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« министерство образования и науки рф государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования ...»

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Проектное обучение представляет собой технологию активной познавательной деятельности студентов, в основе которой лежит разработка в ходе самостоятельной (групповой или индивидуальной) исследовательской деятельности различных типов проектов — перспективных заданий, направленных на решение задач практики.

Участники проектной деятельности должны ответить на вопросы: Что является целью проектной деятельности? В чем актуальность (оригинальность, ценность) идеи проекта? На решение каких задач практики он будет направлен? Каков будет результат (продукт)? Где он может быть применен? Как он может изменить ситуацию?

Типы проектов в вузе:

  • исследовательские проекты, подчиненные логике исследования и имеющие структуру, приближенную или полностью совпадающую с научным исследованием;
  • информационные проекты (модуль исследовательского), направленные на поиск, знакомство и представление информации;

—практикоориентированные проекты, имеющие профессиональную направленность, результат которых ориентирован на социальные интересы самих студентов.

Процесс работы над проектом многоступенчатый. В таблице представлены этапы и содержание проектной деятельности.

Этапы работы над проектом Содержание работы Деятельность студентов
Подготовка Определение реальной ситуации, ее осмысление, рождение задачи (проблемы) из описания ситуации, постановка вопросов. Анализируют ситуацию, выявляют проблему, рассматривают актуальность ее решения
Прогнозирование и целеполагание Прогноз изменения ситуации, постановка личностных и коллективных целей, их осознание. Обсуждают. Прогнозируют. Определяют цели.
Планирование Определение источников, способов сбора и анализа информации, форм представления результатов. Установление критериев оценки процесса и результатов. Распределение задач между членами групп. Разрабатывают план действий. Определяют и распределяют задачи. Вырабатывают критерии оценки результатов
Реализация Сбор информации. Работа над проектом. Решение промежуточных задач. По лучение запланированных результатов. Выполняют свою часть проекта. Промежуточное обсуждение хода реализации проекта.
Оформление и представление Формы представления устного и письменного отчета. Оппонирование Отчитываются, обсуждают, представляют результаты для внедрения в практику.
Мониторинг и рефлексия Интерпретация и анализ процесса и результата. Внешняя оценка. Рефлексия студентов по поводу авторства в проекте. Формулирование выводов. Новое целеполагание. Анализируют, интерпретируют, оценивают в ходе коллективного обсуждения и самооценок.

Параметры внешней оценки проекта:

  • значимость и актуальность проблемы;
  • корректность используемых методов исследования и обработки полученных результатов;
  • активность каждого члена проектной группы в соответствии с его индивидуальными возможностями;
  • характер принимаемых решений, общения, взаимопомощи;
  • глубина проникновения в проблему, привлечение знаний из других областей;
  • эстетика оформления результатов проекта;
  • умение аргументировать, доказывать, делать выводы и заключения, отвечать на вопросы.


УМК составлен с учетом того, чтобы обучать студентов с различным уровнем знаний и обеспечить возможности аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.

Содержанием учебной деятельности являются теоретические знания, овладение которыми посредством этой деятельности развивает у учащихся основы теоретического сознания и мышления, а также творчески-личностный уровень осуществления практических видов деятельности.

Особенностью курса «Иностранный язык» является то, что за очень небольшое количество часов преподаватель должен повторить материал средней школы, провести вводный тест с целью определения уровня знаний студентов и затем приступить к основному курсу. Основная цель – научить работать с текстами профессионально-ориентированного характера, обогатить словарный запас обучающихся базовыми терминами, привить им некоторые профессионально-ориентированные умения и навыки, в частности, умение использовать различные формы передачи содержания текста (резюме, отчет и т.д.), умения вести беседу по предлагаемым в плане темам и выполнять двусторонний перевод специальных текстов.

Достижению общеобразовательных целей способствуют подборка преподавателем и использование материалов английских изданий, позволяющих получать дополнительные сведения с целью расширения кругозора обучающихся и их знание о стране изучаемого языка.

Необходимо развивать у студентов логическое мышление, умение анализа и синтеза, обучение различным видам чтения (ознакомительному, изучающему, поисковому), т.е. реализовать цель развивающего обучения.

Особое внимание преподаватель должен уделять и аудированию с целью понимания аутентичных текстов.

Поскольку на самостоятельную работу отводится столько же часов, что и на аудиторную, преподаватель должен грамотно организовать контроль самостоятельной работы. На первом же уроке преподаватель знакомит студентов с планом самостоятельной работы, графиком контроля.

Чтение – это ключевой навык, необходимый как для общего образования, так и для дальнейшего прогресса в изучении языка.

Письмо рассматривается как средство изучения и закрепления новой лексики и грамматических конструкций, а также как отдельный навык, который следует развивать как составную часть общего образования студента.

Письменные упражнения всегда сопровождаются рекомендациями и связаны с текстами, что позволяет студенту использовать материалы для чтения как образец для письма.

Поскольку уровень знаний студентов неоднороден, при отборе материала для всех видов речевой деятельности необходимо учитывать базовую подготовку студентов, их индивидуальные особенности и профильную ориентацию.

Распределение основного языкового материала основано на тематическом принципе. При этом фонетические, лексические и грамматические явления изучаются в комплексе по мере прохождения отдельных тем.

Весь учебный материал проходится концентрически: в системе повторения, систематизации и углубления учебного материала. Организуя ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами и грамматическим материалом, необходимо подобрать ситуацию, в которой проявляется назначение этой единицы в общении. В ходе овладения материалом необходимо обеспечить активное участие каждого студента.

Весь процесс обучения иностранному языку должен иметь коммуникативную направленность. Для обучения аудированию следует вести урок на иностранном языке и приучать студентов воспринимать речь преподавателя как «носителя» языка. Следует активно использовать на занятии аудио- и видеозаписи на иностранном языке.

При обучении связному высказыванию важно следить за тем, чтобы речь студента была логична, грамотна в языковом отношении, разноструктурна и соотнесена с ситуацией общения.

При работе над диалогической речью следует поощрять инициативу, учить использовать разговорные клише. Особое внимание следует уделить обучению чтению, имея ввиду, что чтение является ведущим видом речевой деятельности на данном этапе обучения. Необходимо обеспечить овладение студентами четырьмя видами чтения (изучающим, ознакомительным, просмотровым, поисковым) текстов.

В процессе работы с научно-технической литературой следует обучить студентов таким приемам аналитико-синтетической обработки информации, как аннотирование, реферирование.

Необходимо обучить студентов письменному переводу текстов общенаучного и профильного характера и письменно фиксировать значимую для них информацию в виде делового письма и т.п.

Следует включить в активный словарь студентов общенаучную терминологическую и профессионально направленную лексику, расширить объем и глубину осваиваемых грамматических явлений.

Необходимо способствовать приобщению студентов к чтению по интересам, повышению страноведческой эрудиции, приобретению опыта самостоятельного использования иностранного языка для углубления и расширения знаний в различных областях науки, техники и общественной жизни.

Следует способствовать обучению студентов технологии языкового самообразования, а именно: обучение технике работы с различными видами справочной литературы, со словарями, со специальной литературой, периодическими изданиями, Интернетом.

При организации учебного процесса по иностранному языку необходимы:

- строгий отбор языкового материала, подлежащего усвоению, его комплексная организация;

- интенсификация учебного процесса и активизация речемыслительной деятельности студентов во время аудиторных и самостоятельных занятий;

- использование ТСО, элементов программированного обучения;

- использование переноса положительного опыта изучения родного языка на иностранный;

- своевременное предупреждение ошибок;

- профессиональная направленность всего учебного процесса;

- создание благоприятных условий и психологически благоприятной атмосферы, располагающей студентов к слушанию и пониманию, чтению и письму.

Следует больше подчеркивать успехи студентов, чем неудачи. При организации общения важно учитывать взаимоотношения студентов и их индивидуальные возможности и особенности. Необходимо поощрять творчество, инициативу.

При организации контроля усвоения учебного материала необходимо создать спокойную обстановку, проявить благожелательность, внимание, равное отношение ко всем студентам. Вместе с тем при контроле необходимо реализовать в еще большей степени, чем при остальных учебных действиях, дидактический принцип индивидуального подхода к каждому студенту.

Не следует забывать и о моральной роли отметки, о том, что с ее помощью можно стимулировать улучшение работы обучающегося. Поэтому в определенных случаях отметку текущего и рубежного контроля корректируют: чтобы стимулировать дальнейшую учебную деятельность студента, который работает упорно, но не очень успешно, его поощряют выставлением более высокой, чем объективная отметки. Это способствует появлению веры в себя, в свои силы, увеличению работоспособности.

Выставленную отметку не следует «утаивать», ее нужно объявлять по окончании контроля и прокомментировать.

Комментирование может касаться содержания ответа, его формы и последовательности, а также обоснование отметки.

Анализ результатов контроля дает возможность выявить недостатки в подготовке и осуществлении учебной деятельности преподавателя и студентов. Преподаватель обязан выяснить причину недочетов, самокритично исследовать, достаточно ли эффектно проведены им занятия, оптимально ли выбран способ изложения, обеспечено ли достаточно полное и глубокое понимание изложенной информации. Определив причины, он выбирает пути исправления допущенных недостатков в подготовке студентов.

Со студентами, плохо усвоившими учебный материал, преподаватель должен провести дополнительные индивидуальные занятия и консультации. Необходимо организовать взаимопомощь среди студентов.


Вопросы к зачету: I семестр

        1. What is psychology?
        2. When was the first formal psychology laboratory established?
        3. What subfields does psychology have?
        4. What causes violence?
        5. What are the particular aspects of violence?
        6. What can be done to prevent violence?
        7. What do physiological psychologists analyze?
        8. What are personality psychologists interested in?
        9. What do social psychologists research?
        10. What research was Ch. Darwin interested in?
        11. What is the result of evolution?
        12. What allows individuals to remain alive?
        13. What is sociobiology?
        14. What are the approaches to psychology?
        15. What famous psychologists do you know?
        16. What approaches does a cognitive psychologist combine?
        17. What does neuroscience examine?
        18. What do some observers predict?
        19. What famous psychologists do you know?
        20. What are the approaches to psychology?

Вопросы к зачету: III семестр

          1. What is the first feature about worrying?
          2. What do prayers teach us?
          3. What does it mean “living in day-tight compartments”?
          4. What is the only possible way you can prepare for the future?
          5. What idea was expressed by Lin Yutang?
          6. What are the fundamental facts you should know about worry?
          7. Can you analyze and solve worry problems?
          8. What was Willis H. Carrier?
          9. What is Rule I for solving our problems?
          10. Tell the basic techniques in analyzing worry?
          11. What are the characteristics of behavior and mental processes?
          12. What are the phenomena of the science of mental life?
          13. What is psychology by Willian Tames?
          14. What are the “associationist” schools?
          15. What are the main principles of their research?

Экзаменационные темы для устного высказывания

1. The Subject Matter of Psychology

2. The Approaches to Psychology and Their Characteristics

3. The Subfields of Psychology

4. Human Diversity and Psychology

5. Structure Divisions and Interest Groups

6. Three Steps Used by Mr.Carrier in Anti-Worry Technique

7. My Future in Psychology

8. The Main Aspects of Psychodynamic Approach

9. How to Analyze and Solve Worry Problems

10. The Main Trends and Problems in Educational Psychology

Вопросы к экзамену

1. Why is educational psychology a separate subject of study?

2. What requirements can be met in the topics of study?

3. Why are statistical methods essential for the solution of many problems?

4. What is the role of experiment in solving educational problems?

5. What are the main trends and problems in educational psychology?

6. What are the main positive features of Piaget’s developmental psychology?

7. What are the stages and structures Piaget affirms?

8. What is the influence of general intelligence or teaching or experience upon the evolution of the structures?

9. What is the relationship between a child’s pronouncements and his actual pattern of thought or other behavior?

10. What is psychology?

11. What subfields does psychology have?

12. What do physiological psychologists analyze?

13. What do social psychologists research?

14. What is sociobiology?

15. What does neuroscience examine?

16. What are the characteristics of behavior and mental processes?

17. What are the main principles of “associationists”’s research?

18. What is the first feature about worrying?

19. How can you analyze and solve worry problems?

20. What are the basic techniques in analyzing worry?

Образцы текстов для чтения и перевода на экзамене


Each nation has its own peculiar character which distinguishes it from others. But the peoples of the world have more points in which they are all like each other than points in which they are different. One type of person that is common in every country is the one who always tries to do as little as he possibly can and to get as much in return as he can. His opposite, the man who is in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary and who is ready to accept what is offered in return, is rare everywhere.

Both these types are usually unconscious of their character. The man who avoids effort is always talking about his "rights": he appears to think that society owes him a pleasant, easy life. The man who is always doing more than his share talks of "duties"; he feels that the individual is in debt to society, and not society to the individual. As a result of their views, neither of these men thinks that he behaves at all strangely.

The man who tries to do as little as he can is always full of excuses: if he has neglected to do something, it was because he had a headache, or the weather was too hot — or too cold — or be­cause he was prevented by bad luck. At first, other people, such as his friends and his employer, generously accept his stories; but soon they realize what kind of person he is. In the long run1 he deceives only himself. When his friends become cool towards him and he fails to make progress in his job, he is surprised and hurt. He blames everyone and everything except himself. He feels that society is failing in its duties towards him and that he is being unjustly treated. He soon becomes one of the discontented members of the society he lives in.

His public-spirited opposite is never too busy to take on an extra piece of work: that is the strangest thing about the whole business. If you want something done in a hurry, don't go to the man who has clearly not much to do. He will probably have a dozen excellent excuses for not being able to help you, much as he claims" he would like to. Go to the busiest man you know, particularly if you are sure that he has not a spare minute in the week. If your work is really important, he will make time for it (Hill L. A., Fielden R. D. S. Further Comprehension and Precis Pieces for Over­seas Students. P. 77).


What is thinking? The word "thinking", like other words, has several meanings. The word is used popularly in the sense of "to have an opinion". This opinion may be our own or it may be merely an echo of somebody else's opinion. One of the definitions of the verb "to think" as given in the dictionary is "to express the mind otherwise than by passive reception of another's ideas". And indeed the word is best used to mean real thinking: putting two and two together, and trying to find out the truth...

To accept as true certain thoughts because they happen to be popular, or modern, or because some person with a great name has told us that they are true, is not real thinking at all. It is precisely against this bad habit of looking to authority that Roger Bacon warned us over 500 years ago, and Aristotle long before that.

The most active form of thinking is found when we are discussing or arguing with others. A discussion consists in comparing our views or thoughts with those of others in order to see in what degree or measure our thoughts agree or disagree. By discussion we may modify our views or the views held by others. An argument is more in the nature of a battle, with thoughts used as weapons.

Therefore when we argue, we sometimes are less interested in finding the truth than winning our case and defeating (getting the better of) our opponent <...>.

Thinking may also be called "the machinery of association", for it is to a large extent con­nected with memory: when we think we are putting facts into combination with facts — we are "putting two and two together", as the saying is.

We may now ask ourselves the question: "May we, by striving, become good thinkers?" This depends largely upon the nature of our interest. There are false or doubtful kinds of interest, as well as good ones. A man may be interested simply in making money, and the machinery of associ­ation in his mind will work with astonishing skill and rapidity; or a boy may be interested only in passing an examination, and so his machinery of association works hard for a time at something 01 other, and after the examination, he seldom or never thinks of it again.

Worst of all, perhaps, in its results, is the kind of interest which sets men studying things on­ly in order to defeat someone else, or to prove that they are right, or to make success for the party 01 the >

Let us, rather, resolve to found our thoughts on the sort of interest which leads toward the discovery of truth, for there can be no higher ideal. The English translation of a certain Latin pro­verb runs, "Great is truth, and it shall prevail" or to put it more briefly: "Truth will conquer". And for truth to prevail we require thinkers, real thinkers, unprejudiced thinkers, who are able to find and remember facts, and draw valid conclusions from them (Palmer H. E. Standard English Reader. London, fs. a.l. P. 347).


In human work, as well as in other aspects of life, the motivation of people is, of course, central to any form of behaviour. While human motivation is characterized by basic "needs", it is specifically directed either toward achieving some desirable, positive goals, or toward avoiding oth-er undesirable, negative consequences. Thus, in the work setting the question arises as to what va-riables are perceived by the worker as desirable goals to achieve or undesirable conditions to avoid.

The motivation to work has been studied by Herzberg and his co-workers. This study con-sisted of an intensive analysis of the experienced feelings of two hundred engineers and accountants (бухгалтер) in nine different companies. During structured interviews they were asked to describe a few previous job experiences in which they felt "exceptionally good" or "exceptionally bad" about their jobs.

As a result of a detailed analysis of the interview data, Herzberg came to the conclusion that categories associated with high job-attitudes are indirectly or directly connected with yob activities as such. These categories are: achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibilities, and ad-vancement. On the other hand, the factor categories associated with low job-attitude situations are primarily connected with the job-context rather than with the job activities; the more important of these are company policy and administration, technical supervision, interpersonal relations, and working conditions.

According to Herzberg, these results indicate that the factors that lead to positive job atti-tudes do so primarily because they satisfy the individual's need for self-actualization in his work. The conditions that surround the job cannot give him this basic satisfaction, although (when these conditions are satisfactory) they can meet the needs of the individual to avoid unpleasant situation. Thus, one group of factors (those connected with the job itself) serve the need to develop in one's occupation as a source of personal growth. The second group (those connected with the job conditions) are an essential base to the first. While they do not bring about positive satisfaction, they can prevent dissatisfaction.

The secrets of sleep

The secrets of sleep were a mystery for centuries simply because there was neither the means (способ) to explore them, nor the need. Only when candles gave way to gaslight, and gas to electricity, when man became able to convert night into day, and double his output by working shifts (смена) round the clock, did people seriously start wondering if sleep could possibly be a waste of time. Our ability to switch night into day is very recent, and it is questionable if we will ever either want or be able to give up our habit of enjoying a good night's sleep. However, a re markable research project in London has already discovered a few people who actually enjoy in somnia (бессонница). Even chronic insomniacs often get hours more sleep than they think. But, by placing electric contacts beside the eyes and on the head, it is possible to check their complaint by studying the tiny currents (ток) we generate which reveal (показывать) the different brainwaves of sleep and wakefulness. This has shown that for some people seven or eight hours of sleep a night are quite unnecessary.

A lot of recent work has shown that too much sleep is bad for you, so that if you are fortu nate enough to be born with a body which needs only small amount of sleep, you may well be heal thier and happier than someone who sleeps longer.

Every attempt to unravel (разгадать) the secrets of sleep, and be precise about its function, raises many problems. The sleeper himself cannot tell what is going on and, even when he wakes, has only a very hazy (неясный) idea of how good or bad a night he has had. The research is expen sive and often unpopular, as it inevitably (неизбежно) involves working at night. Only in the last few years have experts come up with theories about the function of sleep and the laws which may govern it.

Humanistic psychology

Humanistic psychology, exemplified by such outstanding writers as Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Gordon Allport, Eric Fromm, and Rollo May, is concerned with the challenge of fully de veloping the person's resources. It holds that the person's need to develop his potentials, along with his capacity to do so, is innate — that is, as much a part of his nature as physiological needs.

Moreover, humanistic psychology focuses on the individual as a whole person. To the hu manistic psychologist the attempt to understand a person by piecing him together from various parts of his behavior studied separately, does not yield the same results as when he is studied as a whole. In other words, where human behavior is concerned, the whole is distinctly different from the sum of its parts. According to Bugental (1964), now that it is becoming clear that the behaviourist's search for additional knowledge about specific functions will not lead to an understanding of man in the world, psychology is finally becoming the study of man — the whole man. Thus humanistic psychology accepts man's wholeness as a given.

The Freudian view of man as dominated by unconscious instincts is rejected by humanistic psychology. The humanistic psychologist does recognize the influence of early conditioning and of unconscious drives. But like the modern existentialist, he does not perceive man's destiny (судьба) to be so fixed by his unconscious that he has little choice; thus for him unconscious motivation is consistent with an important degree of choice.

Man has learned to anticipate the consequences (результат) of his most complex behaviour, that is, he has awareness, which is reflected in a focus upon his own being and in how he is related to other persons and to social groups. Inevitably (неизбежно) this focus upon his own being influ-ences the choices he makes. His choices are also influenced by his philosophy of life, attitudes, and values. It is these that make up the humanness that distinguishes man from other species. It is be-cause of these qualities that he feels a sense of relatedness to others.

Yet another side of man's humanness is the creative force that gives rise to his most com-plex and specifically human behavior. He is capable of ordering his life into paths of his own choice. The concept of man as involved in the process of becoming has been summarized by Rog-ers:

... man does not simply have the characteristics of a machine, he is not simply a being in the grip (во власти) of unconscious motives, he is a person in the process of creating himself, a person who embodies a dimension of subjective freedom.

Focusing on man's experience of his self, humanistic psychology has an inner-oriented, phenomenological quality, that is, it places its emphasis on subjective experience rather than on ob-jective reality. Great importance is therefore attached to awareness of self- of values, goals, suffer-ing (страдание), joy, and striving (стремление). And in all this, humanistic psychology sees man as being inherently good.

The "third force" in psychology

The "third force" in clinical theory and practice is humanistic psychology and "the human potential movement". Humanistic views became popular during the 60s, reflecting in part the pro-test against establishment practices in all fields of endeavor (зд. исследование). But it was in the 70s that this movement truly flourished, attracting media (средства массовой коммуникации) at-tention and support from among those in the mental health professions who felt dissatisfied with behaviorism and psychoanalysis.

Humanistic therapists begin on a highly optimistic note, asserting (утверждать) that each person, irrespective (ненезависимо) of native ability or life circumstances, is capable of achieving complete self-awareness and self-acceptance. Each one of us can be liberated, enabled to fulfill our creative potential and experience life more fully if we can be helped to overcome internal barriers.

Carl Rogers is often cited as the progenitor (основатель) of humanistic views. He said that only negative evaluations made by significant others in the life of the individual limit the individu-al's potential for growth. Rogers regarded optimal mental health as a state of total congruity bet-ween the self as it currently is, and the self as one would like it to be, or "ideal self. Such congruity would create unconditional feelings of self-worth which would translate into positive regard (ува-жение) for others and a full range of development of one's capacities.

Rogers thought of therapy as an opportunity to lessen any incongruity between the self and the ideal self, which requires that therapist and client have a true person-to-person relationship, not one that amounts to a physician administering a cure (лечение) (the analytic model), or a scientist manipulating a laboratory object (the behaviorist model). Rogerian therapists advocate a therapeutic atmosphere of warmth, permissiveness (снисхождение) and egalitarianism. In such a setting, a per-son could receive more favourable evaluations — "stroking" (поглаживание) some have called it -that would free him to take chances in life, to self-actualize.

Eyeless sight

In 1960 a medical board examined a girl in Virginia and found that, even with thick bandag es over her eyes, she was able to distinguish different colours and read short sections of large print. The phenomenon is obviously not new, but it has reached new peaks of sensitivity in a young wom an from a mountain village in the Urals.

Rosa Kuleshova can see with her fingers. She is not blind, but because she grew up in a fam ily of blind people, she learned to read Braille to help them and then went on to teach herself to do other things with her hands. In 1962 her physician took her to Moscow, where she was examined by the Soviet Academy of Science, and emerged a celebrity, certified as genuine.

The neurologist Shaefer made an intensive study with her and found that, securely blind folded with only her arms stuck through a screen, she could differentiate among three primary co lours. To test the possibility that the cards reflected heat differently, he heated some and cooled oth ers without affecting her response to them. He also found that she could read newsprint and sheet music (ноты) under glass, so texture was giving her no clues. Tested by the psychologist Novo-meisky, she was able to identify the colour and shape of patches of light projected on to her palm (ладонь) or on to a screen. In rigidly controlled tests, with a blindfold and a screen and a piece of card around her neck so wide that she could not see round it, Rosa read the small print in a newspa per with her elbow. And, in the most convincing demonstration of all, she repeated these things with someone standing behind her pressing hard on her eyeballs. Nobody can cheat under this pres sure; it is even difficult to see clearly for minutes after it is released.

Sleep problems

Sleep problems are not the same in children as they are in adults. For example, infants and toddlers who are not sleeping well do not complain — their parents do. Young children are usually more unhappy about having to go to bed than about any inability to fall asleep; in fact they are more likely to fight sleep than they are to count sheep. The significance of other sleep symptoms also de pends on age. A four-year-old who wets the bed every night probably has no disorder at all. A sev en-year-old who does the same has an annoying problem. But a young adult who wets nightly has a genuinely disturbing disorder. Sleepwalking or sleep terrors may have very different psychological significance at different ages. And loud nightly snoring (храпение) in children does not usually have the same cause or require the same treatment as it does in adults.

Since opening our clinic, I have learned a great deal from the hundreds of families whose children I have treated. Most of the parents had received varied and often conflicting advice from family, friends, and health professionals, and most had tried several different approaches in an at tempt to improve their children's sleep. Many of them had been told, at some point, simply to let their child cry. Or they were advised to lock the child in his or her room, to let the child sleep with them, to have a parent sleep in the child's room, to change the child's diet, to increase nighttime feedings, to warm the milk, to use a pacifier, to rock their child to sleep, to turn on a light or radio, to drive their child in the car at bedtime, to eliminate a nap, to switch to a water bed, or to give their child sleep medicine.

Parents were often told - incorrectly - that there was little they could do but wait for the child to outgrow the problem. Frequently they were unjustly accused of "spoiling" their child, and were made to feel inadequate as parents.

I have found that most of this advice not only doesn't help but will usually make matters worse because it is not based on a full understanding of children's sleep. Fortunately I have been able to gain a much better appreciation of the nature of sleep and sleep disturbances in children, and I have found that the causes of most of these disturbances can be identified fairly readily and then corrected by simple, straightforward techniques.

The most common problem, for example, sleeplessness in young children, has proven to be the easiest to treat: even an infant or toddler who has never slept through the night can begin doing so within a few days with the right assistance from parents. Other problems such as bedwetting, sleepwalking, or sleep terrors need different approaches, but can almost always be alleviated. Only occasional disorders such as narcolepsy require the use of medication. And only very specific con-ditions such as sleep apnea (остановка дыхания) ever call for surgery.

At our center I work closely with families. With their help I examine the factors responsible for the child's sleep disruption and then, in most cases, work out treatment methods that the parents can carry out by themselves. For the most part it is still the parents who solve their child's sleep problems, and usually quite successfully.

Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа № 1 (1 семестр)

1. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола в следующих предложениях:

Образец: I don’t understand /I am not understanding

  1. They usually visit / are visiting their parents on Saturdays.
  2. My brother travels / is traveling in Thailand at the moment.
  3. I start / am starting work at eight every morning and finish / am finishing at about four.
  4. He likes / is liking old books.
  5. Oh, John, hurrу up! Clare waits / is waiting for you at the station.
  6. Excuse me. I look for / am looking for Station Road.
  7. Look at him! He is doing the walk, but he hares / is hating it.
  8. It's my first time here and I love / am loving this place.
  9. I don't believe / am not believing it! You are smoking!
  10. She will be proud of you. You understand / are understanding English

2. Поставьте глаголы данные в скобках, в отрицательную форму соответствующего времени:


You... (be) at the Institute yesterday.

You weren’t at the Institute yesterday.

I... (work) today.

She... (study) on Sundays.

They... (play) tennis tomorrow

We... (go) on holiday last year.

I... (can hear)you.

He... (listen) to his teacher yesterday.

I... (be going) to join you. I am busy.

You... (must do) the stopping. I have done it.

3. Напишите следующие прилагательные в сравнительной степени:

Образец: cheap – cheaper

important – more in

  1. nice– …,1ate–…, thin–…, big– …, slow–…, easy– …, heavy– …, early – …, old –..., far – …, good– …, bad– …,
  2. expensive –..., beautiful– …,. modem –…,polite–…, tired– …, difficult –…, interesting –..., important–…, careful – …, impressive– ….

4. Установите правильный порядок слов в следующих предложениях:

Образец: It’s hobby very relaxing hobby.

  1. We play twice a week basketball.
  2. I can write very well English.
  3. They together do the homework.
  4. She’s going next week to paint her flat.
  5. We will a flight to Berlin book.
  6. I take shoes size six.
  7. This coat is not enough long.
  8. Look at those brown beautiful sandals!

5. Поставьте вопросы к ответам, приведенным ниже:


It’s a tin opener.

What’s this?

  1. I am 22.
  2. We are playing the violin.
  3. She lives in Moscow.
  4. He cannot swim.
  5. No, they don’t.
  6. Yes? I am.
  7. Very well.
  8. My car is green.

6. Закончите предложения словами, начинающимися с some-, any-, every-, or no-


I looked for my watch ….

I looked for my watch everywhere.

I couldn’t find a parking place …

… enjoys having a holiday.

Let’s go … this year.

… likes me. I haven’t got any true friends.

Have you got … to eat?

No, sorry. There’s … in the fridge.

I saw … in the garden last night. He was definitely a stranger.

I don’t know …

Is … here? I cannot see …

… must learn English. It is spoken all over the world!

Контрольная работа № 2 (2 семестр)

1. Переделайте следующие предложения, употребив глагол в Passive voice.

Образец: They invited him – He was invited.

  1. They will carry out this experiment next week.
  2. He wrote this book 10 years ago.
  3. They've asked hi ma lot of questions.
  4. Somebody has left all the documents in the office,
  5. One praises a pupil when he works hard.
  6. People will forget his play in a few years time.
  7. Somebody built this house last year.
  8. They will discuss his paper tomorrow.
  9. The have opened the conference.
  10. Someone has typed all the texts.
  11. Nobody heard the sound.
  12. People always admire this picture.

2. Переделайте предложения, употребив необходимую форму прошедшего


  1. It is clear that he is right.
  2. They claim that they are trying to read an argument on all the issues.
  3. He says that the lecture is very interesting.
  4. They complain that he has been rude to them.
  5. The witness insists that he hasn't seen the man.
  6. She says that She has been having strange dreams for a long time.
  7. He insists that he is innocent.
  8. Our correspondent reports that the rate of unemployment is rising in Britain.

3. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, используя глагол to wish.

Образен: It's a pity I haven't accepted their invitation. I wish I had accepted their invitation.

  1. It's a pity I don't live nearer to my work.
  2. Tin sorry I don't know French.
  3. It's a pity 1 am not a doctor.
  4. I'm sorry I didn't stay in my last job.
  5. I'm sorry you aren't coining with us.
  6. I'm sorry 1 have no chance to speak English every day.
  7. I'm sorry I haven't supported them.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя активную или пассивную форму герундия.


He hated (to give) advice to other people (active). He hated giving advice to other people.

He hated (to give) advice by other people (passive). He hated being given advice by other people.

  1. She avoided (to express) her opinion in public (active)
  2. She avoided (to see) in their company (passive)
  3. He hated (to argue) with his colleagues (active)
  4. He hated (to disturb) at lunch time (passive)
  5. They insisted on (to change) the regulations (active)
  6. Me insisted on (to send) a copy of the documents (passive)
  7. Lots of people prefer (to record) their thoughts (to write) them down (active, active)
  8. Would he mind to ask a few questions? (passive)
  9. Would you mind (to answer) a few questions? (active)
  10. He remembered (to warn) them about the danger (active)
  11. He remembered (to warn) about the danger (passive)

5. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную временную форму глагола.

Образец: If it (not rein), we (go) to the park. If it doesn't rain, we’ll go to the park.

  1. I (phone) and thank her if I (not have time) to write.
  2. If you (not take) your medicine, you (not gel better).
  3. We (not able) to come if we (not get) a babysitter.
  4. If she (not hurry), she (miss) the bus.
  5. If we (book) tickets today, we (get) better seats.

6. Перепишите предложения. Найдите в них Participle I и Participle II.

Определите их форму и функцию в предложении. Переведите.

  1. The man speaking to the student is the Head of the Department.
  2. All the roads leading to the center of the city were blocked by trucks.
  3. Most of the scientists invited to the conference were leading, specialists in various branches of economics.
  4. In some countries there is tax en things sold in the shops.
  5. They spend the whole day packing the equipment.
  6. Using this new method, he solved a number of problems
  7. When presented historically, the subject seemed more interesting.
  8. Seeing nothing there that could interest us, we left the exhibition.
  9. She rushed back home, suddenly remembering that she had not locked the door.
  10. Having spend all the money he started looking for work.

Контрольная работа №3 (3 семестр)

1. Закончите предложения, употребив герундий.

1. What is your idea of (обсудить этот вопрос сейчас)? 2. The film is worth(посмотреть). 3. There are a lot of ways of(сделать это). 4. Do you have the opportunity(посетить выставку)? 5. I don’t like (напоминать ему об этом).

2. Употребите одну из неличных форм глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие.

1. He offered (lend) me the money. I didn’t like (take) it but I had no other way out. 2. What was it the letter? I don’t know. I didn’t want (open) it as it wasn’t addressed to me. 3. Try (avoid) (be) late. He hates (be) kept (wait). 4. Ask him (come) in. Don’t keep him (stand) at the door. 5. It’s no use (write) to him, he never answers letters. The only thing (do) is (go) and (see) him. 6. I can hear the bell (ring) but nobody seems (be coming) (open) the door. 7. He heard the clock striking five and know it was time for him (get) up. 8. I am not used to (drive) on the left. 9. It’s pleasant (sit) by the fire at night and (hear) the wind (blow) outside.

3.Переведите предложения на русский язык. Причастные обороты подчеркните.

1. Being a great book-lover, he spent a lot of money on books. 2. The answer received from the sellers greatly surprised us. 3. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn. 4. When writing a telegram we must use as few words as possible. 5. A person bringing good news is always welcome.

4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Покажите мне список студентов, изучающих английский язык. 2. Будучи очень усталым, я решил остаться дома. 3. Переходя через мост, я увидел (встретил) Д. 4. Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны прийти в институт сегодня в 6 часов. 5. Я уже проверил все сочинения, написанные студентами моей группы.

5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Они хотят, чтобы мы пришли к ним сегодня. 2. Она хочет, чтобы ее пригласили на вечер. 3. Я никогда не слышал, как она говорит по-французски. 4. Она видела, что он вошел в дом, и спустилась вниз, чтобы встретить его.

6. Переведите на русский язык.

Now days science is known to contribute to every aspect of man’s life. 2. He happens to work at the some problem. 3. The work is likely to contribute to the solution of the problem. 4. The is said to have graduated from Oxford University. 5. The results of this experiment are found to overlap.

7. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Решение этой проблемы, как известно, зависит от многих факторов. 2. Ожидается, что работа будет закончена в этом месяце. 3. Говорят, что он внес определенный вклад в решение этой проблемы. 4. Ему было дано указание доложить обо всем вам.

Контрольная работа № 4 (4 семестр)

1.Переведите на русский язык

  1. You must leave at once.
  2. She must have understood me.
  3. She ought to have known this rule better.
  4. You shouldn't phone them now.
  5. We don't have to do this exercise again.
  6. She may be thirty.

II. Употребите модальные глаголы в следующих предложениях в Past Indefinite и Future Indefinite.

  1. Our sportsmen can win gold medals at the competition.
  2. The students have to work hard.
  3. We may borrow books from the town library.

III. Переведите предложения, определите функции инфинитива.

  1. То master a foreign language is necessity for all the students.
  2. Popov was the first to invent the radio.
  3. The problem to be discussed at the conference is of great importance.

IV. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы

и функции причастий.

  1. Having graduated from the college, my brother went to work to Siberia.
  2. Being prepared by our scientists man-made diamonds are widely employed in many industries of our country.
  1. A broken cup was lying on the table.
  2. My pen is broken.
  3. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn't reach him.

V. Из двух предложений составьте одно, применяя герундий.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец: Victor didn’t come to the lecture I was surprised at this. I was surprised at Victor's not coming to the lecture.

  1. My friend has mastered two foreign languages. We are proud of it.
  2. Peter leaves for Kiev. His father insisted on it.
  3. Ann goes to Moscow by plane. Her mother is against it.

VI. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

  1. This being the last day of our trip we hurried to the sea for a last swim.
  2. Dinner being over, they went out for a walk.
  3. They were having a quiet evening at home, the children playing in their rooms, the parents watching TV.
  4. The weather being line, we went to the country.

VII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

  1. She said she was writing a letter.
  2. He said he had seen the film the day before.
  3. They knew they would graduate from the college in years.
  4. 1 promised I should have done my work by the evening.
  5. We said we lived in Moscow.

VIII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращай внимание на

герундиальный оборот.

  1. We heard of their having entered the institute.
  2. Victor's parents are proud of his having become an engineer.
  3. She is sure of his coming in time.
  4. The students of our group are proud of their participating in the scientific conference.
  5. In spite of not having had any university education he was a u \y intelligent man.

IX. Из двух предложений составьте одно с Complex Object. Предложения

переведите на русский язык.

  1. The schoolchildren planted trees. The man saw it.
  2. Somebody sang in the park. I heard it.
  3. The doctor touched his leg. The boy felt it.
  4. My little sister watered a vegetable bed. I didn't see it.

X. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Complex Subject и Complex Object.

  1. He heard me open the door.
  2. She is said to live in Kiev.
  3. I le is said to hove been appointed a director of a big plant.
  4. I know them to be right.
  5. They wish the work to be done at once.
  6. They are likely to come soon.
  7. Me is sure to return.

XI. Переведите условные предложения на русский язык.

  1. If you worked hard, you would do this work in time.
  2. If he studied regularly, he would pass his exam.
  3. If we had not been busy yesterday we should have helped you.


1 семестр

1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. Перепишите предложения на русский язык.

1. Не … a student now. 2. They … students last year. 3. Next year he … here, now he … in the Far East. 4. I …ill yesterday, but now I … quite well. 5. His flat … in the centre of our city. 6. My sister … a teacher.of English. 7. The flat in this house … very comfortable. 8. I … very busy tomorrow, but now I … free. 9. He … rather smart. 10. We … very glad to see you.

2. Следующие предложения сделайте вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. My friend is a correspondence student.

2. She was at the Institute yesterday.

3. We shall be busy tomorrow.

3. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have. Переведите предложении на русский язык.

  1. He … two little brothers, and he always helps them in their work. 2. Yesterday he … very little time and could not finish his work. 3. We … much free time tomorrow morning. 4. My friend … a large library. 5. We went to the concert yesterday and … a good time there. 6. My parents … a comfortable flat now. 7. Tomorrow we … a meeting at the Institute. 8. The children always … dinner at one o'clock.

4. Напишите и выучите 3 формы следующих неправильных глаголов:

to begin to speak to be to write to leave to give to pay to run to find to read to know to go to see to come to become

5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени равнения от следующих прилагательных:

great, important, small, fine, large, big, good, many, beautiful, poor, easy, little, bad, difficult, rich, warm.

6. Откройте скобки и поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную Степень в зависимости от смысла. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.The winter in England is (warm) than in central Europe.2. Spring is the (good) season in Great Britain. 3. It is the (small) planet in our solar system. 4. The weather becomes (cold) and (cold) every day. 5. The twenty-second of December is the (short ) day of the year. 6. Moscow today is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world. 7. He is the (good) student in our group. 8. Spring is the (pleasant) season in the year.9. Moscow is (big) than Minsk.

7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкцию the…the.

1. The more I study English, the better 1 read and speak.

2. The better we know this man, the more we like him.

3. The better the weather, the more difficult it is for me to stay at home.

4.The more I look at the picture, the less I like it.

5.The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

8. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

1. My mother lives with us. 2. Next summer we shall go to the country. 3. He graduated from the Institute two years ago. 4.My sister skates well. 5. I saw him yeasterday.

9. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. She studies at Moscow University. (Where)

2. We came on Sunday. (When)

3. I usually read newspapers in the morning. (What).

10. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобках, в Present, Past u Future Indefinite.

1. He (to write) letters on Sunday.

2.My father (to work) at the plant.

3.They (to play) tennis every day.

11. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на значение модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.

1. Much attention must be given to the education and upbringing of children

2. They had to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

3.He was very busy yesterday and was not able to finish his work.

4.I can't say that it is easy to combine work-and studies.

5. We are allowed to take examinations in advance.

6. She was not able to do it better.

7. He was right and I had to agree with him.

8. She was not allowed to take this book.

12. Поставьте предложения в вопросительной форме.

1. He can win a great victory.

2. She may ask them about it.

3. I must meet my brother after school.

13. Поставьте предложения в отрицательной форме.

1. I can repair the watch myself.

2. He may select any book on the shelf.

3. She must go now.

14. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в Present Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I think she (to skate) now.

2. He (to play) chess with his friend.

3. The child (to sleep) in the open air.

4.The train (to approach) Moscow now.

15.Постаиьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в Past Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. My sister (to stay) in New-York for some days.

2. We (to have) a meeting from 3 till 5 o'clock yesterday.

3.They (to wait) for him for 2 hours.

16. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в Future Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I (to have) my music lesson at that time tomorrow.
  2. Come to see me at 6 o’clock. I (to wait) for you.
  3. Tomorrow at that time we (to sleep) in the train on our way to the South.

17. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. Не is making his report in English.

2. She was standing at the blackboard at that time.

3.The teacher has given us much homework

4.They have told everything about it.

18. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слов one, ones.

А. He is a first-year student and she is a second-year one.

I don’t like this dress. Show me another one, please.

These text-books are better than those ones.

B. This concert is as wonderful as the previous one.

Your flowers are as beautiful as his ones.

This car is not so good as that one.

19. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных и переведите их на русский язык.

active, usual, frequent, practical, wide, normal, evident, cold, regular, simple, wonderful, quick, careful

20.Переведите предложения на русский язык. Найдите и подчеркните наречия.

1. It is a very deep river. 2. I often go to the Institute on foot. 3. He listened to her report attentively. 4. On Sunday I usually get up at 8 o'clock. 5. I have never seen this wonderful picture before. 6. She visited me once when I was at the hospital.

21. Заполните пропуски конструкцией there is, there are. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. …seven faculties at our Institute.
  2. … a kitchen and two rooms in my flat.
  3. … twenty-five students in our group.

22. Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными.

1. There are many parks in our city.

2. There was a lecture on literature yesterday.

3.There will be a new plan tomorrow.

2 семестр

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен группы Perfect:

1) Не has told her all about his travel. 2) I have never been to Los-Angeles. 3) Have you finished your homework? 4) They have been friends for years. 5) By the time he leaves home,-we shall have come to the station. 6) We are sure that he will have kept his promise. 7) She told us that she had not finished her report yet. 8) He has been the best student in the>

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения one (ones), that (those):

1) This text is more difficult than that one. 2) One of the students is absent today. 3) One must always try to speak English at our lessons. 4) There is only one way to do it. 5) Those present at the meeting were the teachers from our school. 6) I like to read English books as well as Russian ones. 7) The students of the first group study better than those of the second one. 8) These pictures are better than those. 9) This film is more interesting than that I saw last week. 10) I don't like this book. Give me another one.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива:

1) You must get up early to be in time for the lesson.

2) We sometimes stay at our institute to discuss the news.

3) One must study hard to know English well.

4) To improve pronunciation one must read aloud.

5) To learn how to use this method you must solve many problems.

6) He worked hard to complete his experiment in time.

7) It will take you much time to perform this work.

8) To translate this text without a dictionary you must know all the new words.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите тип придаточных предложений:

1) Everybody knew that education in the USSR wa free.

2) I consider it is very important to translate the text without a dictionary.

3) The books you spoke about are available in all bookshops.

4) The exercise I asked you about is rather difficult.

5) The information you sent us is of great importance.

6) We know he will keep his word.

7) There are many facts in his biography we still don't know.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива:

1) Не was too astonished to speak.

2) To fulfil this task was not easy.

3) I want you to consider the matter at once.

4) It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance.

5) The work to be done here will take much time.

6) I have come here to help you.

7) Our task is to master English.

8) The problem to be discussed at our meeting is very important.

9) To walk in bad weather is not pleasant.

6. Определите формы с окончанием -ing и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) I don't like being spoken to in such a manner.

2) You can master the language by speaking English every day.

3) You surprised me by not having done this work in time.

4) I thought of the question being discussed at the meeting.

5) She never did a thing without asking somebody's advice.

6) Reading aloud is very useful.

7) She likes being invited to the theatre.

8) I heard the singing of a bird.

9) She does not like reading aloud.

10) He likes being told such stories.

11) It being very late, we had to return home.

12) The meeting was held at the beginning of the working day.

7. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола придаточных предложений:

1) Не said that he had read this book twice.

2) We thought that the results of your work would be better.

3) The boy said that he was only eight years old.

4) I knew that he would refuse to help me.

5) He was sure that I should come in time.

6) She thought that the letter had been written by her friend.

7) They said that it had been raining from five till seven.

8) She said that she could not give me this book because she had promised to give it to her sister.

8. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните в придаточных предложениях глаголы в сослагательном наклонении:

1) It would have saved you a lot of time if you had prepared for your experiment more carefully.

2) If it were possible to live on the Moon, people would be able to jump about six times as high as they can on the Earth.

3) If he were here now, he would tell us many interesting stories about his trip.

4) If she could, she would certainly help you.

5) It they had had enough time they would have repeated their experiment.

6) Had we known all those facts before, we should have written you about them long ago.

7) Should she come, let her wait a little.

8) If he were here, he would demonstrate the diagrams to us.

9. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление глаголов should, would:

1) She said he would come here in time.

2) If we had started earlier, we should not have missed the train.

3) He would experiment much to get better results.

4) If we had tested this material earlier, we should have used it in our construction work.

5) I should like to carry out research work in the field of engineering materials,

6) You should understand the principle on which a rocket operates.

7) If they had solved the problem, their experiments would have been completed

    1. 3 семестр
    1. 1. Образуйте причастия I от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык.
    2. go, take, make, attract, speak, sing, drink, receive.
    3. 2. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в Present Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    4. 1. Не (to work) in the garden now.
    5. 2. We (to study) some new grammar rules.
    6. 3. She (to help) me with my report.
    7. 3. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в Past Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    8. 1. She (to wash) dishes when we came..
    9. 2. They (to play) football when I saw them.
    10. 3. I (to wait) for them at the station at that time.
    11. 4. Поставьте глаголы, заключенные в скобки, в Future Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We (to work) in the field the whole day.

2. She (to take) a music lesson at this time tomorrow.

3. I (to study) from 2 till 4 o'clock next Sunday.

5. Переведите предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге.

1. A new plan is being discussed by us now.

2. The students papers are being corrected by the teacher.

3. A new equipment was being demonstrated to the students when I entered the laboratory.

6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции слов с окончанием –ing.

1. She is writing a letter to her mother.

2. She does not like writing letters.

3. When reading the text I learned many new words.

4. She was reading an English magazine when I saw her.

5. The girl reading an English magazine is my sister.

7. Образуйте причастия II от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык.

А. name, attract, study, open, invent, receive, answer.

B. do, begin, drink, eat, say, make, give, leave, tell.

8. Замените подлежащее предложения подлежащим из правой колонки, изменив, если надо, форму сказуемого.

The foreign delegation

I have visited this museum. The children

Our group

The farmers

9. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. Не is making his report in English.

2. She was standing at the blackboard at that time.

3. The teacher has given us much homework.

4. They have told everything about it.

10. Откройте скобки, поставив заключенные в них глаголы в Past Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Lobachevsky (to become) rector of Kazan University by the age of 35.

2. They (to analyze) the results of their research by that time.

3. He (to finish) the experiment before we came.

11. Переведите предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в форме Future Perfect Tense.

1. I shall have bought all the necessary text-books by the beginning of the school-year.

2. By this summer we shall have read all the stories in the book.

3. We shall have discussed the project at the conference by the end of the week.

4. Our experimental work will have been completed by next Tuesday.

12. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слов one, ones.

А. 1. Не is a first-year student and she is a second-year one.

2. I don't like this dress. Show me another one, please.

3.These text-books are better than those ones.

B. 1. This concert is as wonderful as the previous one.

2. Your flowers are as beautiful as his ones.

3.This car is not so good as that one.

C. 1. One must repeat this rule to do the exercise well.

2. One must not smoke in the room.

3. One must consult a doctor if he is ill.

13. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слов that (of), those (of).

1. The physics laboratory of your school is equipped better than that of our school.

2. Her composition was handed in time, but those of her friends are still unfinished.

3.The buildings of this city are more ancient than those of our city.

14. Переведите предложения, содержащие усилительную конструкции типа it is (was)...who (that).

1. It was the discovery of new materials that helped us to construct modern buildings.

2. It was A. Makarenko who used many new pedagogical principles in the eduction and upbringing of children.

4 семестр

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальный глагол:

1) You must have misunderstood me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

2) She must have failed to understand this rule, that's why the exercises are done in the wrong way.

3) Our telegram must have never reached them. No wonder they have not come to meet us.

4) He must have left the letter unanswered.

5) Something must have happened with the telephone, it is out of order.

6) They might have already returned from the expedition.

7) She ought to have known this rule better.

2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение.

I) She always thought him to be right. 2) Every mother wants her child to be happy. 3) I could never understand what made her do that. 4) The parents expected the teacher to improve the child's speech. 5) I heard somebody mention his name. 6) We expect this statement to be true. 7) I believed the calculation to be correct.

3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее:

1) Tsiolkovsky is known to have developed the theory of rocket


2) The experiment was supposed to have been completed.

3) Electric current is known to flow in metal parts.

4) The solution of this problem is said not to be easy.

5) Many new houses are planned to be built in our city.

6) This important problem is sure to be settled very soon.

7) He is likely to be given this work.

8) The match proved to be final.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия:

1) I remember having obtained these data in our previous experiments. 2) We were surprised at hearing that he had refused to take part in the scientific conference. 3) We remember having been told about the different points of view on this theory. 4) This scientist achieved great results by working hard at the problem. 5) There are two different methods of solving this problem. 6) I remember having seen this device at our plant. 7) Solving difficult problems is his favourite occupation.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:

  1. There being an extensive system of free evening and correspondence education in Russia, a great number of people are part-time or correspondence students. 2) The translation having been done, we went for a short walk. 3) College courses finished, all the Russian graduates get work according to their speciality. 4) The new methods having been introduced, the productivity of labour at the plant went up. 5) There is always water vapour in the air, the amount depending upon various conditions. 6) Technical and scientific problems having been solved, the first space flight could be realized. 7) It being very late, we had to return home.



Контрольно-измерительные материалы

по английскому языку

1. How much this sweater cost?

A. is B. does C. do

2. It often rain in summer.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t

3. Dad usually on Saturdays.

A. is working B. works C. work

4. Call for an ambulance if he worse.

A. will fill B. feel C. feels

5. The weather is nice today, but it bad yesterday.

A. is B. did C. was

6. My parents to the USA many times.

A. have been B. were C. have being

7. My sister and her husband since last Christmas.

A. have been married B. were married C. are married

8. I saw light in the window as I by.

A. passed B. was passing C. passing

9. You this test for two hours and can’t complete it.

A. have written B. are writing C. have been writing.

10. We were late. The meeting an hour before.

A. started B. had started C. had been started.

11. Why are you looking so unhappy? – I my purse.

A. have lost B. had lost C. am loosing

12. He quickly forgot everything he at school.

A. learnt B. had learnt C. was learning

13. He when you come back tonight.

A. will sleep B. will be sleeping C. will have been sleeping

14. Plants die if you water them.

A. won’t B. don’t C. wouldn’t

15. Would you mind the door?

A. to close B. closing C. close

16. You look tired. If I were you I a rest.

A. take B. will take C. would take

17. Do you enjoy.

A. teaching B. to teach C. teachers

18. I speak to Jane, please?

A. could B. shall C. must

19. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid I to read without glasses.

A. cannot B. may not C. won’t be able

20. Look! The bridge.

A. is being repaired B. is been repaired C. has repaired

21. In Greece the Olympic Games once in four years.

A. were held B. are being held C. are held

22. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt for five days.

A. was ill B. had been ill C. has been ill

23. We were told that Andrew to enter the college.

A. is going B. went C. was going

24. Are you married?

A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I did.

25. does it cost to stay at the Hilton Hotel?

A. How many? B. What C. How much

26.You like black coffee, ?

A. aren’t you B. don’t you C. do you

27. Can you play piano?

A. the B. a C. an

28. What lovely song!

A. an B. the C. a

29. I went to France last year.

A. B. the C. a

30. I met my friend yesterday

A. goodest B. best C. better

31. This is theatre in London.

A. an older B. the oldest C. the eldest

32. He has time than me.

A. bigger B. much C. more

33. You watch TV too.

A. few B. much C. many

34. I don’t want or help.

A. advices B. an advice C. advice

35. Everybody ready.

A. is B. are C. am

36. is new.

A. The text-book of Liz B. The Liz’s text-book C. Liz’s text-book

37. Listen to me when I’m to you.

A. telling B. talking C. told

38. Three weeks later I for Moscow.

A. left B. had left C. leaving

39. We some good films recently.

A. seeing B. saw C. have seen

40. She was the most delightful person I.

A. have ever met B. had ever met C. ever met

41. I at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

A. had stayed B. was staying C. had been staying

42. Would it be all right if I at six?

A. came B. come C. will come

43. Nobody answers the phone. They be out.

A. must B. would C. should

44. Yesterday we to the restaurant.

A. are invited B. were invited C. invite

45. Mike hoped that his friend him with his car.

A. would help B. will help C. helping

46. Where is post-office, please?

A. the next B. nearer C. the nearest

47. I earn money than he does.

A. littler B. more little C. less

48. Money not everything.

A. is B. are C. am

49. Where are my glasses? Has anybody seen ?

A. it B. its C. them

50. The old man that he wanted a cup of tea.

A. said B. told C. telling

Контрольно-измерительные материалы (тест) по английскому языку


A. These

B. This books are very good.

C. That

A. that

2. Are B. those people very nice?

C. there


A. It has

B. It is a dog in the garden.
C.There is

4. What's that? B. It is my new computer.

С There


A. Their

B. They're is a good film at the Odeon.
С There


A. has

I B. have to go to the country tomorrow. C. had.

A. stay

7. You ought B. to stay at home.

C. staying

A. knows

8. He B. knows to speak English.

С can

A. write

9. He should B. to write a letter.

С writing

A. see.

10. Do you want B. to see the film?

C. seeing

A. a

11. I hope John's got B. any money.

C. some

A. engineer

12. He is B. one engineer

C. an engineer

A. any

13. I'd like B. an eggs, please.

С some

A. a few

14. We've got B. a little eggs left.

C. a number

A. a lot

15. There aren't B. many people here today.

C. much


A. Is

B. Does she get up early every day?
С Has

17. Were you in Moscow last week? No, I A. didn't

B. weren't

C. wasn't

A. has

18. She often B. have a bath in the morning.

C. is having

A. loses

19. He B. has lost his hat last week.

C. lost

A. caught

20. They B. catch the 7.30 bus yesterday.

C. catches

A. isn't

21. Mary is here, but her parents B. wasn't

С aren't

A. hurries

22. He B. hurried because he was late.

C. hurry

A. Doesn't

23. B. Does she going to do anything today?
C. Isn't

A. watch

24. They B. is watching television at the moment.

C. are watching

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