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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Омский государственный технический университет»

Э.Г. Беззатеева, В.И. Сидорова, И.Н. Чурилова

Effective English

Английский: путь к успеху

Учебное пособие по разговорному английскому языку для студентов всех специальностей неязыкового вуза


Издательство ОмГТУ


УДК 811.111(075)

ББК 81.2 Англя73

Б 39


Н. Д. Коновченко, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры английского языка ОмГПУ;

М. Л. Марус, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ОмГАУ.

Э.Г. Беззатеева, В.И. Сидорова, И.Н. Чурилова

Б 39 Effective English =Английский: путь к успеху: учеб.

пособие/Э. Г. Беззатеева, В.И. Сидорова, И.Н. Чурилова. - Омск:

Издательство ОмГТУ, 2009.- 90 с.

Учебное пособие Effective English предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го куров всех специальностей очной и дистанционной форм обучения, изучающих английский язык в неязыковых вузах.

Целью данного пособия является формирование у студентов компетенции свободного общения на английском языке.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета.

УДК 811.111(075)

ББК 81.2 Англя73

© Омский государственный

технический университет, 2009


Module I. Personal Identity


Check list to module I.


Module II.


Check list to module II.


Module III.


Part 1.


Part 2.


Part 3.


Check list to module III.


Module IV.


Check list to module IV.


Module V.


Check list to module V.


Module VI.


Check list to module VI.


Module VII.


Check list to module VII.


Библиографический список



Учебное пособие Effective English предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов всех специальностей очной и дистанционной форм обучения, изучающих английский язык в неязыковых вузах. Данное пособие является частью учебно-методического комплекса, разработанного на кафедре иностранных языков ОмГТУ. Содержание пособия соответствует содержанию типовой программы дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в неязыковом вузе.

Актуальность учебного пособия и его соответствие современным требованиям к преподаванию иностранного языка определяется его коммуникативной направленностью. Компетенция свободного общения достигается путем формирования, развития и закрепления у студентов навыков устной речи на основе системы коммуникативных заданий.

Пособие рассчитано на три семестра аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.

Module I

My Identity

Vocabulary Training

  1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

? surname / family / second name first / given / personal / Christian name patronymic / middle name full name pet name / nickname pen-name, n pseudonym, n married name maiden name namesake, n name, v фамилия имя отчество полное имя прозвище литературный псевдоним псевдоним фамилия по мужу девичья фамилия тезка называть, давать имя
? be from, v come from, v immigrant, n foreigner, n native, a race, n быть откуда-либо приходить (происходить) откуда –л. иммигрант, переселенец иностранец уроженец, человек, ведущий свой род из какого-л. места раса
? (un)married,a divorced,a single,a separated,a widowed, a bachelor,n marry, v get married to, v be married (to), v be engaged, v divorce, v get a divorce женатый, замужняя (неженатый, незамужняя) холостой, незамужняя разведенный, разведенная овдовевший холостяк жениться, выходить замуж жениться, выходить замуж быть женатым (замужем) за кем-л. быть помолвленным расторгать брак, разводиться получить развод
? parents, n father / dad / daddy, n mother / mum / mummy, n daughter, n son / sonny, n grandparents, n grandfather / grandpa / granddad, n grandmother / grandma / granny, n grandchildren, n granddaughter, n grandson, n aunt, n uncle, n nephew, n niece, n sister, n brother, n cousin, n twins, n triples, n родители отец, папа, папочка мать, мама, мамочка дочь сын, сынок дедушка и бабушка дедушка бабушка внуки внучка внук тетя дядя племянник племянница сестра брат двоюродный брат/сестра близнецы, двойня тройня
? husband, n wife, n spouse, n fianc, n fiance, n relative, n mother-in-law, n father-in-law, n son-in-law, n daughter-in-law, n stepsister, n stepbrother, n stepparents, n муж жена муж, жена жених невеста родственник теща, свекровь свекор, тесть зять невестка, сноха сводная сестра сводный брат неродные родители
? male, n female, n man, n woman, n member of the opposite sex gentleman, n lady, n мужчина женщина человек, мужчина женщина представитель противоположного пола господин, джентльмен леди, дама, госпожа
? baby, n toddler, n kid, n child, n teenager, n adult, n grown-up, n generation, n young, a old, a middle-aged, a elderly, a be in one’s early / late 40s be under / over 40 at the age of be / come of age ребенок, младенец ребенок, начинающий ходить ребенок, малыш ребенок, дитя подросток (от 13 до 19 лет) взрослый, совершеннолетний человек (от 20 лет) поколение молодой старый средних лет пожилой, почтенный быть около 40 / за 40 быть меньше сорока / за сорок лет в возрасте быть совершеннолетним
? Orthodox, a Catholic, a Christian, a Presbyterian, a Moslem, a trust, v believe (in), v God, n service, n faith, n православный католический христианский пресвитерианский мусульманский верить верить Господь служба вера, вероисповедание

2. Say: a) what relatives by birth; b) what relatives by marriage you or other members of your family have.

3. Form derivatives according to the model.


old – elderly origin - … marry – married name - …

close - … man - … divorce - … call - …

local - … girl - … separate - … engage - …

usual - … name - … relate - … place - …

4. In each column find the word with the more general meaning.

1. son 2. Orthodox 3. male 4. name

aunt Catholic female forename

parents religion sex surname

relative Moslem lady pet name

5. How do you call a person:

who is 10 months who is 25

who is about a year who is 38

who is a year and a half who is 42

who is 16 who is 70

6. Fill the gaps with the proper words.

  1. Andrew’s parents don’t live together. They are …. 2. Frank has no parents. So he is an …. 3. Her … name was Hope. But after the marriage her name is Dickson. 4. He hasn’t got a family of his own, he is … so far. 5. Are you an … child in the family? –No, I’ve got an elder brother. 6. My grandparents are … already. 7. He is 19. He … of age last year. 8. Children go to school at the … of six in our country. 9. He is married now but two years ago he was …
  2. 1. He is in … late sixties. 2. His daughter is in … midteens. 3. Is Kate a relation of … ? –No, we are just friends. 4. Do you have a family of … own? 5. This is Barbara Dickson. She is a colleague of … 6. I’m a namesake of …, Lucy. 7. They prefer to live by … 8. Does she live with … parents? 9. He is a dear old friend of …

7. Translate the following collocations with the prepositions by and of.

  1. by name, by birth, by origin, by marriage, by nationality, by profession, by telephone, by himself, by mistake;
  2. of your own, of the same age, of the opposite sex, a friend of mine / his / ours, a family of his own, at the age of six, a kid of two.

8. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

to be separated, to be divorced, to remarry, to be related, an immigrant, a foreigner, a widowed woman, to be in one’s twenties.

9. Fill in the missing words:

1) My mother’s sister is my … and her brother is my …

2) My wife’s mother is my … and her father is my …

3) My wife’s sister is my … and my wife’s brother is my …

4) My uncle’s son is my … and my aunt’s daughter is my … too.

5) My mother has a sister, her son is my mother’s …

6) My father has a brother, his daughter is my father’s …

10. Study the following passage and make up 5 sentences of your own using some of the underline words:

In Britain most people have three names (In Russia people also have three names: the first name, the surname and the patronymic):

    1. first name = Christian name = forename (mainly in official documents);
    2. middle name (it is not used very often);
    3. surname = family name = last name.

11. a) Study the following expressions:

1. He lives in England. 2. She lives in America. 3. He lives in Scotland.

He is from England. She is from America. He is from Scotland.

He is English. She is American. He is Scottish.

He is an Englishman. She is an American. He is a Scot.

He is a Scotsman.

b) Match the countries and their nationalities, make up sentences to introduce one and the same person in different ways.

1. Great Britain 9. Canada 2. England 10.Russia 3. Scotland 11. China 4. Wales 12. New Zealand 5. Northern Ireland 13.Denmark 6. The USA 14. Sweden 7. Australia 15. Japan 8. France 16.Germany a) Swede i) Frenchman q) Englishman b) Australian j) Danish r) Irish c) Scot k) British s) Russian d) Canadian l) Scottish t) Chinese e) Welsh m) English u) Swedish f) German n) Japanese g) Irishman o) American h) Scotsman p) New Zealander

12. a) Make up 5 sentences about the occupations of your relatives. Use the following words:

schoolboy школьник student студент teacher учитель doctor доктор, врач nurse няня, медсестра clerk служащий worker рабочий engineer инженер civil engineer инженер-строитель driver водитель loader грузчик cook повар lawyer юрист, адвокат economist экономист farmer фермер librarian библиотекарь artist художник musician музыкант secretary секретарь accountant бухгалтер businessman коммерсант housewife домохозяйка pensioner пенсионер builder строитель turner токарь carpenter столяр journalist журналист locksmith слесарь tailor портной salesman продавец shop-assistant продавец, продавщица

b) Work in pairs. Let your partner guess the occupations of your relatives. Use only general questions.

13. Read the following words and make up some sentences about your hobby and hobbies of your relatives.

knitting вязание sewing шитье to go hiking ходить в походы hunting охота philately филателия collecting post-card stamps, coins, books records, compact disks knives коллекционирование открыток, марок, монет, книг, пластинок, компакт-дисков, ножей reading books (newspapers) чтение книг (газет) learning foreign languages изучение иностранных языков music музыка playing the piano (chess, draughts) играть на пианино (в шахматы, шашки) photography фотография work in the garden садоводство (gardening) growing flowers цветоводство playing computer games компью-терные игры cooking приготовление пищи watching TV смотреть телевизор sport (go in for sport) спорт (зани-маться спортом) carpentry плотницкие работы motoring ездить на автомобиле painting рисование amateur theatricals любительский спектакль skating кататься на коньках skiing кататься на лыжах traveling путешествовать


14. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

good-looking – красивый, миловидный

slim – стройный

experienced – опытный, квалифицированный

broad-shouldered – широкоплечий

to be handy with smth – уметь делать что-л., быть искусным в чем-л.

to fix – чинить, исправлять

washing machine – стиральная машина

fridge - холодильник

and what not – и так далее, и тому подобное

to have much in common – иметь много общего

views on smth – взгляды на…

horror film – фильм ужасов

to go in for smth – заниматься чем-л.

to take care of smb – заботиться о ком-л.

accountant - бухгалтер

twins - близнецы

a first-year student – первокурсник

to be fond of – увлекаться чем-л.

to be deeply attached to smb – быть сильно привязанным к кому-л.

to get on well – быть в хороших отношениях, ладить друг с другом

Meet my family

I am Alex Samoylov. Alex is my first name and Samoylov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family.

First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.

My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father is handy with many things. He can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes “soap operas”. My father is fond of tennis. My mother doesn’t go in for sports.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of me and my father. My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting. My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school. My brother Boris is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet.

I want to become an engineer. I’m a first-year student of the Omsk Technical University. This year I have left secondary school and entered our university. I’m a hard worker and like to do everything well. When I have spare time I like to go in for sports. I’m fond of sport games and my favourite one is football. I’m fond of music too. I like to listen to music and collect information about popular singers.

We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.

15. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is your first name? What is your surname?
    2. How old are you?
    3. Is your family large? How many are you in your family?
    4. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
    5. What are your parents? Where do they work?
    6. How long have your parents been married?
    7. Do they have much in common?
    8. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
    9. What sort of things do you do together?
    10. Do you go out with your parents?
    11. Can you describe your mother (father, sister, brother, friend)?

16. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1) Alex is my… 2) I have got a… 3) My mother is… 4) She is a good-looking… 5) My father is… 6) He is a broad-shouldered… 7) He can fix… 8) They have much… 9) My mother keeps… 10) My grandmother is… 11) My sister… 12) Her husband… 13) They have got… 14) My brother… 15) I want… 16) I’m a… 17) This year I have… 18) I’m a hard… 19) When I have spare time… 20) I’m fond of… 21) We are deeply…

17. Work in pairs. Correct wrong statements.

  1. Alex has got a mother, a father, a sister, and a brother.
  2. His mother is a teacher of biology.
  3. She is forty-four but she looks much older.
  4. She is tall and slim.
  5. His father is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes.
  6. His parents have much in common, but they have different views on music.
  7. His mother keeps house and takes care of me and my father.
  8. My grandmother is a pensioner.
  9. His brother is married and has a family of his own.
  10. His brother Boris is eleven.
  11. Alex is a first-year student of the Omsk Technical University.
  12. This year he has left secondary school and entered the Institute.
  13. Alex is a hard worker and likes to do everything well.
  14. He is fond of sport games and his favourite one is basketball.
  15. Alex doesn’t like to listen to music.

18. Give English equivalents for the following word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

Красивый, миловидный; стройный; квалифицированный; широкоплечий; играть на гитаре; быть искусным в чем-л.; чинить, исправлять; пылесос; стиральная машина; холодильник; и так далее, и тому подобное; иметь много общего; взгляды на…; фильм ужасов; «мыльная опера»; заниматься чем-л.; заботиться о ком-л.; пенсионер; бухгалтер; ученый; близнецы; детский сад; первокурсник; поступить в университет; быть трудолюбивым; увлекаться чем-л.; заниматься спортом; быть сильно привязанным к кому-л.; быть в хороших отношениях, ладить друг с другом.

Speech Practice

  1. Find out about your group mates (their countries of residence, birthplace, nationality, age, family, etc.).

1) - Who are you? - I’m Jim Brown. - What is your full name? - My full name is James O. Brown. - What is your brother’s first name? - My brother’s first name is Tom. - Is Tom Brown any relation to you? - Yes, he is my brother. - What relation are you to Ann? - She is my cousin. 2) - How old are you? - I’m eighteen years old. - How old is your friend? - He’s nineteen. - When were you born? - I was born on the 26th of October 1990. - Where were you born? - I was born in Omsk.
3) - Where are you from? - I’m from Britain. - Where does your father come from? - He is from Minsk. - What town are you from? - I’m from London. 4) - Have you got a family? - I’m not married yet and I live in my parents’ house. - What relation is Mrs. Black to you? - She is my aunt. - Is Kate any relation to you? - No, she is a distant relation of mine.
5) - What do you do? - I’m studying to be an electrical engineer. - Where do you study? - I study at the Omsk Technical University. - What is your hobby? - My hobby is collecting coins. - What is your sister’s hobby? - She is crazy about dancing. 6) - Is your family large? - Not very. There are only three of us. / It is very small. I’m single. In fact, I’m a bachelor. / No, it isn’t. I’m the only child in the family. - How many people does your family consist of? - It consists of 3 members. - Are you married? - Yes, I have been married for five years. / I’m not married. I’m single. - Is your brother married yet? - Not yet, but he is going to.
  1. Ask your friend:
- where he has spent most of his life; - if he is in close contact with his immediate family; - if his family is the most important thing in his life; - if his family is very scattered or they mostly live close together; - if he knows a lot of his neighbours; - what places he feels most at home in.
  1. Write down the special questions to which the following sentences are the answers:

1) That boy is my nephew. 2) My brother goes in for sport. 3) Her parents are musicians. 4) Ann is my niece. 5) Her uncle is American. 6) His parents are elderly

people. 7) She was born in 1975. 8) My sister is 12. 9) My friend is Bill. 10) His children are fond of playing tennis. 11) We are four.

  1. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about your family. Try to get as much information about the family of your partner as you can.

Look here! / I say! - Послушай!

As for… - Что касается…

By the way. - Между прочим.

Really? - Неужели?

All right! - Ладно! Хорошо!

After all. - В конце концов, в конечном счете.

I doubt it. - Сомневаюсь.

And what about… (your son)? - А как насчет … (вашего сына)?

Tell me… - Скажите…

I should say… - Я бы сказал…

I shouldn’t say so… - Я бы не сказал…

You see… - Видите ли…

How very interesting! - Как интересно!

You don’t say so! - Что вы говорите! (удивление)

I see. - Ясно. (Понятно).

  1. Do the quiz. Guess the names of the people described below.

1. said: “All I need to make a comedy is a park, a pretty girl and a policeman”.

was born: in England

lived: in the USA

died: in Switzerland

2. said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

came: from one of America’s richest families

was assassinated: in 1963

3. said: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”.

was born: in the sixteenth century, in Stradford-on-Avon

wrote: 37 plays and an enormous amount of poems

4. was born: in Hollywood

became: one of America’s most famous film stars

acted in: Gentlemen prefer Blondes

committed suicide: in 1962

5. were: great British musicians

work: started their musical career in Liverpool, made a great many songs, became world famous.

6. was: a USA citizen, but lived some years in Cuba.

wrote: Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, many other novels and stories.

died: in 1960s

7. said: “I’m not a citizen of Greece, but of the world”.

wrote: nothing himself, all we know was written by his followers

suicide: was made to drink poison by the government

died: in Switzerland

8. said: “God is really only another artist”.

was born: in Spain

lived: in Paris

painted: “Guernica”

  1. Translate into English.

1) Как Вас зовут? 2) Как Ваша фамилия? 3) Меня зовут Андрей, фамилия Лавров. 4) Вы находитесь в родстве с Анной Лавровой? – Да, мы брат и сестра. 5) Сколько Вам лет? – Мне 22 года. 6) Когда Вы родились? – Я родился 26 июля 1975 года. 7) Сколько лет Вашим родителям? 8) Где Вы родились? – Я родился в Канаде, но мои отец и мать британцы. 9) Сколько лет Вашему племяннику? Он выглядит очень молодо. - Он на пять лет старше меня. 10) Ваш сын уже женат? – Нет, он еще холост. 11) Кем Вы приходитесь Анне Лавровой? – Я ее тетя. 12) Кто Вы по профессии? – Я экономист. 13) Где Вы работаете? – На заводе. 14) Кем работают Ваши родители? – Они уже пенсионеры. 15) Сколько лет они женаты? – Они женаты 25 лет. 16) Чем Вы увлекаетесь? – Я очень люблю путешествовать. 17) Как Ваша сестра предпочитает проводить свободное время? – Она любит читать книги по вечерам. 18) У Вас большая семья? – Нет, не очень. Нас трое: я, жена и ребенок.

25. Look at the chart of events in the life of an English writer Miriam Field and make a brief biographical account. You may start with the phrases:

  • At the age of six …
  • While she was at the university …
  • After the publication of …
  • After her mother died …
  • During this period …
Age Events
6 wrote short stories about animals
8 published a collection of poems, visited France and Germany
9 wrote her first novel (unpublished)
11 mother died, visited Italy
18 university
19 first marriage
21 published a novel Mr. Bigwig
22 birth of a child
25 published a novel Not the Right Time
26 divorce; visit to India and the Far East
29 published a novel Hello, Henry, visited America
34 second marriage
37 moved to present home in Hastings
38 began her autobiography

26. Find the Russian equivalents of the following proverbs:

  1. As the tree, so the fruit.
  2. Many a good father hath but a bad son.
  3. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  4. He is tied to his wife’s apron strings.

27. Tell the>

Check List to module I

  1. What is your first name? What is your surname?
  2. How old are you?
  3. When is your birthday?
  4. Is your family large? How many are you in your family?
  5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  6. What are your parents? Where do they work?
  7. How long have your parents been married?
  8. Do they have much in common?
  9. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
  10. What sort of things do you do together?
  11. Do you go out with your parents?
  12. Can you describe your mother (father, sister, brother, friend)?
  13. Who runs the house in your family?
  14. What are your household duties?
  15. Who is the first to get up in the morning in your family?
  16. What is your father’s hobby?
  17. What does your morning begin with?
  18. Do you take a shower (a bath) in the morning or do you just wash your face and hands?
  19. How is the evening usually spent in your family?
  20. Are you fond of watching TV? Are there any TV programmes which you especially like and try to watch regularly, or do you turn on TV just to pass away the time?

Module II

University Training

Vocabulary Training

1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

general terms
paid higher entrance accept term comprehensive knowledge competitive applicant free of charge education college university to go to (a) university to graduate from the university to teach at a university academy admitted opportunity extramural combine curriculum applied comprehensive course evaluate scholarship to take an examination to take a test to pass an examination to fail in an examination to enter the University to graduate from the University to be in the first year to be the first year student to attend to train specialists to deliver a lecture on to give classes платный высший (высшее образование) поступление, прием принимать семестр общеобразовательный, единый знание, познания конкурсный (экзамен) претендент бесплатно образование 1) университетский колледж; 2) университет (обыкн. небольшой с единым учебным планом; для крупных учебных заведений употребляется термин university); факультет университета 3) специальное высшее учебное заведение (педагогическое, военное, морское и т. п.) университет ходить в университет, учиться в университете окончить университет преподавать в университете академия принятый возможность, шанс заочный объединять, соединять курс обучения, учебный план прикладной, практический общеобразовательный, единый курс (лекций, обучения) оценивать стипендия сдавать экзамен сдавать зачет сдать экзамен не сдать экзамен поступить в университет окончить университет быть на первом курсе быть первокурсником посещать готовить специалистов читать лекцию по… проводить занятия
departments / faculties
department / faculty Information Technologies and Computer Systems f. Transport, Oil and Gas f. Radio Engineering f. Economics and Management f. Humanities f. Extramural and Distance Learning f. Military f. The Interpreter in the Field of the Professional Communication f. факультет факультет информационных технологий и компьютерных систем факультет транспорта нефти и газа радиотехнический факультет факультет экономики и управления факультет гуманитарного образования факультет заочного и дистанционного обучения военная кафедра факультет «переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации»

Energy Institute Petrochemical Institute Machine Building Institute энергетический институт нефтехимический институт машиностроительный институт
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) Master of Arts (M.A.) Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) Doctor of Letters (D. Lett.) to take a degree (post-) graduate courses бакалавр искусств (обладатель степени бакалавра по одной из гуманитарных или математических наук в университетах) Сокращенное обозначение B.A., ставится после фамилии бакалавр наук, обладатель первой ученой степени бакалавр педагогических наук магистр искусств, обладатель второй ученой степени. Выпускникам Оксфордского и Кембриджского университетов эта степень присваивается без экзамена на основании определенных сроков практической работы после окончания. Для получения степени магистра выпускникам других вузов требуется написание работы на основе проведенных исследований. Наблюдается тенденция присвоения этой степени после года практической работы магистр философии. Эта степень относится не только к философии, но и к математике, филологии и другим наукам. Работа, выполненная для получения этой степени, должна содержать частично материал, разработанный автором. доктор философии. Для получения этой степени требуется написание самостоятельной работы на основе трехлетних (и более) исследований. Можно сравнить со степенью кандидата наук. доктор наук доктор литературы. Последние две сте-пени можно сравнить со степенью доктора наук в России. Существенным отличием является то, что в Великобритании не требуется специальной защиты диссертации. Достаточно предоставить опубликованные работы совету или комитету. получать ученую степень аспирантура
humanities technical/engineering sciences natural sciences higher mathematics strength of materials mechanics machine elements drawing descriptive geometry гуманитарные науки технические науки естественные науки высшая математика сопромат механика детали машин черчение начертательная геометрия

2. Group the words and word-combinations according to their morphological structure.

entrance, comprehensive, department, applied, competitive, paid, energy institute, term, education, petrochemical institute, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Science, academy

3. Complete the following phrases.

1) ------- education 2) to accept ------- 3) ------- exams 4) ------- department 5) ------- curriculum 6) to take ------- 7) to graduate ----- 8) -------- knowledge 9) to pass ----- 10) ------- a lecture on…

4. Fill the gaps with the proper words.

1. After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a college, young people can start working or enter a … 2. Universities train … in different fields. 3. A … at a university usually takes 5 years. 4. Many universities have evening and … departments. 5. Universities usually have … which give candidate or doctoral degrees. 6. Education in our country is … at most schools. 7. Students of institutes and universities get … 8. At many institutes and universities there are also departments where students have to … for their education.

5. Fill in prepositions or adverbs if necessary.

1. First-year students work hard to master … the language. 2. What mark did you get … Physics … the entrance exams? 3. What mark have you got … your report? 4. “Try to get rid … this gross mistake,” said the teacher. 5. Our nephew is very good … maths. 6. Why don’t you take part … our discussion? 7. When the monitor entered … the>

6. Let the members of the>

7. Ask one another questions as in the model. Repeat your question beginning it with I asked if…

Student B could start answering with:

Sorry I didn’t catch that;

I’m afraid I missed that;

I beg your pardon;

Would you mind repeating that, please.


8. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

full-time student - студент очного отделения

part-time student - студент заочного отделения

extra-paid leave - оплачиваемый отпуск

session - сессия

run - длиться

academic year - учебный год

theoretical (pure) sciences - теоретические (фундаментальные) науки

applied sciences - прикладные науки.

Higher Education in Russia

Young people of Russia get higher education at institutes, universities and academies. They enter a higher institution after leavings secondary schools. Of course, not all people who want to get higher education can be admitted to an institution. There are from two to ten applicants for each vacancy at various higher schools and only the best in knowledge are able to pass competitive entrance exams.

Those who hadn’t chance of being accepted to the institute go to work at various plants and offices. It doesn’t mean, however, that such people have no opportunity to get higher education. Almost all higher schools in Russia have evening or extramural departments for the people who want to combine their work with study.

The study in Russia is free of charge or paid. Full-time students (day students) get state scholarship, the amount of which depends on their success in studies. Part-time students get extra-paid leave for the period of their session.

The course of study at higher schools runs four or six years, in other words it consists of 4 or 6 academic years. Each academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students have exams and credit tests (session).

The schools of higher education have a comprehensive curriculum, which consists of a number of theoretical (pure) and applied sciences. The students study general-educational and specialized subjects.

At the end of study students submit the graduation projects (papers) or hold final exams. The main purpose of the project is to evaluate the standard of the graduates’ knowledge and abilities. Sometimes projects are used by industrial enterprises. After graduation the graduates get diplomas.

9. Complete the sentences.

1) Young people enter… 2) There are five applicants… 3) Only the best in knowledge are able… 4) Besides day-time study almost all higher schools in Russia… 5) If you want to combine work with study… 6) The study in Russia is … or… 7) Part-time students get… 8) The course of study consists of… 9) An academic year is divided into… 10) Young people get higher education at… 11) At the end of each term… 12) The curriculum consists of… 13) At the end of study… 14) The main purpose of a graduation paper… 15) After graduation…

10. Compose sentences using word combinations:

after leaving secondary schools; to be admitted to the institute; applicants for a vacancy; entrance exams; to be able to pass competitive exams; have an opportunity; to combine smth. with smth.; extra-paid leave; to consist of; to be divided into; comprehensive curriculum; pure (applied) science; standard of knowledge and ability.

11. Answer the questions.

1) Where do young people of Russia get higher education? 2) After what stage of education can people enter higher institutions? 3) What competition is there usually at our higher schools? 4) What kind of young people are admitted to institutes? 5) What opportunities have those young people who have failed to become full-time students? 6) What kind of higher institutions are there in Russia for the people who want to combine their work with study? 7) What privilege have evening and extramural students? 8) How long does the course of study run? 9) When do students have exams? 10) What curriculum have our higher schools? 11) How is the graduates’ standard of knowledge checked up?

12. Put questions to the sentences.

  1. Young people enter higher schools after leaving secondary schools. (When…?)
  2. There are from two to ten applicants for each vacancy at various higher schools. (How many…?)
  3. In our university the course of study lasts five years. (How long…?)
  4. A student submits his graduation project at the end of study. (What…?)
  5. After graduation the graduates get diplomas. (When…?)

13. Give English equivalents for the following word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own.

высшее образование, вуз, поступить в институт, три претендента на одно место, сдать конкурсные экзамены, иметь возможность получить высшее образование, зачислять (быть зачисленным) в институт, получать стипендию, сочетать работу с учебой, бесплатный, высшее учебное заведение, дополнительно оплачиваемый отпуск, учебный год, в конце семестра, состоять из, делиться на, теоретические и прикладные науки, специальный предмет, защитить проект.

14. Read the text about the University you study at.

The Technical University was founded as the Omsk Machine-Building Institute in the years of the Great Patriotic War (1942). Originally it was the Voroshilovogradskyi evening Machine Building Institute evacuated to Omsk in the first months of the war. At the time of its foundation the institute had only one Faculty: the mechanical-engineering. The first 25 engineers graduated from this faculty in 1947. The first rector of the institute was Leonid Veniaminovich Zak.

During World War II instructors and students took part in military actions.

In 1993 the Institute became Omsk State Technical University with 12 Faculties, 12000 students, 740 professors and instructors. The rector of the university is Victor Vladimirivich Shalai.

Omsk State Technical University has become one of the leading educational institutions in the Western Siberian Region. It is alma mater for thousands of professionals who work at industrial enterprises of Siberian region now. The University has 3 institutes (Machine Building Institute, Petrochemical Institute, Energy Institute), 7 faculties (Humanities Faculty, Information Technologies and Computer Systems Faculty, Radio Engineering Faculty, Transport Oil and Gas Faculty, Economics and Management Faculty, Extramural and Distance Learning Faculty, Faculty for Pre-University Training), 600 instructors, 14000 students, 8 buildings, Sport centers, 8 Dormitories, Publishing House, Medical Center, Sport Camp.

The University has a Military Faculty that trains students in 5 military specialties with giving reserved lieutenancy. The training at the military department is carried out both on budgeted and contractual basis. The term of studies is 2,5 years starting from the second year of training at the university.

Besides the University has the faculty “the Interpreter in the Field of Professional Communication” attached to the chair of the Foreign languages. Students have an opportunity to get two higher educations simultaneously. Besides, the students who speak poor English can attend the courses for beginners.

There are over 50 Doctors of Science and 360 Doctors of Philosophy working at the University.

Special attention is also paid to the system approach to improving the training-&-educational process and radical improving the content of education. On the basis of the comparative analysis of curricula worked out by the leading higher educational institutions the new curricula have been elaborated. Using these curricula the university has been training students giving them the following three degrees - a bachelor (term of training is 4 years), a specialist (5 years) and a master (6 years).

The university is persistent in introducing the computer and telecommunication technologies in the educational process. The university steadily develops distance training. The inseparable part of the system for continuous engineering training at the university is a structure of the after-university training. Post-Graduate Study is available for persons who got Higher Education. Both Full-time (3 years) and extramural (4 years) courses are possible.

15. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1) The Technical University was founded as… 2) Originally it was… 3) The first 25 engineers … from this faculty in 1947. 4) In 1993 the Institute became… 5) OSTU has become … in the Western Siberian Region. 6) It is alma mater… 7) The University has … 8) There are over… working at the University. 9) …to the system approach to improving the training-&-educational process and radical improving the content of education. 10) Using these curricula … students giving them the following three degrees -… (term of training is 4 years), … (5 years) and … (6 years). 11) The university is persistent in… 12) The university steadily develops… 13) The … of the system for continuous engineering training at the university is a structure of the… 14) …is available for persons who got Higher Education. 15) Both … (3 years) and … (4 years) courses are possible.

16. Give equivalents to the following sentences.

1) The Technical University was founded as the Omsk Machine-Building Institute in the years of the Great Patriotic War (1942).

2) In 1993 the Institute became Omsk State Technical University with 12 Faculties, 12000 students, 740 professors and instructors.

3) Omsk State Technical University has become one of the leading educational institutions in the Western Siberian Region.

4) The University has 3 institutes (Machine Building Institute, Petrochemical Institute, Energy Institute), 7 faculties (Humanities Faculty, Information Technologies and Computer Systems Faculty, Radio Engineering Faculty, Transport Oil and Gas Faculty, Economics and Management Faculty, Extramural and Distance Learning Faculty, Faculty for Pre-University Training), 600 instructors, 14000 students, 8 buildings, Sport centers, 8 Dormitories, Publishing House, Medical Center, Sport Camp.

5) The University has a Military Faculty that trains students in 5 military specialties with giving reserved lieutenancy.

6) Besides the University has the faculty “the Interpreter in the Field of Professional Communication” attached to the chair of the Foreign languages.

7) Using these curricula the university has been training students giving them the following three degrees - a bachelor (term of training is 4 years), a specialist (5 years) and a master (6 years).

8) The inseparable part of the system for continuous engineering training at the university is a structure of the after-university training.

9) Both Full-time (3 years) and extramural (4 years) courses are possible.

17.Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations using the text.

1) был основан, 2) Омский машиностроительный институт, 3) Ворошиловоградский вечерний машиностроительный институт, 4) факультет, 5) заканчивать факультет, 6) ректор, 7) преподаватели, 8) образовательное учреждение, 9) альма-матер, 10) специалисты, 11) промышленные предприятия, 12) машиностроительный институт, 13) нефтехимический институт, 14) энергетический институт, 15) гуманитарный факультет, 16) факультет информационных технологий и компьютерных систем, 17) радиотехнический факультет, 18) факультет транспорта нефти и газа, 19) факультет экономики и управления, 20) факультет заочного и дистанционного обучения, 21) факультет довузовской подготовки, 22) факультет «переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации», 23) военная кафедра, 24) лейтенант запаса, 25) обучение, 26) осуществляться, 27) бюджетная основа, 28) договорная основа, 29) семестр, 30) одновременно, 31) корпус, 32) общежитие, 33) издательство, 34) доктор наук, 35) кандидат наук, 36) системный подход, 37) улучшение учебно-воспитательного процесса, 38) бакалавр, специалист, магистр, 39) дистанционное обучение, 40) аспирантура, 41) дневное обучение, 42) заочное обучение.

18. Make up sentences using the following words:

1) in 1942, was founded, the Technical University, as the Omsk Machine-Building Institute.

2) one of the leading educational institutions, Omsk State Technical University, in the Western Siberian Region, has become.

3) for thousands, it is alma mater of professionals, of Siberian region, who work at industrial enterprises, now.

4) the University, that trains, has, with giving reserved lieutenancy, in 5 military specialties, a Military Faculty.

5) is, 2,5 years, from the second year, starting, of training at the university, the term of studies.

6) simultaneously, students, to get two higher educations, have an opportunity.

7) working at the University, and 360 Doctors of Philosophy, there are, 50 Doctors of Science, over.

8) is also paid, to improving the training-&-educational process, special attention, and radical improving the content of education, to the system approach.

9) the university, using these curricula, giving them the following three degrees, a bachelor (term of training is 4 years), has been training students, a specialist (5 years) and a master (6 years).

10) the computer and telecommunication technologies, the university, in introducing, in the educational process, is persistent.

11) develops, the university, distance training, steadily.

12) for persons, Post-Graduate Study, who got Higher Education, is available.

13) are possible, and extramural (4 years) courses, both Full-time (3 years).

19. Answer the following questions.

1) When was the Omsk Technical University founded?

2) Which faculty was the first one?

3) In what year the Institute became Omsk State Technical University?

4) Who can call the OSTU their alma mater?

5) How many institutes and faculties does the University have? Name them.

6) Does the University have a military faculty? What can you say about the training in this faculty?

7) What faculty attached to the chair of the Foreign Languages does the University have?

8) What can you say about the teaching stuff of the University?

9) Which degrees does the University give the students?

10) Is Post-Graduate Study available to the students?

11) Which courses are possible?

20. Read the text about the higher education in Great Britain and be ready to answer the questions.

Higher Education in Great Britain

There are about 90 universities in Britain. They are divided into three types: the old universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh Universities), the 19th universities such as London and Manchester, and the new universities. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their “A” level results, although they may interview them as well.

At present, students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from their local authority, which covers the cost of the course.

A university consists of a number of faculties: divinity, medicine, arts (philosophy), law, music, natural sciences, economics, engineering, agriculture, etc. After three years of study a university graduate gets the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, etc. Later he may proceed to the Degree of Master and then a Doctor’s Degree. The first post-graduate degree is that of Master, conferred for a thesis based on at least one year’s full-time work. Everywhere the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is given for a thesis, which is an original contribution to knowledge. Research is an important feature of university work.

Colleges of Education provide two-year courses in teacher education or sometimes three years if the graduate specializes in some particular subject.

Some of those who decide to leave school at the age of 16 may go to a further education college where they can follow a course in typing, engineering, town planning, cooking, full-time or part-time. Further education colleges have strong ties with commerce and industry.

In 1971 the Open University was started. Nearly all students are studying part-time. The Open University's>

21. Answer these questions.

1) What are the three types of universities in Great Britain?

2) What is necessary to go on to higher education?

3) What grants do students receive?

4) Differentiate between the first, the second and the highest degrees given after the graduation from a university. What is necessary for getting these degrees?

5) What other institutions of higher education are there in Great Britain?

22. Read the text and try to understand all the details.

Differences in the organization of education in Britain and America lead to different terms. One crucial word, school, is used in overlapping but different ways. A place of education for young children is a school in both varieties. But the word school in B.E. is never used to refer to a university or other college of higher education.

A student graduates from an American high school; a pupil (never student) leaves a British secondary school. To graduate is possible only from a university or college in British usage; graduating entails taking a degree.

British universities have 3 terms; American universities have 2 semesters (or 4 quarters). Usually a British university student takes 3 years to get his degree; these are known as the first, second and final years. An American university student typically takes 3 or 4 years, known as a freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years. While he is studying, the American majors in a particular subjects, but also takes electives. The British student usually takes a main and subsidiary subjects. The British term honours degree signifies that the student specializes in one main subject, perhaps with one subsidiary. The American student earns credits for successfully completing a number of self-contained courses of study, the credits eventually reaching the total needed to receive a degree.

The British student who has already taken the first degree (usually a B.A. or B.Sc. except in Scottish universities) is a post-graduate. The American equivalent is a graduate. In American universities those who teach are known as the faculty. In Britain they are the staff (academic staff).

  1. Copy the table in your notebook and fill it in.
British English American English
- ВУЗ - заканчивать ВУЗ - заканчивать среднее специальное учебное заведение -учащийся среднего специального учебного заведения - семестр - выпускной курс - педагогический коллектив - выпускник - студент первого курса - студент второго курса - студент третьего курса -студент выпускного курса

Speech Practice

24. Look through the dialogues given below and make up your own dialogue on the following situation: a foreign student wants to know as much as possible about the system of higher education in Russia.


- My name is Dmitry. I study at the Omsk Technical University.

- By the way, are the graduates of Russian universities or institutes given a degree?

- No, they are not. The system of scientific degrees in our country is different. The graduates are given diplomas, which are actually the same as the British first degree (degree of bachelor).

-Do students in Russia pay tuition?

- No, almost all forms of education in our country are free (of charge). Students of higher and secondary specialized education establishments get grants. Though nowadays there are a lot of new educational forms where tuition is paid by the students.

- What’s the course at Russian universities, institutes and academies?

- In most of higher education establishments it’s 5 years.


- Is there a system of further education in Russia for those adults who work after leaving school?

- For these people almost every university and institute has evening and extramural departments.

- Do such students attend lectures and if so, how often do they come?

- Students of the evening departments attend lectures four times a week. As to the extramural students, they have>

25. Discuss the following problems in two groups, one of them supporting the statements given below, the other – disproving them. Read pros and cons in the tables. Think of some more, which are important in your opinion.

  1. It is necessary for a future engineer to study a foreign language.
For Against
  1. Can read foreign scientific journals as soon as they are published.
  2. Can speak to foreign colleagues if necessary.
  3. Can read foreign books.
  4. It’s interesting to speak to people using another language.
  5. Can find out more about the world.
  1. It takes a lot of time to study it.
  2. Sometimes the results are rather poor.
  3. You can wait till interesting articles are translated into your native language.
  4. You can turn to a translator if it is necessary.
  5. It is not interesting to study a foreign language.

2) If a young man has a family of his owns he had better enter an extramural faculty, not a full-time one.

Full-time faculty Extramural faculty
For For
  1. A lot of time to take part in an experimental work (in the labs etc.)
  2. The opportunity of self-study with the help of qualified teachers.
  3. Time to take part in sport activities.
  1. Some experience combining work with study.
  2. The possibility to get a salary enough for a growing family.
  3. Prospects of promotion.
Against Against
  1. The grants are not enough for a growing family.
  2. Too many subjects to study.
  1. No time for studying after work.
  2. Much time and effort to work on one’s own.

To express your opinion:

I think…; Speaking for myself…; I believe…; I suppose…; I’m sure; In my opinion…

To agree with somebody:

Yes, I agree (with you); That’s true; I think so too; You are quite right.

To disagree with somebody:

On the other hand…; I don’t agree (with you); It’s not (entirely) true; I don’t think so.

26. Express your opinion answering the questions.

1) Why do young people enter high schools?

2) What can you say about the curriculum of your higher school? Give your examples.

3) What is more difficult: to be a full-time or a part-time student? Give your reasons.

4) Do you think there are a lot of opportunities for the young people in our country to get higher education? Give your examples.

27. Speak on the university you study at.

Check list to module 2

1. Where do young people of Russia get higher education?

2. What competition is there usually at our higher schools?

3. What opportunities have those young people who have failed to become full-time students?

4. What kind of higher institutions are there in Russia for the people who want to combine their work with study?

5. What privilege have evening and extramural students?

6. How long does the course of study run?

7. What curriculum have our higher schools? 1

8. Which faculty was the first one?

9. In what year the Institute became Omsk State Technical University?

10. What can you say about the teaching stuff of the University?

11. Which degrees does the University give the students?

12. Is Post-Graduate Study available to the students?

13. What are the three types of universities in Great Britain?

14. What grants do students receive?

15. What other institutions of higher education are there in Great Britain?

Module III

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Part 1. Geographical position of Great Britain

Vocabulary training

1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

to separate – отделять(ся) to include – включать to wash – омывать to depend on – зависеть to occupy - занимать to be situated – быть расположенным to be bound – быть ограниченным island – остров peninsula [ pnnsjul] – полуостров county - графство coast – берег, побережье surface[s:fis] – поверхность harbour[ha:b] – гавань a number of – ряд, несколько current – течение independent – независимый flat – плоский, равнинный mountainous – гористый rocky – скалистый changeable – изменчивый moderate– умеренный deep - глубокий mild – мягкий wet – влажный cloudy – облачный total – полный, весь in length – длиной, по длине as a rule – как правило in addition to – в дополнении к

2. Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B translate them into English.

1. to includе – включать Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. 2. to depend on – зависеть As a rule the climate depends on the geographical position of the country. 3. to wash – омывать The warm sea washes the country. 4. to be bound – быть ограниченным, граничить On the west Great Britain is bound by the Atlantic Ocean. 5. coast – берег, побережье The northern coasts of the country are washed by the North Sea. 6.harbour – гавань The coast line has excellent harbours. 7. flat – плоский, равнинный The greater part of the surface of England is flat. 8. mountainous – гористый 9. rocky – скалистый The northern part of the country is mountainous and rocky. 10. mild – мягкий 11. cloudy – облачный 12. wet – влажный The England weather is mild, wet and cloudy.

3.Read the geographical names.

1.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

[ju:natid kindm vgreit britn nd n:n ailnd] -

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

2. Great Britain [greit britn] – Великобритания

3. the British Isles [ briti ailz] – Британские острова

4. England [ :glnd]– Англия

5. Scotland [ sktlnd] – Шотландия

6. Wales [ weilz] – Уэльс

7. the Irish Sea [ airi si:] – Ирландское море

8. the North Sea [ n: si:] – Северное море

9. the European Continent [ju:rpi:n kntinnt] – Европейский континент

10. the English Channel [ i:gli nl]– пролив Ла-Манш

11. the Strait of Dover [streit v douv] – пролив Па-де-Кале

12. Ben Nevis [ben nevis] – г. Бен Невис

13. the Severn [sevn] – р. Северн

14. the Thames [temz] – р. Темза

15. the Windermere [windmi] – оз. Уиндермир

16. the Gulf Stream [glf stri:m]–течение Гольфстрим

17. Celtic [keltik] – кельтский

18. Manchester [mnist] – Манчестер

19. Liverpool [livpu:l] – Ливерпуль

20. Glasgow [gl:sgou]] – Глазго

21. Birmingham [b:mim]– Бирмингем

4. Choose the geographical names with а definite article the in exercise III, read and memorize them.

5. Find the synonyms.

main, total, flat, coast, state, about, territory, shore, area, chief, entire, level, country, mild, soft, several, cool, current, flow, cold, nearly, a number of.

6. Read the adjectives and form degrees of comparison. Translate them into Russian.

great mild warm long
large changeable small wet
deep moderate high short

7. Make sure if you remember the suffixes of adjectives.

mountain – mountainous; climate – climatic; rock – rocky; cloud – cloudy; wind – windy; geography – geographical; tropics – tropical; Europe – European; north – northern; south – southern; change – changeable.

8. Read and translate the following word-combinations and phrases.

a) geographical position, total area, excellent harbours, independent republic, Northern Ireland, on the west coast, the Lake District, Celtic languages, warm current of the Gulf Stream, the highest mountain Ben Nevis, the largest lake Windermere,

b) can be used by ships, it brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English people, as a rule, the surface is flat.

9. Match the words in A with those in B.

1.part 2.surface 3.area 4.republic 5.position 6.climate 7.current 8.continent a. flat b. total c. changeable d. independent e. geographical f. southern g. European h. warm

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