Shakespeare.

13. I ____ (to break, already ) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?

14. I'm not sure we (to meet) before.

15. You ____ (to be, always) my closest friend.

16. When ____ you ____ (to go) to Brazil?

17. It's two months since I ____ (to start) driving my car.

18. This is the first time I ____ (to eat) so many hamburgers.

19. My father ____ (to work) for that company for 5 years. Than he gave it up.

20. I ____ (to use) to be afraid of dogs.

21. Susan ____ (to use) to sit in her room and play the piano for hours.

Test 22

Present Perfect / Perfect Continuous. Use either the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous in the following sentences.

A) Present Perfect (have / has done)

B) Present Perfect Continuous (have / has been doing)

1. I ____ (to try) to open this box for the last forty minutes but in vain.

2. It ____ (to snow): the garden is covered with snow.

3. Who ____ (to break) the window?

4. You ____ (to smoke)! I can smell tobacco on your clothes.

5. It's the best book I ____ ( ever to read).

6.I ____ (to listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I can't understand what you are speaking about.

7.How long your aunt ____ (to be ill)?

8.The school ____ (to be closed) for two months.

9.Hey! Somebody ____ (to drink) my coffee! My cup was full.

10.I don't think I ____ (ever to see) her looking so upset before.

11. I ____ (to sit) here in the park for an hour, and I ____ (to meet) three friends of mine.

12. How much money have you ____ (to save) for the holidays?

13.I____ (to wait for) you since two o'clock.. I have something urgent to tell you.

14. She ( to take) guitar lessons this year. She is very patient and hard-working.

15. Last season our team didn't win many games, but this season we ____ (to lose) only one so far.

Past Continuous / Past Perfect /

Past Perfect Continuous

Test 23

When (suddenly). Match the sentence on the left and the sentence on the right and make a new one linking with when.

1. Jane was walking home A) he fell off the ladder.

2. John was painting a picture B) she cut her finger.

3. Mr. Drill was driving to the airport C) their ball broke a window.

4. She was chopping potatoes D) the teacher entered the room.

5. Dan was climbing a tree E) a branch broke.

6. We were having a picnic F) he spilled the paint.

7. Jill was sleeping G) the wind blew her hat off.

8. The children were playing football H) his car broke down.

9. He was painting the I) the telephone woke her up.


10. The students were talking J) it started raining.

Test 24

Past Continuous / Past Simple. Put the verbs into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple.

A) Past Continuous B) Past Simple

1. ____ you ____ (to wait) for me at 5 p.m.? - Yes, I.

2. They ____ (to finish) their work at 11 o'clock and came home.

3. It ____ (to grow) dark, so we ____ (to decide) to return.

4. While Jack ____ (to sit) biting his nails, we ____ (to work) out a plan to cover up our traces.

5. A young man ____ (to run) out into the street. He ____ (to carry) a strange poster.

6. What ____ you ____ (to do) when I ____ (to phone) you yesterday?

7. John ____ (to listen) to the radio when the batteries ____ (to run) out.

8. The robbers ____ (to steal) the car and ____(to drive) away.

9. She ____ (to go) to buy a dress, but a thief____ (to steal) all her money.

10.She ____ (to slip), ____ (to fall) over and ____

(to break) her ankle. - The Royal Carriage ____ (to come) round the comer.

Everywhere people____ (to wave) and____ (to cheer).

Test 25

Past Perfect / Past Simple. Put the verbs into the correct form,

A)Past Perfect B) Past Simple.

1. Jane ____ (to wash) all the test-tubes after she____(to complete) the experiment.

2.She ____ (to do) the cleaning by 6 o'clock yesterday.

3.After the stewardesses ____ (to serve) lunch to the passengers, they ____ (to calm) down.

4.I ____ (not to have) my watch, so I ____ (not to know) the exact time.

5.He ____ (to feel) sick because he ____ (to eat) too much.

6. She ____ (to finish) her report, and was feeling rather tired, so she ____ (to go) to bed.

7. By two o'clock he ____ (to answer) all the letters he ____ (to receive).

8. The bus____ (to leave) before I ____ (to reach) the bus station.

9. As soon as they _____ (to finish) breakfast, they ____ (to run) out to play.

10. When we ____ (to meet) our friends they ____ (already to know) the news.

11. When you ____ (to call) me, I ____ (not yet to do) the sum.

12. She ____ (to intend) to make a cake for you, but she ____ (to run) out of time.

13. Hardly we____ (to go) to bed when somebody____ (to knock) at the door.

14. No sooner she ___ (to come) than she ___ (to fall) ill.

Test 26

Past tenses. Put the verbs into the correct form, the Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous.

A) Past Simple B) Past Continuous

C) Past Perfect D) Past Perfect Continuous

1. The workers ____ (to be) on a strike for three weeks when the agreement on pay ____ (to be reached).

2. When she got the results of her medical tests, she realized that she ____ (to feel) ill since she ____ (to be) on holiday.

3. The door was unlocked. She ____ (to wonder) who ____ (leave) the door open.

4. He ____ (to play) football when the ball ____ (to hit) his head.

5. He ____ (to drive) to work for half an hour when suddenly his car ____ (to break) down.

6. When he arrived at the office he____ (to discover) that he ____ (to leave) all the necessary papers at home.

7. Susan ____ (to type) some letters when the boss (to ask) her into his office.

8. She looked tired. She____ (to type) letters all morning.

9. Yesterday afternoon it ____ (still to rain) when I ____ (to get) home.

10. He ____ (to clean) the car when the phone rang, so he ____ (not to answer) it.

11. When I ____ (to be) little, my mother ____ (to use) to feed me.

12. Jane's clothes were wet. She ____ (to wash) her dog.

13. Jerry ____ (to be) nervous, for he ____ (never to flow) in an aeroplane before. 14 I ____ (never to like) going to the cinema on my own

when I was a teenager.

15. Kate ____ (to dance), but when she saw a newcomer she ____ (to stop).

Test 27

Right / wrong — tenses. Find the mistake and correct it.

A) right B) wrong

1.We are here since April.

2.Have you been crying? - No, I've been chopping onions.

3.I wonder what will happen if he push this button.

4.How long are you working for this company?

5.It was a lovely day so we decided to stroll in the park for an hour.

6.This is the smallest dog I'd ever seen.

7.I know you are just pretending to read because you've got the book upside down.

8. Can you think of any other songs? We have sang all the ones we know.

9. I have ever been to Jamaica.

10. I used to walking to school, and I used to thinking that it was very unfair that I couldn't go there by bus.

11. Someone has been stealing my bicycle.

12. The students were working for two hours when the teacher told them to stop writing.

13. I already saw this film twice, but I'd like to see it again.

14. He looks angry! Had he been arguing?

15. She is cleaning her teeth at the moment.

16. The dog won't bother you unless you teased him.

78. We hadn't seen her at the party last night.

18. The more you study, the better results will be.

19. He isn't exactly a stranger - I had met him once before.

Test 28

Gerund / infinitive (1). Write what each word or expression is followed by.

A) to + verb B) verb + -ing C) both are possible

1.want 2. would like 3. sorry

4. decide where 5. begin 6. get used to

7. continue 8. pleased 9. regret

10.suggest 11. love 12. start

13.used 14. mind 15. go on

16. enjoy 17. remember 18. suspect of

19. hate 20. would prefer 21. would love

Test 29

Gerund / infinitive (2). Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infinitive.

A) to + verb B) verb + -ing

1. I'm thinking of (go) to Brazil.

2. You cannot live without (do) such stupid things.

3. He isn't good at (drive) his car.

4. Try to avoid (lose) your temper.

5. He seems (know) everything about it.

6. It's no use (cry) over spilt milk.

7. Would you mind (repeat) your threat?

8. You should practise (say), "Red little lorry, yellow little lorry."

9. It's useless (argue) with him. He won't listen to any reason.

10. They were advised (take) a packed lunch.

11. Do you think it's worth (see) this film?

12. If you want (lose) weight, try (eat) less.

13. It's forbidden (smoke) here.

14. I'm not keen on (work) late.

15. I'm not very fond of (shop).

16. He managed (calm) her by promising to return soon.

17. Mary is crazy about (take) photographs.

18. In Arabia the usual way of (travel) is by camel.

19. You needed (add) some more sugar to that.

Test 30

Tense mixture. Decide which answer A), B), C) or D) best fits each space.

The Grasshopper and the Ant

A grasshopper spent the summer singing and dancing in the sun. One day he saw an ant hurrying by. She 1 and hot.

"Why __ you 2 on such a lovely day?" asked the grasshopper.

"I'm 3 food for the winter," the ant said and went on her way. She 4 all the other ants carrying food to their store. The grasshopper sang another song and carried on dancing.

When winter came and there 5 on the ground, the grasshopper 6 to eat. He 7 so he went and asked the ants 8 him some food.

"We worked all summer 9 our food. What

10 you do?" said one of the ants.

"I 11 singing and dancing," replied the grass­hopper.

"Well, if you 12 all summer and do no work," said the ant, "then you must starve in the winter."

MORAL: Always 13 for difficult times in the future.

1. A) looked tiring B) looking tired C) looked tired D) looks tired

2. A) do... work B) do... working C) are... working D)is... working

3. A) collect B) collecting C) collected D) collects

4. A) was joined C) joins B) was joining D)joined

5. A) was snow C) were snowed B) was snowed D) were snow

6. A) had no nothing B) didn’t have nothing

C) had nothing D) didn’t had anything

7. A) was hungried B) was hungry

C) wasn't hungry D) hungried

8. A) to give B) give

C)to gave D) gave

9. A) to collect B) collect

C) collected D) to collected

10. A) was B) were

C) do D) did

11.A) was busy B) were busy

C) wasn't busy D) weren’t busy

12.A) sing and dance B) sang and danced

C) were singing and dancing D) sings and dances

13. A)prepare B) prepares

C) prepared D) preparing

Test 31

Tense mixture. Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Once, when I was a young man, I 1 in India. One evening, after 2 in the forest all day, I was returning alone to the place where I 3 my tent. It 4

dark, and I was 5 along a narrow path. On my right was a wide river; on my left, a thick, dark forest. Suddenly I 6 two green eyes 7 at me from among the trees. A man-eating tiger 8 ready to jump on me.

What 9 I do? 10 I jump into the river and 11 my life by swimming? I looked to the right. In the river 12 an immense crocodile 13 welcome me with its mouth wide open.

I 14 that I shut my eyes. I heard branches 15 the tiger jumped. What do you think had happened? The tiger 16 right over me and was now in the jaws of the crocodile. 17 a true story, believe it or not.

1. A) was travelling B) was traveled

C) traveling D) were travelled

  1. A)hunt B) hunting

C) hunted D) some hunting

  1. A) had put on B) had put up

C) had put off D) had put in

  1. A) was get B) was got

C) was getting D) getting

  1. A) walked B) walking

C) walk D) was walking

  1. A) have seen B) had seen

C) saw D) was seeing

  1. A)look B) looked

C)looking D) had looked

  1. A) was get to B) was getting

C) got to D) was getting to

  1. A)can B) can have

C) could D) could have

10. A) Shall be B) Shall

C) Should be D) Should

  1. A) hope save B) shall hope to save

C) hoped save D) hope to save

  1. A) there was B) there were

C) it was D) it were

  1. A) waiting B) waiting to

C) waiting for D) waited for

14. A) was so frightened B) was so frightening

C) was as frightened

  1. A) moving as B) moving

C) move D) moved as

  1. A) has jumped B) had jumped

C) was jumped D) was jumping

  1. A) That is B) That was

C) That's been D) That had been

Test 32

Tense mixture. Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

_1__ Boxtel who 2 the government about the letters in Van Baerle's house. Through his telescope he had seen Cornelious De Witte 3 the letters to his brother. He thought that these 4 secret letters about matters of government.

"Oh!" he said, "I 5 the officers of the government about this. As soon as he 6 away I shall go into his house and 7 the bulbs of the Black tulip and get the hundred thousand guilders."

Boxtel saw the soldiers 8 Van Baerle away.

Evening came, and the servants 9 the house. Night came; stars 10 in the sky, and from far below came the restless noise of the city. The sounds of the city died away into silence.

Then Boxtel took a lamp. He 11 quickly __ the wall. He forced open a window and went into the house. He.went up the stairs into the seed room. He 12 the box, on the table - everywhere; but there 13 bulbs. He looked again. No! The bulbs had gone. Where __ they 14 ?

  1. A) It were B) It was

C) There was D) There were

  1. A) was told B) has told

C) had told D) had been told

  1. A) give B) gives

C) was given D) had been given

  1. A) may B) might

C) may be D) might be

  1. A)say B) will say

C) tell D) will tell

  1. A) will taken B) will be taken

C) is taken D) is found

  1. A) find B) was leading

C) is find D) leads

  1. A) would lead B) were shut up

C) lead D) had shut up

  1. A) shut up B) had been

C) shutting up D) were

  1. A) has been B) had been

C) was D) were

11. A) climbed in B) climbed over

C) climbed through D) climbed under

  1. A)looked in B) looked for

C) looked out D) looked up

  1. A) was no B) was not

C) were no D) were not

  1. A) have... gone B) were…gone

C) had... gone D) had …been gone

Test 33

Mixture. Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

There 1 about 9,000 different kinds of birds 2 the world. We can 3 birds in many ways. One way 4 birds is by whether they live on land 5 water. Another way is by the part of the world 6 live in. Some birds live in tropical or hot places, 7 in cold places. Birds can also 8 by what they eat. There 9 types of birds, and many ways to tell 10 apart.

Different birds 11 different foods. Sparrows and many small birds eat seeds. Tropical birds eat fruit 12 seeds. Swallows and chickadees are examples of birds 13 insects. Many 14 eat both seeds and insects and feed 15 to their babies. King-fishes are birds that 16. They have long sharp bills which they use when catching fish. 17 even eat other birds.

  1. A) is B) are

C) was D) were

  1. A) on B) has told

C)in D) had been told

  1. A) not group B) to group

C) grouping D) group

  1. A) to group B) group

C) grouping D) to grouping

  1. A)and B) or

C) either D) under

  1. A) we B) it

C) you D) anothers

  1. A)others B) group

C) another D) grouped

  1. A) be group B) are much

C) be grouped D) are not any

  1. A) are many B) are much

C) is lots of D) are not any

  1. A)they B) their

C) its D) them

11. A) eats B) eat

C) are eating D) eating

12.A) as well as B) no

C) either D) not a

13.A) which eats B) that eat

C) who eats D) eat

  1. A) grown birds B) grew birds

C) growing bird D) grown bird

  1. A) these B) that

C) this D) their

  1. A) eat fishes B) eat fish

C) eating fish D) eating fishes

  1. A) Some birds B) Any birds

C) No birds D) Not a bird


Test 1

Identify errors in the underlined parts of the sentences. There is only one error in each sentence. Find it.

  1. He thinks she is beautiful, but I don't agree with her.


  1. I advise you check all your exam answers before you hand your paper in.


  1. I'd like knowing where you are.


  1. The light didn't work because anyone had taken the bulb.


5. The tourist have asked a passer-by how far the post office was.


6. A small boy often stands outside the bicycle shop and gaze at the wonderful


machines in the window.

7. Are you always go to bed without getting undressed?


8. Think how wonderful that will being when you have tamed me!


9.What will you be doing this time last year?


10.He said them that he was going to give up smoking.


11. Ice-cream was known five hundreds years ago.


12. Men have no most time to understand anything.


13. The Little Prince lived along on a tiny planet no larger than a house.


14. The ancient Hindus believed that the Earth was a bowl hold up by elephants.


15. American black bears appear in a variety of colour despite their name.


Test 2

Identify errors in the underlined parts of the sentences. There is only one error in each sentence. Find it.

  1. How dare you talk to me as that?


  1. I used eating a lot of chocolates, but now I'm on a diet.


  1. John asked me if I know where she lived.


  1. Kate felt very hot and sticky so she had had shower, and then she felt clean.


  1. It was such a cold day that the sea frozen.


  1. She looked as if she had seen a ghosts.


7.Everyone wonder if that is your crocodile.


8.Every people say you should run down a hill if you 're chased by a bear.


9.Astronomers believe and point out that stars, like or sun, made up of gases.


10.But there is not shop anywhere where one can buy friendship.


  1. Some people think that young players shouldn't be allowed to become


professionals until the age of 17 or l8 at last.


12.They say what the best thing to do when you meet a bear is to run.


13.In the beginning of the day I don't know quite when I'm going to sleep at



  1. More than fifteen thousand ships passes through the canal each year.


  1. In 776 BC the first Olympic games were held at the foot of the Mount


Olympus to honour the Greeks' chief God, Zeus.


Test 3

Identify errors in the underlined parts of the sentences. There is only one error in each sentence. Find it.

  1. Hardly had he got home when the phone rung.


2. Jake has hidden Angela's Christmas present in the


wardrobe and doesn't want his sister look there.


3. He felt better later because he had rested since lunch times.


4.You couldn't have seen me in Rome because I was staying in the country


since June to August last year.


5. Read the material as slow as you must to understand what it says.


6.I don't know why I'm laughing. I've never been so frightened


in whole my life.


  1. In the heavens, the stars seem stay in a fixed place among other stars in the



  1. Near the town where Antoine spent his school holidays was a large airfield,


and he never tired to going there to watch the planes.


9.It is hard for us to realize now that when great-grandmother


was a little girl there were no so things as light bulbs.


10.If you ask your mother for one fried egg for breakfast


and she gives you two fried eggs and you eat both them, who is better in


arithmetic, you or your mother?

11.Having well time and enjoying yourself, looking for happiness in life is


very important to American people.


12.In the America there are tennis schools which accept


children from as young as nine.


13. Black bears are the smallest of all American bears, ranged


in length from five to six feet.


14.If a disease is infection, it means that it can be spread from person to


person, especially in the air.


15.I don't really want to play football on Sunday. But since


there is no one else taking my place, I can't really get out of it.



Test 1

1. Your sister used to visit your parents quite often____?

A) didn't she B) wouldn't she C) doesn't she D) hadn't she

  1. I ____ that the students should study more.

A) am feeling B) feel C) is feeling D) feels

  1. How many times ____ (you) to Rome?

A) were B) have been C) was D) had been

4. Look. ____ sitting on the bench.

A) There is a kitten B) There is a kitten is

C) There a kitten is D) There is a kitten who are

5. I have no idea ____.

  1. who's book is this B) whose book is this
  2. C) who's book this is D) whose book this is

6.Nancy tried to get the thread____ the eye of the needle.

A) to B)out C) in D) through

7.You'd ____ hurry up or else we'll be late

A) rather B)should C) better D) have to

8.I can hear a noise; I think ____ is outside.

A) some B) somebody C) somehow D) somewhere

9. Jane doesn’t have tonight.

A)many homeworks B) many homeworks

C) much homework D) many homework

10.Have you written names?

A)everybody B)everybody’s

C) everybodys’ D) everybodies'

11.Let me give you.

A) an advice C)some advice

B) the advices D) some advices

12. I don't like it here. Let's go somewhere.

A) else B) again C)more D) once

13. Where is centre of earth?

  1. -…- C) -… the
  2. a…the D) a…a

E) the…- F) the …the

14. ____ in Moscow.

A) Most my friends lives

B) Most of my friends lives

C) Most my friends live

D) Most of my friends live

15.I have interest in his problems.

A) very few B) very little

C) a very few D) a very little

16.I like these dishes, but ____ is a little small.

A) the cup of tea B) the tea's cup

C) the tea cup D) the cup for the tea

17.Although your sister is very popular, she is not as mine.

A) pretty as B) prettier than

C) so pretty D)more pretty than

18. I bought a pig this morning.

  1. nice big pink B) pink nice big
  2. big nice pink D) nice pink big

19.I could never be bored ____ football.

A) at B) about

C) with D) in

20. We came here to your parents.

A)speak C) to speak

B) speaking D)to speaking

Test 2

  1. Are you sure Ann use your camera?

A) knows to C) knows the

B) knows how to D) knows how

  1. When I saw the girl I was sure I ____ her before.

A) meet B) have met C) met D) had met

  1. Everybody____ work hard if they want to pass exams.

A) will must B) will must to C) will have D) will have to

  1. This car isn't going in the race.
    1. to drive C) to driven
    2. to be drive D) to be driven
  2. We would like you a present

A) give C) to give

B) giving D) to giving

6. I you to read this book.

    1. am wanting C) want
    2. wants D) am wanted

7. I will need about the incident before I make a decision.

  1. a few information
  2. a little information
  3. few information
  4. a little informations

8. My hair very dirty, I must wash.

  1. is … it C) isn’t …it
  2. B) are... them D) aren't... them

9. He seemed to be.

A)nice man C) a nice man

B) nice men D) a nice men

10. I bought yesterday.

A) two loafs of bread B)two loaves of bread

C) two loafs of the bread D) two loaves of the bread

No one could find Nick ____.

A) somewhere B) nowhere C) anywhere D) everywhere

12. Russia and, United States are separated by Pacific ocean.

  1. -…-…-…-…
  2. the…the…the…
  3. -…the…-…
  4. -…the…the

13.How much money have you got?

A) None. B) Nothing.

C) No one D) No.

14. We have very money left.

A) few B) little

C) a few D) a little

15.This coffee tastes a little ____to me.

A) hottly B) hot

C) so hot D) too much hot

16. As soon as I reading the article, I will give it to you.

A) will finish C) finished

B) would finish D) finish

17. I don't want.

A) this dirty ones C) these dirty one

B) these dirty ones D) this one dirty

18. She is good languages, but she is bad math.

A) in... in C) in... at

B) at... at D)at... in

19.____ Jim, who is going to see her off?

A) Apart B) Beside C) Besides D) Except

20. You better lock all the windows and the front door before we leave.

A) should B) had

C) would D) ought

Test 3

1. late.

A) Not be C) Be not

B) don’t be D) don’t

2. Jane ___ three letters so far.

  1. Write B) have written

C) wrote D) has written

3. Will a lot of work next year?

A)there B) be there

C) there be D) there is

4. George __ any lunch so he was very hungry in the afternoon.

A) has B) had

C) doesn’t D) didn’t have

5. Ann eat less, she’s too fat.

A) shouldn’t B) should

C) mustn’t to D) must to

6. The teacher asked us to each other.

A) not talk B) to not talk

C) not to talk D) to not to talk

7.I’d like more ice-cream.

A) some B) not

C) any D) every

8. Jack cut when he was chopping carrots.

A) him B) himself

C) his D) oneself

9. They’ve already bought two.

A) trousers C) pair of trouser

B) pairs if trouser D) pairs of trousers

10. ____ informed immediately.

A) A police is B) Polices are

C) The police is D) The police are

11.They decided to go on a hike ____ the rain.

A) despite of B) in spite C) despite in D) in spite of

12.I wonder how much ____ on sale.

A)cost these shoes B) these shoes cost

C)do these shoes cost D) are these shoes cost

13. Amazon in ____ Brazil is ____ river in South America.

  1. - … the … - … - …
  2. the … - … the … -
  3. the … - … the … the
  4. - … - … the … the

14. ____ children ____ happy with their presents.

A) Both... was B) Both... were C) Both of... was D) Both of... were

15. Do you want to spread ____ honey on your slice of bread?

A) few B) little C) a few D) a little

  1. Kate hasn't seen her elder brother ____ three years.

A) since B) from C) for D) before

16. If the bus arrives ____, we'll miss the train. A) lateness B) more late C) lately D) late

17. A) I will understand never my parents.

B) I won't never understand my parents.

C) I will never understand my parents.

D) I won't understand my parents never.

18. You were rude ____ him for no reason.

A) at B) with C) to D) on

19. I didn't enjoy the party, and Mary didn't.____.

A) either B) as well C) neither D) also

Test 4

1. Mrs. Anderson is angry because her daughter____ to a stranger.

A) talking B) is talking C) to talking D) to be talking

2.Since they____ to New York he hasn't spoken Russian.

A) went B) has gone B)were going D) had gone

3.It is stupid ____ your homework.

A) not to do B) not doing

C) not do D) not to doing

4.I bought everything we need yesterday so I ____ go shopping today.

A) mustn't B) don't have to

C) haven't D) don't have

5.Will these clothes ____ by Saturday?

A) make B) made

C) be make D) be made

6.We ____ to come home earlier.

A) said him B) told him C) said to D) told to him

7.There were ____ interesting people at the party last


A) any B) not

C) no D) every

8.Just look at ____ in the mirror, you're so dirty!

A) your B) oneself C) yours D) yourself

9.The ____ pens and pencils are on the desk.

A) children B) childrens C) children's D) childrens'

10.The mice ____ the cheese.

A) have eaten B) have been eaten

C) has eaten D) has been eaten

11.____ easy questions to answer.

A) This is not B) These is not

C) This are not D) These are not

12. How soon we'll leave this place depends ____ the weather.

A) of B) on C) for D) from

13.I don't like using ____ phone, I prefer letters.

A) — B) the C) a D) some

14. Manchester is ____ city in the north of England.

A) — B) a C) the

15. ____ knew what we were doing.

A) Neither man B) Neither men C) Neither of man D) Neither of men

16.I'll see you in ____ quarter of __ hour.

A)—... — B) —... an

C) the... an D) a... —

E) a... an F) the... the

17. Nancy usually does her work very ____ and well, but today she seems a little absent - minded.

A) careful manner B) carefully C) care D) careful

18. A) Have you been ever to the Planetarium?

B) Have ever you been to the Planetarium?

C) Have you been to the Planetarium ever?

D) Have you ever been to the Planetarium?

19. He made a silly mistake. It was very stupid ____ him.

A) about B) with C) of D) to

20. This is the best film I have ____ seen.

A) still B) ever C) never D) so far

Test 5

1.Jack ____ regularly late for school.

A)— B) is

C) be D) does

2.This shoe ____ to Mr. Brown, I think.

A) belong B) is belonging

B) belongs D) are belonging

3.There ____ one in the yard last night.

A) were not B) were no

C) was not D) was no

4.____ wash the car. The paint is still wet.

A) needn't B) don't have to

C)mustn't D) have to

5.Dad didn't let us ____ to the disco.

A) go B) going C) to go D) to going

6.Barbara said that her grandma____ her some money.

A) give B) would give

C) will give D) would be given

7.Dave telephoned, but there was ____ at home.

A) nowhere B) nothing C) nobody D) no

8.That lonely old lady often talks to ____.

    1. her B) yourself C) herself D) hers

9. My aunt's geese ____ nice and white.

A) is B) are

C) was D) has been

10.____ too difficult for me.

A )Physic is B) Physics is

C)Physic are D) Physics are

11.Are the new curtains longer than the old ____ ?

A) one B) one's C) ones D) ones'

12.Can you play ____ guitar?

A) — B) the C) a D)any

13. ____ sleeping.

A) All us was B) All of us was C) All us were D) All of us were

14. There ____ books to be read.

A) is always plenty B) are always plenty

C) is always plenty of D) are always plenty of

15. One fifth ____ in our>

A) students B) of students C) of the students D) student

16.The coat was____ expensive that I couldn't afford it.

A) so B) too much C) too D) very

17. ____ Browns went to____ Greece for____ New Year's holiday.

A)—...—...— B) The...—... the

C) The... —... — D) —... —...the

18. Will you listen to me ____ ?

A) attentive B) attentiveness C) attentively D) attention

19. A) Dan rode the horse quickly across the field.

B) Dan rode quickly the horse across the field.

C) Across the road Dan rode the horse quickly.

D) Dan quickly rode the horse across the field.

20. Jane was quite ____ his behaviour.

A) astonishing with B) astonishing at

C) astonished with D) astonished at

Test 6

1.The Stuarts ____ Africa is a very interesting continent to visit.

A) think B) is thinking

C) thinks D) are thinking

2. We sat by ____ sea and watched the birds in ____sky.

A) —... — B) —... the

:i the... — D)the... the

3. We've booked the seats for ____.

A) seventh July B) the seventh of July

C) seven July D) the seven of July

4.We are going to Antalia as soon as ____ taking our final exam.

A) we're finish B) we'd finish

C) we'll finish D) we finish

5. This new perfume is not much ____ the others they have produced.

A) different B) different than C) different from D) different that

6. Please give me ____.

A) a yellow B) a yellow one

C) yellow one D) a yellow ones

7. A) The dog chased the cat down the street quickly this morning.

B) The dog chased the cat quickly down the street this morning.

C) The dog chased quickly the cat down the street this morning.

D) The dog chased the cat quickly this morning down

8.She looks ____ about something.

A) alarm B) alarmed C) alarming D) alarmness

9. This is ____ I've ever read.

A) one of most boring book

B) one of most boring books

C) one of the most boring book

D) one of the most boring books

10. My friend was ____ going to the cinema.

A) most interested of

B) the most interested of

C) the most interested in

D) most interested with

11.1 wonder where ____.

A) he did go B) he went C) did he go D) went he

12.Both Nick and George, ____ Dan, are studying medicine at Washington University.

A) as well as B) and well as C) as well to D) and as well

13.____ the traffic, I managed to arrive on time.

A) Despite of B) In spite C) Despite in D) Despite

14.Do you like _____ in the sitting room?

A) a furniture B) a furnitures C) the furniture D) the furnitures

15. ____ was brilliant blue.

A)Sky B) The sky C) A sky D) The skies

16. Could you please tell me where ?

A) is the nearest post office located

B) the nearest post office is located

C) is located the nearest post office

D) located is the nearest post office

17.____ a lovely flower! Thank you very much!

A) How B) So C) What D) That

18.If you don't know the meaning of this word, ____ in the dictionary.

A) chase it up B) look it up C) search it out D) find it out

19.Mike ____ wear a lot of warm clothes as it wasn't very cold.

A) needed to B) didn't need to C) I don't need to D) don't needed to

20.I would like to leave a message for ____ if I may.

A) they B) their C) them D) theirs

Test 7

1. He is ____ intelligent to be taken in by such a trick.

A) enough B) very C) too D) quite

2. Do you know how to measure the ____ of the building?

A) high B) height C) highness D)tallness

3. I wish the weather ____ not so cold.

A) will B) were C) be D)is

4. Would you please ____ write in ink on the books?

A) don’t B) not C) not to D) to not

5.We are all looking forward ____ your friends.

A) of seeing B) to see C) for seeing D) to seeing

6.Dad wants me ____ him a glass of cold water.

A) bring B) bringing C) to bring D) to bringing

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