« министерство образования и науки рф государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования ...»
Read and translate the following sentences and say whether they are right or wrong:
1. The USA is the largest English speaking country, (Yes, it's right.)
2. It occupies the whole North American continent. (No, it's wrong.)
3. The country borders on Russia, Canada and Mexico.
4. The US territory is over 9 mln. sq. km.
5. There are many lakes and rivers on the territory of the country.
6. The country climate is rather different.
7. The US is one of the highly developed industrial powers of the world.
8. There are 2 official languages in the country – English and French.
9. The national symbol of the USA is the donkey.
10. The capital of the USA is New York.
11. The head of the state is the President.
12. The legislative branch of the US Government is the Congress consisting of 2 chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
13. The President controls all the government branches.
Translate into English:
1.крупнейшая англоязычная страна
2. иметь морские границы
3. занимать центральную часть континента
4. омываться тремя океанами
5. страна рек и озер
6. различные климатические условия
7. богата различными минеральными ресурсами
8. высокоразвитая промышленная держава
9. разные расы и нации
10. официальный язык государства
11. звездно-полосатый флаг
12. назвать в честь первого президента страны
13. исполнительная / законодательная / судебная власть
14. Сенат / палата представителей
15. система федеральных судов,
16. вице-президент / кабинет министров
17. ведущая держава
Translate the following questions into English and answer them:
1. США - одна из крупнейших стран мира, не так ли?
2. Где расположена эта страна?
3. С кем граничат США?
4. Какова территория США?
5. Какими океанами омывается США?
6. Назовите столицу США. Где она расположена? В честь кого она названа?
7. В США много рек и озер? Какие из них вы знаете?
8. Являются ли США высокоразвитой промышленной державой?
9. Какие отрасли промышленности США основные?
10. Население США больше, чем население России?
11. Какие крупные города есть в США?
12. Сколько штатов в США?
13. Кому принадлежит законодательная / исполнительная / судебная власть в США?
14. Кто является главой государства?
Meeting People
I.Read and Comprehend the dialogues.
Dialogue 1
Ted: Excuse me, you must be Tom. Tom: Sorry?
Ted: You're Tom, aren't yoy? You've just come from Stockholm, haven't you? Tom: Yes, that's right,I’m Тоm Andersson.
Ted: Good, and I’m Ted Royal.
Tom: How do you do.
Ted: How do you do.That’s Mrs Royal and our son. Liz, Allan, come and say hello to Tom...
Liz: Hello, Tom, did you have a good light?
Tom: Oh, yes, very nice, thank you. Hello, Allan.
Allan: Hello.
Ted: Come on, Tom, we've got the car outside. Liz, did you find a baggage trolley for Tom?
Liz: I'm afraid,I didn't. I couldn't find one anywhere.
Ted: Never mind, give me one of your bags, Tom...
Tom: Oh, thank you, Mr Royal.
Ted: By the way, I hope you don't mind me calling you Tom?
Tom: No, of course not.
Liz: And, Ted, don’t you think is would be better if Tom called us by our first
Ted: Yes, of course, "Mr. Royal" makes me feel like a grandfather.
Dialogue 2
Kate: Hello, Terry Nice to see you Gome on in.
Terry: Thanks, I'm not too early, am I?
Kate: No, of course not. How are you?
Terry: I'm fine, thanks, Kate. And you?
Kate: Oh, can't complain, Here Jet me fake your coat.
Terry: Thanks. Have many people arrived yet?
Kate: Yes, Quite a few. Oh, by the way have you met Sally?
Terry: No, I don't think so.
Kate: Sally...this is Terry.
Sally: Hello, Kate's told me a lot about you.
Terry: Nothing bad, I hope. (they laugh)
Kate: Anyway, Terry, come on into the room and meet the others.
Теrry: Yes, thanks.
Do the following tasks on Dialogues 1,2.
l) Name the greetings people use in the dialogues.
2) Make a list of formal and informal greetings.
3) Name formal and informal forms of introduction used in the dialogues.
4) Name other “politeness phrases”, used in the dialogues.
5) In which of the two dialogues more formal phrases are used? Explain why.
Replace these formal phrases with informal ones:
l) Life is fine with me. How are you?
2). Good afternoon, Mr Smith.
3) I don't, believe you've met Miss Brown, have you?
4) How do you do.
5) It was very kind of you to invite us.
Replace these informal phrases with formal ones:
1) Fine, thanks. And you?
2) Glad you could come.
3) Sally... Allan.
4) Hello!
5) Bye!
Match the phrases in the left column with those in the right one.
1) Hello John. How's it going? 1) Good morning Mrs Baker. It was very
2) Sally, this is Jane. kind of you to invite me.
3) I do hope, I'm not too early. 2) Hello, Jane. Pleased to meet you.
4) Do you know George? 3) Hello, Pete. It's nice to see you again.
5) Miss Smith, I'd like to introduce to 4) Fine, thanks, Sally. And you?
you Mr Brown. 5) No, don't believe I have.
6) Fm very well, thank you and how 6)Oh, no. Not in the least.
are your children? 7) How do you do.
7) Pam, say hello to Pete. 8) How do you do, Miss Smith?
8) How do you do? 9) They're fine, thank you. And how are
9) I don't believe you've yonr parents?
met Miss Baker, have you? 10) No, can't say I do.
10) Good morning, miss Smith.
I'm so pleased you could come.
What can you say in the following situations?
l) You greet a businessman Mr Brown, who you have never met before. It's 3
p.m. Mr Brown answers your greeting.
2) A man, Mr Brown, introduces himself to you. You anwer the introduction.
3) You introduce your new friend Allan to your college professor, Mrs Baker.
Mrs Baker answers the introduction.
4) You greet your friend Dick. It's 8 a.m. Dick answers your greeting.
5) Your meet your friend Kate. It's 8 p.m. Kate answers your greeting.
6) Introduce yourself to a girl you have never met before.
7) At an official meeting of students, you introduce your, professor to British students, who are visiting your country.
8) Introduce your sister (cousin) to your f rinds.
9) You are meeting a group of tourists Introduce yourself to them.
Philip's Working Day
Philip is a student. He studies English. He studies hard. He wakes up at 7 and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he washes, shaves and cleans his teeth. Then he dresses. He puts on his suit; shirt and shoes. At 8 he goes to the kitchen. He has breakfast. For breakfast he has tea, bread and butter and bacon and eggs. During breakfast he listens to the radio.
After breakfast he puts his books into the bag, puts on his coat and hat and goes to his college. He goes there by bus. He gets to his college at 9.
When he comes to the college, he takes off his coat and hat and goes to the>
During the break they play table-tennis or talk about new films, books and sport.
Teaching is interesting, creative and important work. A good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. He forms attitudes to his subject and altitudes to learning. He discovers children's inter, interests, their strength and weaknesses, their needs.
A teacher must know his particular subject. A good teacher studies constantly, reviews, researches his subject, perfects his knowledge.
He stimulates children to develop their abilities and to satisfy their interests. "Climate" of a>
Teaching is an exacting job, but those who are well equipped for I will have a happy and satisfying life.
creative - творческий
communicator... of knowledge - носитель знаний
competence - компетенция
attitude - отношение
strength - сила
weekness - слабость
need - потребность
particular - особый
to review - повторять
to research - исследовать
to perfect - совершенствовать
ability - способность
to satisfy - удовлетворять
to depend on - зависеть от
relationships - отношения
respect - уважение
community - коллектив
shaping - формирование
exacting - трудный, требовательный
job - работа
to equip - оснащать
Ответьте на вопросы
- What kind of work is teaching?
- What is a good teacher?
- What attitudes does a good teacher form to?
- A good teacher discovers children's interests, their strength and weaknesses, their needs, doesn't he?
Flying to New York
Proffesor Belov and his collegues were going to New Yok to take part in a conference on ecology.
They arrived at the airport two hours before the departure. Fii^t of all they went to the check-in counter, where a ticket agent looked at their tickets and passports. Then their baggage was checked in. Proffesor Belov's suitcases were very heavy, so he had to pay an amount of money for overweight. Next they were given boarding passes, that allowed them to get on the plane. The boarding passes had the seats numbers written on them. Their suitcases were labeled and sent off to be loaded into the hold of the airplane. While waiting for the flight to be called, some of proffesor Belov's collegues went to the newsstand to buy some magazines.
At last they went through the security check, where their hawd luggage was searched. In the departure lounge proffesor Belov and his collegues joined the other passengers. After the announcement they went to board their plane. The flight was quite comfortable and the passengers felt quite safe. When they reached their destination and the plane landed, they were asked to fill in declaration forms. Then their visas and passports were checked and they went through the customs. The customs officer asked his usual question: "Have you anything to declare?" They answered: "All (that) we have is for personal use." Soon all the formalities were over.
check in - регистрировать
connter - стойка
baggage - багаж
overweight - лишний вес
pass - пропуск
load - грузить
hold - багажное отделение
newsstand - газетный киоск
security - безопасность
check - проверка, контроль
lounge - зал ожидания
announcement - объявление
The students have to do their best to acquire necessary knowledge. They must attend lectures and practical hours, never miss seminars and lab >
Many students receive state grants and they are provided with hostels. Senior students are given vocational training during the pedagogical practice at schools. While practicing they must master their teaching skills and I tutorial experience getting more knowledge about their profession. The undergraduates and senior students carry out research in different branches of science. The aim of the research work carried out by students is to solve the most pressing educational problems, to study and use the progressive, pedagogical experience of others during their work at school.
The students go in for sports, they participate in organizing various types of recreational activities for children, they stage concerts.
to do one's best - делать все возможное
to acquire - получать
necessary - необходимый
to attend - посещать
to miss - пропускать
home assignments - домашнее задание
condition - условие
a subject room - кабинет
to receive - получать
a state grant - государственная стипендия
a senior students - старшекурсник
to master - овладеть
an undergraduate - выпускник
to carry out - вести
aim - исследование
to solve - цель
to use - решать
to go in for - использовать
to participate - заниматься
to stage - участвовать
Answer the Questions
- What is the role of school practice in training teachers?
- What helps the students to master their future profession?
- Why do students lake part in scientific research?
- What do we mean when we say "students' life"?
The Royal Hotel
5 Blue St Star City
12 th April 1999
Personnel Manager
RBM Company
27 Green Street
Star City
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for the position of junior accountant which you advertised in yesterday's "City Times". I am a student of the Economics Department and I have been bookkeeping at my father's firm for two years. I speak good English and feel that I am qualified to fill your position.
Please send any application forms that you want me to fill in and let me know if you want an interview.
Yours faithfully
Адрес и телефон отправителя
Дата отправления
- кому адресовано
- должность
- название фирмы
и ее адрес
Текст письма
Заключительная часть
The British are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain.
One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say: "That isn't cricket."
But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is Association football, or soccer. Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May, large crowds of people support their favourite sides in football grounds. True fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley.
Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.
Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the whole world.
Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.
A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of skill — from practically helpless to the extremely able.
The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. Various forms of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.
Indeed sport in one form or another is an essential part of daily life in Britain.
next to football — на следующем месте после футбола
chief [tJi:f] — главный, основной
spectator sport — зрелищный вид спорта
racing — бега (конские, собачьи и пр.)
boat-race — гребные гонки
tournament ['tuanement] —турнир
innumerable [i'nju.marebl] — бесчисленный
degree [di'gri;] — степень, уровень
skill — умение
helpless — беспомощный
extremely — чрезвычайно
able ['eibi] — умелый
to toboggan [ta'bogen] — кататься на санях, санках
After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy when hard and busy school year finished and summer holidays began. I started to plan a lot of wonderful things to do | during my summer vocation.
I was dreaming about visiting far south countries I always wanted to visit. For example, I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Spanish beaches. But I had to go to the Azov Sea seaside with my parents. The water was very warm there, because the Sea of Azov isn't deep. There were different kinds of entertainments there. Best of all I liked water scooters and discos.
There was nothing to do all day except taking sunbathes and swimming. I was playing with my little sister on the sand and taught her to swim. Later, I returned home and spent some time there going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching TV and playing computer games. After that I went to the sport camp where I spent twenty days with my friends.
It was very useful experience for us, because we had to get up very early, to train a lot. But it made us stronger and healthier.
I was very happy to return home and to spend several days in my summer cottage, where I had a rest helping my grandfather to dig the garden, to irrigate plants and to gather fruit and vegetables. I was fishing with my grandfather sometimes and we cooked our fish together. Only insects were spoiling my good humour. I was enjoying floating in the boat, swimming and helping my grandparents.
During my summer holidays I made new friends, read a lot of interesting books, knew many useful things. Now, I feel ready to get back to school.
I am happy to meet my school friends and teachers»
hard — тяжелый, трудный
busy — занятой, суетливый
to feel (past felt, p.p. felt) — чувствовать
to dream (past dreamt, p.p. dreamt) about — мечтать о
beach — пляж
deep — глубокий, глубоко
bush — куст
entertainment — развлечение
scooter — зд. скутер, водный велосипед
to sunbathe — загорать
to teach (past taught, p.p. taught) — учить, обучать
sport camp — спортивный лагерь
useful — полезный
experience — опыт
to get (past got, p.p. got) up — вставать
to return — возвращаться
several — несколько, некоторое количество
cottage — летний домик, дача, коттедж
to have (past had, p.p. had) a rest — отдыхать
to dig (past dug, p.p. dug) — копать, вскапывать
to irrigate — поливать
to cook — готовить пищу
insect — насекомое
to spoil — испортить
Специальная лексика,
abbreviation | сокращение | |
abstract | автореферат | |
abstract noun | отвлеченное имя существительное | |
accent | акцент | |
accidence | морфология | |
accusative (case) | винительный (падеж) | |
active | активный | |
active voice | действительный залог | |
adding | присоединение | |
adjective | прилагательное, имя прилагательное | |
adverb | наречие | |
adverbial modifier | обстоятельство | |
adverbial participle | деепричастие | |
adversative conjunction | противительный союз | |
agreement | согласование | |
allegory | аллегория, иносказание | |
alphabet | азбука | |
analogy | аналогия | |
analysis | разбор | |
anapaest | анапест | |
animation | одушевление | |
annotation | примечание | |
antonym | антоним | |
appendix | приложение | |
approving | похвальный | |
arrange | расположить | |
aspect | вид | |
aspiration | придыхание | |
attribute | определение | |
author | автор | |
authorship | авторство | |
belles-lettres | художественная литература | |
belonging to another language | иноязычный | |
bibliographical | библиографический | |
bibliography | книговедение, библиография | |
bibliology | книговедение | |
binding | переплет | |
biography | биография | |
bookish | книжный | |
(to) borrow | заимствовать | |
borrowing | заимствование | |
borrowing from a Slavonic language | славянизм | |
borrowing from Russian | русизм | |
bracket | скобка | |
by means of | посредством | |
bylina | былина | |
calligraphic | каллиграфический | |
calque | калька | |
case | падеж | |
category | категория | |
chapter | глава | |
character | герой, образ | |
character | персонаж | |
characteristic | свойство | |
class | категория | |
classic | классик | |
classic(al) author | классик | |
classical | классический | |
classical scholar | классик | |
classicism | классицизм | |
classification | классификация | |
clich | клише | |
co-author | соавтор | |
collaborator | соавтор | |
collation | сопоставление | |
colloquial | разговорный | |
colloquialism | разговорные слова | |
colon | двоеточие | |
combination of words | словосочетание | |
common noun | имя нарицательное | |
compare (with) | сравнить | |
comparison | сопоставление, сравнение | |
complex sentence | сложноподчиненное предложение | |
composite | сложный | |
composition | сочинение | |
compound | сложный | |
compound sentence | сложносочиненное предложение | |
comprehension | осмысление | |
concord | согласование | |
conflict | конфликт | |
conjunction | союз | |
connected | связанный | |
connecting | соединительный | |
connecting vowel | соединительный гласный звук | |
consider | рассматривать | |
consonant | согласный звук, согласный | |
contemporary | современник | |
content | содержание | |
contents | оглавление | |
context | контекст | |
contrast | противоположность | |
conversion | конверсия | |
correlation | соотношение, сопоставление | |
corresponding | соответствующий | |
cover | обложка | |
criticism | критицизм | |
dash | тире | |
dative (case) | дательный падеж | |
declension | склонение | |
decline | склонять | |
definite | определенный | |
demonstrative pronoun | указательное местоимение | |
denouement | развязка | |
(to) derive | ||
description | описание | |
detail | подробность | |
detailed | развернутый, подробный | |
dialect | диалект, наречие | |
dialogue | диалог | |
dictation | диктант | |
dictionary | словарный, словарь | |
diminutive | уменьшительное имя существительное | |
diphthong | дифтонг | |
direct object | прямое дополнение | |
direct speech | прямая речь | |
discuss | обсуждать, рассуждать | |
distinction | различие | |
dots | многоточие | |
dotted line | пунктир из точек | |
double | удвоенный | |
drama | драма | |
dynamic | динамический | |
ellipsis | эллипс | |
eloquent | красноречивый | |
emphasis | эмфаза | |
emphatic | эмфатический | |
empty chatter | пустословие | |
ending | окончание | |
entitle | озаглавить | |
enumeration | перечисление | |
epic | эпопея | |
epilogue | эпилог | |
episode | эпизод | |
epithet | эпитет | |
epos | эпос | |
equivalent | эквивалент | |
etymological | этимологический | |
euphemism | эвфемизм | |
exaggeration | преувеличение | |
example | пример | |
exclamation point | восклицательный знак | |
exercise | упражнение | |
explanatory dictionary | толковый словарь | |
express | выражать | |
expression | оборот (словесное выражение) | |
expressive | экспрессивный | |
expressiveness | выразительность | |
extended interpretation | расширенное толкование | |
extended sentence | распространенное предложение | |
fairy tale/story | сказка | |
falling tone | нисходящий тон | |
family | гнездо | |
feminine gender | женский род | |
fervour | пафос | |
fiction | беллетристика | |
flatness | невыразительность | |
folklore | фольклор | |
form | вид | |
form of address | обращение | |
formation | составление | |
formulate | формулировать | |
full stop | точка | |
functional | функциональный | |
future | будущее | |
future tense | будущее время | |
futurism | футуризм | |
gender | род | |
generalization | обобщение | |
genitive case | родительный падеж | |
genre | жанр | |
glossary | глоссарий | |
govern | управлять | |
grammar | грамматика | |
grammatical structure of a language | грамматический строй языка | |
grammatical system of a language | грамматическая система языка | |
hard sign | твердый знак | |
head | озаглавить | |
homonym | омоним | |
homonymy | омонимия | |
humanistic, humane | гуманитарный | |
hyperbola | гипербола | |
hyphen | дефис, перенос | |
idea | замысел | |
identification | отождествление | |
(to) identify | определять | |
idyll | идиллия | |
image | образ | |
imagery | образность | |
imperative | повелительный | |
imperative mood | повелительное наклонение | |
imperfective aspect | несовершенный вид | |
impersonal | безличный | |
impromptu | экспромт | |
improvisation | экспромт | |
in general use | общеупотребительный | |
inanimate | неодушевленный | |
include | включить | |
independent | независимый | |
index | указатель | |
indirect | косвенный | |
indirect object | косвенное дополнение | |
indirect speech | косвенная речь | |
inexpressiveness | невыразительность | |
infinitive | инфинитив | |
inflection | модуляция | |
infolded | развернутый | |
inspiration | пафос | |
instrumental case | творительный падеж | |
interaction | взаимодействие | |
interchangeability | взаимозаменяемость | |
interjection | междометие | |
interpretation | толкование | |
interrogative sentence | вопросительное предложение | |
intonation | интонация | |
intransitive verb | непереходный глагол | |
introduction | введение | |
inversion | инверсия | |
laconic | немногословный | |
lampoon | памфлет | |
language | язык | |
language family | языковая семья | |
layer | слой | |
legend | предание, рассказ | |
letter | буква, литера | |
lexical | лексический, словарный | |
lexicology | лексикология | |
lexicon | лексикон | |
ligature | лигатура | |
line | строка | |
linguist | лингвист | |
linguistic | языковой, лингвистический | |
linguistics | языкознание | |
literal | буквальный | |
literary scholar | литературовед | |
literature | литература | |
loan translation | калька | |
loan word | заимствование | |
locative case | предложный падеж | |
lyric poet | лирик | |
lyricism | лирика | |
make a loan translation | калькировать | |
manuscript | рукопись | |
masculine gender | мужской род | |
mean | значить | |
meaning | семантика(значение, смысл слова) | |
memoirs | мемуары | |
mental | умственный | |
mentality | мышление | |
merging | слияние | |
metaphor | метафора | |
method | способ | |
metonymy | метонимия | |
(to) mispronounce | ||
(to) misspel | ||
modify | видоизменить | |
monograph | монография | |
monologue | монолог | |
mood | наклонение | |
morpheme | морфема | |
morphology | морфология | |
mysticism | мистика | |
name | имя | |
narrate | рассказывать | |
narration | повествование | |
narrative literature | эпос | |
narrow | узкий | |
negative | отрицательный | |
neologism | неологизм | |
neuter gender | средний род | |
new word | неологизм | |
nominative case | именительный падеж | |
non-standard | нестандартный | |
note | примечание | |
noun | имя существительное | |
novel | роман | |
numeral | числительное | |
object | дополнение | |
object | предмет | |
of praise | похвальный | |
opposition | противоположность | |
orally | устно | |
order | порядок | |
origin | происхождение | |
original | оригинал | |
original work | первоисточник | |
orthoepic | орфоэпический | |
palatalization | смягчение | |
paradigm | парадигма | |
paragraph | параграф, новая строка | |
paraphrase | пересказ, изложение | |
(to) paraphrase | перефразировать | |
parent language | праязык | |
participle | причастие | |
participle construction | причастный оборот | |
particle | частица | |
passion | пафос | |
passive voice | страдательный залог | |
past | прошлое | |
perfective aspect | совершенный вид | |
periodical press (periodicals) | периодика | |
periphrasis | перифраз | |
personify | олицетворить | |
philologist | филолог | |
phoneme | фонема | |
phonetics | фонетика | |
phonology | фонология | |
phraseological | фразеологический | |
pioneer of printing | первопечатник | |
plagiarism | плагиат | |
plausible | правдоподобный | |
poem | поэма | |
poet | поэт | |
poetic(al) | < | |
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