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Кафедра английской филологии


Учебно-методическое пособие

Волгоград 2007


Н.А. Ашихманова, В.А. Брылева


канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. английского языка ВолГУ Е.А. Курченкова

Печатается по решению ученого совета
факультета лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации ВолГУ
(протокол № 8 от 28.04 2007 г.).

Английский язык для аспирантов [Текст] : учеб.-метод. пособие / сост. : Н. А. Ашихманова, В. А. Брылева ; ВолГУ, Каф. англ. филологии. – Волгоград : Изд-во ВолГУ, 2007. – 128 с.

Пособие содержит грамматический практикум, аутентичные тексты, а также упражнения для закрепления знаний по английскому языку.

Предназначено для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы аспирантов, магистрантов и широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык.

Составители учебно-методического пособия несут ответственность за использованные материалы.




Module A. Части речи в английском языке 6

Module B 12


Module A. Понятие о сказуемом. 17

Module B 20


Module A. Состав сказуемого 24

Module B 32


Module A. Образование вопроса 37

Module B 40


Module A. Анализ сказуемого с точки зрения категории времени
и вида (Tense And Aspect) 45

Module B 51


Module A. Анализ сказуемого с точки зрения категории залога (Voice) 56

Module B 60


Module A. Анализ сказуемого с точки зрения наклонения (Mood) 65

Module B 71


Module A. Анализ сказуемого с модальным глаголом 75

Module B 78

Unit IX 81

Module A. Неличные формы глагола
и их простые функции в предложении
(Non-finite Forms and their Simple functions in Sentence) 81

Module B 85


Module A. Неличные формы и их конструкции в предложении
(Non-finite forms and their constructions) 90

Module B 93

Unit XI 96

Module A. Конструкции с ing-формами в предложении
(The ing-form Constructions in a Sentence) 96

Module B 99


Module A. Придаточные предложения (Subordinate Clauses) 103

Module B 107

APPENDIX 1. How to retell a text 112


APPENDIX 3. Таблица неправильных глаголов 116

Список использованной литературы 117

KEYS 118


Данное пособие предназначено для подготовки аспирантов и соискателей к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по английскому языку и нацелено на обучение извлечению информации из англоязычных текстов с целью их последующего реферирования.

Каждый урок (Unit) рассчитан на 2-3 академических часа аудиторной работы и состоит из двух модулей: А – грамматический практикум, В – предтекстовые упражнения на аудирование и последующая работа с текстом с заданиями на анализ грамматических структур, закрепление лексики и пересказ.

Пособие также содержит приложение с рекомендациями по пересказу текста и самостоятельной работе с темой.

Занятия в первые три недели курса при 4 часах в неделю предлагается строить по схеме:

1. Объяснение грамматического материала и выполнение упражнений модуля А (1-2 часа)

2. Аудирование и работа над заданиями модуля В (2-3 часа)

3. Самостоятельная работа над пересказом или реферированием текста модуля В (1-1,5 часа)

На четвертой или пятой неделе курса рекомендуется каждому обучаемому в дополнение к самостоятельной работе над модулем В использовать для чтения и реферирования тексты по специальности на английском языке. Контроль за чтением профессионально ориентированных текстов осуществляется в индивидуальном порядке во второй половине занятия пятой недели курса.

Unit I

Module A. Части речи в английском языке

В английском языке существуют те же части речи, что и в русском:

The Noun (имя существительное)

The Verb (глагол)

The Adjective (имя прилагательное)

The Adberb (наречие)

The Pronoun (местоимение)

The Preposition (предлог)

The Numeral (числительное)

The Conjunction (союз)

The Interjection (междометие)

Единственной частью речи, которой нет в русском языке, является

The Article (артикль)

Рассмотрим наиболее значимые части речи – the Noun и the Verb.

Имя существительное (The Noun)

Наиболее существенные признаки Noun состоят в том, что:

  • Оно имеет перед собой артикль, не имеющий какого-либо лексического значения
  • Оно практически не имеет никаких падежных и родовых окончаний.

Как переводится Noun на русский язык?

Это зависит от двух параметров:

- места Noun в предложении

- наличия перед ним предлога

Если Noun стоит перед сказуемым и не имеет перед собой предлога, то его надо переводить существительным в именительном падеже, так как это – ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ.

The teacher told the students an interesting story. - Учитель рассказал студентам интересную историю. The students told the teacher an interesting story. – Студенты рассказали учителю интересную историю.

Если Noun стоит после сказуемого, то оно является ДОПОЛНЕНИЕМ (прямым, косвенным или предложным) и его надо переводить в том падеже, котором требует предшествующий глагол. Если стоят 2 Nouns подряд, то первое из них – это (1) косвенное дополнение, а второе (2) – прямое.

The teacher explained the students ((1) – кому?) some new rules ((2) – что?). Учитель объяснил студентам новые правила.

Noun может быть также ОБСТОЯТЕЛЬСТВОМ, которое стоит в конце или начале предложения и всегда имеет предлог.

My husband works at the hospital. Мой муж работает в больнице. In autumn leaves turn yellow and red. Осенью листья становятся желтыми и красными.

Noun может быть также левым ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕМ (ЛО) и переводится в таком случае существительным в родительном падеже или прилагательным (если его можно образовать).

Как переводить несколько существительных подряд?

Цепочки существительных из трех и более компонентов нужно переводить начиная с последнего компонента:

Researchло1 laboratory works on the problem of image processing.
Научно-исследовательская лаборатория работает над проблемой обработки изображения. Unversityло1 researchло2 laboratory works on…
Университетская научно-исследовательская лаборатория работает над… (научно-исследовательская лаборатория университета). Aerospaceло1 unversityло2 researchло3 laboratory works on …
Научно-исследовательская лаборатория аэрокосмического университета работает над… Samaraло1 aerospaceло2 unversityло3 researchло4 laboratory works on …Научно-исследовательская лаборатория Самарского аэрокосмического университета работает над…

Возможный алгоритм перевода:

a) найдите последний элемент цепочки: Samaraло1 aerospaceло2 unversityло3 researchло4 laboratory - лаборатория

b) задайте от него вопрос к соседнему левому компоненту: лаборатория какая?- исследовательская или лаборатория чего? – исследования

c) далее от первого левого компонента – вопрос к следующему: исследования чего?- университета – университета какого? аэрокосмического...

Samaraло1 aerospaceло2 unversityло3 researchло4 laboratory:

(Подстрочный перевод: Лаборатория исследовательская университета аэрокосмического самарского)


Определите границы цепочки существительных, найдите главный компонент, переведите.

  1. They eagerly participated in Soros society branch offices transformation but the development strategies appeared to be inconvenient.
  2. Capital flows have increased, as have foreign exchange and securities trade.
  3. The securities markets consist mainly of the International Stock Exchange offices
  4. There are extensive interior upland areas and regions facing the Irish Sea where the Celtic languages speakers percentage rises to 50 percent

Образование Noun

Существуют 3 типа Noun:

  1. Простые: book, pool, etc.
  2. Производные, образуемые с помощью таких наиболее характерных суффиксов, как:

er (or): worker, researcher

ment: increment, development

ness: kindness, rigidness

ion (tion): motion, relation, precision

dom: kingdom, freedom

hood: childhood, likelihood

age: heritage

(i)an: librarian

ship: relationship, leadership

(i)ty: sensibility, activity

С Noun могут использоваться те же префиксы, что и с глаголами и прилагательными:

- un (in) – отрицание

- re – повторяемость, и т.д.


Employment – unemployment (занятость – безработица)

Appraisal - reappraisal (оценка – переоценка)

см. далее Практикум по определению частей речи в Unit III

  1. Составные: bedroom, newspaper, deadlock

Определение Noun

Большинство Nouns сопровождается особыми словами, которые называются определителями. Наличие одного определителя исключает использования другого.

- Однозначные определители

а) суффиксы (см. выше)

б) наличие артикля (a, the) или местоимений (some, any)

в) притяжательный падеж ('s)

- Неоднозначные определители

а) место в предложении

б) наличие левого определения:

- прилагательного

- местоимения

- числительного

- другого Noun


Отметьте все слова, имеющие суффиксы Noun. Найдите интернациональные слова, а также составные Nouns.

I A-1 I A-2
1. moon 1. lonely
2. just 2. revolution
3. emotion 3. minute
4. rear 4. reason
5. making 5. calculation
6. leader 6. blindness
7. treatment 7. improvement
8. scholarship 8. shortage
9. organizer 9. constitution
10. moonlight 10. airplane
I A-3 I A-4
1. raider 1. satisfaction
2. cry 2. computer
3. be 3. different
4. centimeter 4. male
5. resemble 5. proximity
6. receiver 6. coffee
7. radio 7. illness
8. user 8. day
9. interesting 9. riverside
10. prolongation 10. fulfilment

I A-5. Выберите правильный вариант перевода (без словаря)

1. Plato's teachings had a profound EFFECT on Aristotle

  1. глубина
  2. влияние
  3. аффект
  4. последствие

2. The superintendent was the PRINCIPAL speaker at the school board meeting.

  1. единственный
  2. главный
  3. принципиальный
  4. самый важный

3. He was an EXEMPLARY prisoner despite his past experience.

  1. образцовый
  2. экземпляр
  3. образчик
  4. примерный

4. It is IMPERATIVE that they arrive on time for the lecture.

  1. необходимо
  2. предполагается
  3. наверняка
  4. императорно

5. After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their VERDICT.

  1. решение
  2. перекрестный допрос
  3. приговор
  4. свидетель

Порядок слов в английском предложении

В английском предложении те же самые члены предложения, что и в русском:

Subject подлежащее (S) вопрос: кто/что?

Predicate сказуемое (P) вопрос: что делает/делал/сделал/сделает/будет делать?

Object дополнение: direct - прямое(Obj/dir) вопрос: кого/что? кому/чему?, indirect - косвенное(Obj/ind), prepositional - предложное (Obj/prep) вопросы: все в косвенных падежах - с кем/чем?, о ком/чем?, из кого/чего? и т.п.

Attribute определение(Attr) вопрос: какой/чей?

Adverbial modifier обстоятельство (Adv)

Порядок слов в английском предложении – жесткий, т.е. каждый член предложения всегда стоит на своем месте. В структуру предложения S-P-O могут вставляться Attr и Adv, а также косвенные и предложные Obj.

Запомните следующую схему порядка слов в предложении:

0 1 2 3 4
группа подлежащего группа сказуемого

Attr Obj(prep) Attr Obj(ind)



Attr Attr ADV
Attr Attr

UsersS askedPr librariansObj (ind) questionsObj (dir). Пользователи задавали библиотекарям вопросы. YoungAttr usersS asked Pr professional Attr librarians Obj (ind) many Attr questions Obj (dir) about the Internet Attr. Молодые пользователи задавали профессиональным библиотекарям много вопросов об Интернете. (In the reading hall) Adv(0) young Attr usersS(1) asked Pr(2) professional Attr librarians Obj (ind) many Attr questions Obj (dir3a) about the Internet Attr in the reading hallAdv(0). Молодые пользователи задавали профессиональным библиотекарям много вопросов об Интернете в читальном зале.

В предложении могут присутствовать два прямых дополнения (Objects) – в этом случае первое будет переводиться дательным падежом, а второе винительным:

- Give the boy this book – Дай мальчику книгу

Первое “дательное” дополнение можно переставить, но тогда в английском предложении появится to:

- Give this book to the boy

Порядок обстоятельств времени и места в предложении – в начале и в конце. Если обстоятельств времени и места в предложении несколько, то их порядок следующий:

(когда?)-(где?) – S-P-O – (как?)-где?-когда?

-Yesterday at the stadium he walked dangerousely along the top of the wall - Around the square they saw nice buildings and the statue of the queen in the middle - A few years ago my research was top of the pops in the world of applied linguistics

Если в предложении два обстоятельства, одно из которых намного длиннее другого, то оно ставится в конце предложения:

-They left at 3.00 with a great deal of noise


I A-6. Найдите в следующих преложениях Nouns, определите, какими членами предложения они являются и переведите все предложения на русский язык.

  1. In this chapter we discuss the factors for the organizations of the book collections.
  2. In scientific institutions most technicians have a broad knowledge of organizing principles and methods.
  3. Users can find any item with minimum effort and time.
  4. The association represents all types of libraries – public, school, academic, state, and special libraries.
  5. The South American Industry Association is the oldest and the largest organization.
  6. Space requirements are discussed in the 3-d section.

I A-7. Исправьте предложения так, чтобы они имели смысл:

  1. The passport examined the customs officer
  2. These catalogues don’t like researchers
  3. Have the new sales department seen the visitors
  4. The breakfast has enjoyed the guests.
  5. Give these books engineers on topography.
  6. My tutor sent American researchers to his latest achievements.
  7. These “interdependence” gave the name this phenomenon of psychologists.

I A-8. Постройте предложения в нужном порядке

in October/my term/begins

from the bank/a loan/you’ll have to get

of the Scottish people /are able to speak /2 percent / Gaelic

from the four /is derived mainly /Germanic dialects /Modern English

rejected / of the pope / Henry VIII / the absolute supremacy

the introduction of/ also saw /the 19th century/ from /sects / the United States

I A-9. Выберите правильный вариант

1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _______.

  1. sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery
  2. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully
  3. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week
  4. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers

2. The professor said that _______________.

  1. the students their reports can be received on Monday
  2. the reports on Monday could be received from the students by him
  3. the students could hand in their reports on Monday
  4. the students will on Monday the reports hand in

3. The teachers have had some problems deciding ___________.

  1. when to the students they shall return the final papers
  2. when are they going to return to the students the final papers
  3. when they should return the final papers to the students
  4. the time when the final papers they should return for the students

4. This year will be difficult for this organization because ____________.

  1. they have less money and volunteers than they had last year
  2. they have money less and volunteers fewer than last year they had
  3. the last year they did not have as few and little volunteers money
  4. there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were

Module B.


  • What is your favourite dish? Why?
  • Have you ever tasted ethnic food (e.g. Chinese, Indian, etc.)? Did you enjoy it?
  • What is junk food? Why do people eat so much junk food nowadays?

Read the following summary and guess the correct items. Then, listen to the tape and find out if your guesses were correct.

In today's world, people have less time for eating, let alone 1) shopping/cooking. That's why junk food is so popular. In fact, one 2) hotel/restaurant group has announced that its 3) guests/staff can order 4) junk/fast food through room service. Junk food is 5) high/ low in saturated fat, which is linked with a higher risk of 6) diabetes/cancer. Our eating habits have changed due to lack of 7) money/time. Also, the amount of exercise we do has 8) decreased/increased. Researchers suggest that the new generation will be more likely to suffer from heart and 9) kidney/liver disease. But if we improve our eating habits, we will be better equipped to deal with our 10) stressful/boring lifestyles.


You are going to read a newspaper article about unhealthy food. Six para­graphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).


In today's fast-moving world, people have less and less time to spend eating, let alone cooking. It is probably for this reason that junk food has become so popular, and there's no doubt that it's here to stay. In fact, it seems that you simply can't get away from it. One British hotel group recently announced that its guests are able to order fast food through room service, a move which is seen by many as signifying a new era in the couch potato lifestyle. So what exactly is junk food? 0__B___ Obviously, a diet of junk food is not the best thing for your health, particularly as it is high in saturated fat. In 1993, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported this type of fat to be associated with a greater risk of cancer. 1_______ The best advice, then, for those who cannot live without their hamburgers or chocolate bars, is to limit the amount of junk food they eat. A little now and then will probably do no harm. But why have our eating habits changed? "It's lack of time and loss of tradition," says one expert. 2______ Another alarming thing about people's lifestyles today is that while the amount of junk food we eat has increased, the amount of exercise we do has actually decreased. Exercise plays an important part in keeping the body fit and healthy; it helps to control our weight and, if taken regularly, can also decrease our chances of having a heart attack in later life. 3_____ Even though people nowadays are actually far more aware of the importance of exercise and a healthy diet than they were a few years ago, the new unhealthy way of life is surprisingly pop­ular. This is illustrated by statistics gathered by researchers over the past two decades. 4______ Researchers suggest that the new generation will be much more likely to suffer from heart and liver disease. What can't be emphasised enough is the fact that a balanced diet and regular exercise bring significant health benefits. 5______ Ironically, if they were to make time to exercise and improve,their eating habits, they would probably find that they were far better equipped to deal with their stressful lifestyles than they are now. A Recent research has shown that young French people, who prefer burgers and chips to rich gourmet dishes, tend to become overweight. Weight gained in adolescence is extremely hard to lose in later life, so researchers are predicting that the new French generation are not going to be admired for their slim figures as the French have traditionally been. B Basically, it is anything that is high in calories but lacking in nutrition. Hamburgers, crisps, chocolate bars and hot dogs fall into this category. Pizzas, although they can have vegetable and cheese toppings, are also included as they contain a lot of fat. C Not all junk food is bad for your health, however. Some hamburgers, for example, are very high in nutrients and low in fat. It is just a question of find­ing out what goes into the food before you decide to eat it. D Apart from the risk of cancer, another side effect of consuming highly fattening junk food is that you are likely to gain weight. This is especially true because you tend to eat more, as junk food is less satisfying and lower in vital nutrients than health­ier food. E You can gain anything from glowing skin to an allround feeling of good health. One way or another, the vast majority of people seem to be missing out on this, due mainly to the pressures of modern life. F What is more, you don't have to exercise much to gain visible benefits. Doctors say that twenty minutes' exercise three times a week is all that is necessary. G He explains that people are too busy to cook and eat proper meals, so they grab whatever is available - and that is usually junk food. Also, the >

Vocabulary Practice

  1. Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.
  2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below:
let alone rejecting predicting adolescence
signify gain glowing skin consume
nutrients limit research tend to
  1. Vegetables are an essential part of our diet as they contain a lot of ……. (healthy substances)
  2. I don't even know what a breadfruit looks like,................................. what it tastes like! (not to mention)
  3. You should the amount of chocolate you eat if you want to lose weight. (restrict)
  4. The stars on the label that the brandy is of the best quality. (mean)
  5. Scientific has shown that saturated fats are a major cause of cancer. (investigation)
  6. People who eat lots of sweets ………… have dental problems. (are likely to)
  7. Jill is overweight because she ate so much junk food during her ……..(teenage years)
  8. Her is a result of all the fruit and vegetables she eats. (healthy­ looking complexion)
  9. More and more people are …………meat in favour of more fruit and vegetables. (not accepting)
  10. Unless you cut down on junk food and sweets, you will …………. weight! (put on)
  11. Nutritionists are that junk food consumption will increase in the near future. (foreseeing)
  12. Young people ………… large amounts of carbonated drinks with their meals. (take in)
  1. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once.
room vast chocolate junk
eating couch-potato to do to keep
gourmet balanced heart saturated
fast-moving the pressures high side
1 a(n) world 2 bars 3 a(n) lifestyle 4 the body fit 5 in calories 6 food 7 habits 8 disease 9 of modern life 10 fat 11 service 12 no harm 13 a(n) diet 14 dishes 15 the majority 16 effects
  1. Choose the correct item.

1. As he didn't want to cook, he decided to ______________a pizza instead.

    1. ask for
    2. demand
    3. order
    4. command

2. She had no time to go out for lunch so she ________ a snack instead.

  1. grabbed
  2. snatched
  3. took
  4. bit

3. I hope I won't _________ weight while I'm on holiday.

  1. earn
  2. win
  3. put
  4. gain

4. After the Christmas holidays, I am going on a ________ because some of my favourite clothes don't fit me anymore.

  1. diet
  2. fast
  3. nutrition
  4. health
    1. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences.

1) to be popular sb; 2) to be high …….. calories; 3) to be associated ……. sb/sth; 4) to be aware ……… sth; 5) to suffer ………. sth; 6) to deal sb/sth; 7) to be lacking ………………. sth; 8) the loss …………sb/sth; 9) to miss out ……….. sth; 10) to prefer sb/sth …………… sb/ sth

Talking points

  1. Read the whole text again and make notes under the following headings:
    • Reasons for the popularity of junk food
    • Dangers of eating junk food
    • Positive effects of eating healthy food

Then, give a short talk about junk food. Use the following expressions: Although, Moreover, However, In spite of the fact that, I believe, I think, In my opinion, etc.


Module A. Понятие о сказуемом.

Сказуемое (Predicate)

Слово не является сказуемым, если

  • перед ним стоит частица to
  • первый компонент словосочетания имеет -ing окончание


Подчеркните словосочетания, не являющиеся сказуемыми:

II A - 1 II A – 2 II A – 3
1. was being asked 1. was being closed 1. is being walking
2. must do 2. must see 2. ought to help
3. to have been reading 3. to have been watching 3. to have been thinking
4. will have read 4. will have smoke 4. will have helped
5. has been done 5. had been produced 5. has been thought
6. being done 6. being shouted 6. being played
7. are producing 7. are speaking 7. am dreaming
8. having answered 8. having written 8. having seen
9. could be translated 9. ca be watched 9. can be played
10. to be reading 10. to be painting 10. to be speaking
II A – 4 II A – 5
1. will be being played 1. will be being seen
2. had to throw 2. had to see
3. to have bee driving 3. to have being doing
4. will have been seen 4. has been thought will have done
5. had been played 5. has been thought
6. being examined 6. begin thought
7. is thinking 7. are driving
8. having spoken 8. having read
9. migh be read 9. can be seen
10. to be chosen 10. to offering

Сигнальные признаки сказуемого

Сказуемое может содержать следующие компоненты, наличие которых является однозначным сигнальным признаком сказуемого:

1-я группа 2-я группа 3-я группа
4-я группа
shall (to be) (to have)
will am have to
should is have
would are has

must were had
can (could) was
may (might)
ought to
is to


Выпишите из каждого столбца по 3 слова – однозначных признаков сказуемого.

II A-6.
would only did might
had soon must but
often were again have
very could never ought to
are will may with
doing when but as

Выпишите номер предложений, в которых сказуемые обладают однозначными признаками.

II A-7.

  1. All post graduates study free of charge.
  2. Water will boil when sufficiently heated.
  3. Science has become an affair of the state.
  4. Mrs. Smith wanted to send a telegram.
  5. Schools of higher learning develop the first elements of scientific training.
  6. The team didn't arrive on time.
  7. Copper is a cheap conductor.
  8. Professors teach students how to use electronic devices.
  9. You shouldn't mind his manners.

Сказуемое может обладать также неоднозначными сигнальными признаками, к которым относятся -ed, -s, -es на конце слов. Однако нужно помнить, что окончание -s может определять множественное число существительного (houses-вмещает / houses- дома), а окончание -ed может принадлежать страдательному причастию (cleaned rooms - убирали комнаты /убранные комнаты). Признаки как однозначные, так и неоднозначные могут отсутствовать вообще. В английском языке слова могут переходить из одной части речи в другую, не меняя при этом ничего: ни ударения, ни написания. Например, house – дом, to house – вмещать в себя, form – форма, to form – формировать, program – программа, to program – программировать, и т.д. Такой способ словообразования называется конверсией. Определить, какой частью речи это слово является – Noun или Verb – можно только по месту в предложении, то есть по его функции.

а) Слово не является сказуемым в большинстве случаев, если перед ним стоит:
  • артикль
  • предлог
  • притяжательное или указательное местоимение
  • прилагательное или существительное в качестве левого определения.
б) Из двух слов с окончанием –ed, следующих одно за другим, второе – всегда сказуемое. The results received proved to be ineffective.


Укажите предложения, где сказуемые имеют неоднозначные признаки или какие-либо признаки вообще отсутствуют. Найдите сказуемое в каждом предложении и назовите их признаки.

II A-8

  1. He wanted to do many tasks.
  2. The wind blows during the day.
  3. The students study at the University.
  4. He carried a bag full of cucumbers.
  5. Mrs. Hightrab types at her work.
  6. The boats have just come into the terminal.
  7. Mr.White and his sons go to Manchester every day.
  8. The ship is to leave at ten minutes past nine.
  9. He presented his girl-friend with a bunch of flowers.
  10. There were several schoolgirls in the yard.

II A-9

Укажите номера предложений, в которых подчеркнутые слова являются сказуемыми.

  1. We usually park the car in the street.
  2. Children are often taken to the park for a walk.
  3. This is a question I couldn't answer.
  4. You question the teacher too often.
  5. We wonder whether his proposal will be approved.
  6. The proposal approved seemed incompetent.
  7. The United States is a highly developed country.
  8. Ohm's Law states that resistance equals voltage divided by current.
  9. He looked at the watch.
  10. We often watch him coming here.
  11. My studies show that I don't make great progress.
  12. He studies English literature.

Module B.


You are going to read a newspaper article about a young person's career. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Living by the Sword

When Cristina Sanchez told her parents that she wanted to become a bullfighter instead of a hairdresser, they weren't too pleased. But when she was eighteen her parents realised that she was serious and sent her to a bullfighting school in Madrid, where she trained with professionals. Since last July, Sanchez has been the most successful novice in Spain and is very popular with the crowds. After brilliant performances in Latin America and Spain earlier this year, Sanchez has decided that she is ready to take the test to become a matador de toros. Out of the ring, Sanchez does not look like a matador. She is casually elegant, very feminine and wears her long blond hair loose. She seems to move much more like a dancer than an athlete, but in the ring she is all power. When she was fourteen, Sanchez's father warned her that the world of bullfighting was hard enough for a man and even harder for a woman. It seems he is right. "It really is a tough world for a woman," says Sanchez. "You start with the door shut in your face. A man has to prove himself only once, whereas I have had to do it ten times just to get my foot in the door." In perhaps the world's most masculine profession, it would seem strange if Sanchez had not met problems. But even though Spanish women won the legal right to fight bulls on equal terms with men in 1974, there are still matadors like Jesulin de Ubrique who refuse to fight in the same ring as her. Sanchez lives with her family in Parla, south of Madrid. Her family is everything to her and is the main support in her life. "My sisters don't like bullfighting, they don't even watch it on TV, and my mother would be the happiest person in the world if I gave it up. But we get on well. Mum's like my best friend." When Sanchez is not fighting she has a tough fitness routine - running, working out in the gym and practising with her father in the afternoon. By nine she is home for supper, and by eleven she is in bed. She doesn't drink, smoke or socialise. "You have to give up a lot," says Sanchez. "It's difficult to meet people, but it doesn't worry me - love does not arrive because you look for it." Sanchez spends most of the year travelling: in summer to Spanish and French bullfights and in winter to Latin America. Her mother dislikes watching Sanchez fight, but goes to the ring when she can. If not, she waits at home next to the telephone. Her husband has had to ring three times to say that their daughter had been injured, twice lightly in the leg and once seriously in the stomach. After she has been wounded, the only thing Sanchez thinks about is how quickly she can get back to the ring. "It damages your confidence," she says "but it also makes you mature. It's just unprofessional to be injured. You cannot let it happen." Sanchez is managed by Simon Casas, who says, "At the moment there is no limit to where she can go. She has a champion's mentality, as well as courage and technique." 1. When Sanchez told her parents that she wanted to be a bullfighter they ________
  1. felt a little pleased.
  2. thought she was too young.
  3. thought she had a good sense of humour.
  4. were initially opposed to the idea.
2. Sanchez thinks that ______________
  1. living in today's world is difficult for a woman.
  2. bullfighting is a difficult career for women.
  3. it is almost impossible to succeed as a female bullfighter.
  4. women have to demonstrate their skills as much as male-bullfighters do.
3. Sanchez's mother _______________
  1. is everything to the family.
  2. prefers to watch her daughter on TV.
  3. supports her more than the rest of her family.
  4. would prefer Cristina to leave the ring.
4. What does "it" in line 37 refer to?
  1. the fitness routine
  2. not socialising
  3. giving up
  4. smoking
5. Sanchez doesn't socialise often because
  1. she doesn't like cigarettes and alcohol.
  2. her work takes up most of her time.
  3. she is worried about meeting people.
  4. it's too difficult to look for friends.
6. What does Sanchez think about after being injured?
  1. her next chance to fight bulls
  2. her abilities
  3. her development
  4. her skills

Vocabulary Practice

  1. Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.
  2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below:
get my foot in the door confidence
novice professional
face support
masculine socialise
mature courage
    1. Doctors don't have much time to...................... as they work very long hours. (mix with people)
    2. The experienced chess player easily beat the …………..who was still learning the rules of the game. (beginner)
    3. After months of training the young fire­fighter was ready to…………..a real fire. (deal with)
    4. There aren't many female boxers as it is a very………….sport. (male)
    5. The contacts I had, helped me when I was looking for a job. (get started)
    6. My parents were a great to me when I lost my job. (help)
    7. My tennis coach is a ; he has been playing in international matches for years.(paid expert)
    8. Working as a chef for five years gave Brian the ………. to open his own restaurant. (sense of self-worth)
    9. Fire-fighters need a lot of as their work is often very dangerous. (bravery)
    10. The manager didn't hire the young man, as he didn't think he was ………….enough to deal with the stresses of the job. (emotionally developed)
  1. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once.
a champion's to wear to win
to prove limit tough
to damage to give popular
to take on equal terms casually
1. a world 2.…………. sb the chance to 3.…………….. the legal right 4.……………your confidence 5. there is no to 6. with crowds 7. elegant 8. a test 9. to fight with 10. my hair loose 11. himself 12. to have ………..mentality
  1. Fill in the correct word.

profession, job, career, occupation

    1. Her …….: as a dancer -came to an end when she broke her leg.
    2. My father has been unable to find a ………for the past two years.
    3. You must write your name, age and ……….on the application form.
    4. John is a doctor by.…..and has his own practice in London.
  1. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences.

1) to be serious sth; 2) to be popular sb; 3) decide ……..sth; 4) to warn sb………… sb; 5) to be woried sb/sth; 6) to think ……….sb/sth; 7) to live………….sb 8) to arrive a city; 9) to arrive …………the office; 10) a limit…………sth; 11) to be pleased sb/sth 12) to succeed……… sth;13) to prefer sth………sth. else;14) to socialise ………….people

Talking Points

  1. Read the text about Cristina Sanchez again and make notes under the following headings. Then, talk about her career.

training problems she faced fitness routine dangers qualities needed

  1. Can you think of any other dangerous occupations?


Module A. Состав сказуемого

Компоненты сказуемого

Сказуемое в английском языке может состоять из компонентов, представленных в нижеприведенной таблице. Основой любого сказуемого является смысловой глагол. С компонентов, подчеркнутых линией, может начинаться сказуемое, но смысловой глагол всегда стоит в конце, причем он может иметь разные суффиксы.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
модальн. глагол to have to be и его формы спряжения

1 2 3 P1
to do основа смыслового глагола суф-фиксы
(could) May (might) must have to


should would shall will need ought to












-s (es)

Последовательность компонентов можно также определять при помощи таблицы, пример самого длинного сказуемого: 1 2 5 8-9/ should have been take-n. Более четырех компонентов в сказуемом не бывает.


Выделите основу сказуемого:

III A -1. III A-2.
will be coming home principally didn't get
when attended shall have been asked right then baby brought screamed
question sofisticated enough was being answered at the has been translating worried
this should be discovered some day must take a must
would have been paid monday washing up is undoubtedly done
by night it would have been brought in summer could have died out
whether it is unprecedentally produced will be doing something
tunned shall have been shown briefly again delivered important products
was being carefully brought up has been writing quietly a
proper should be repeatedly undone up should warn the
III A-3. Выпишите сказуемые, выраженные более чем одним словом.
  1. The Institute was established in 1966.
  2. The book has already been discussed at our conference.
  3. The plan will have been fulfilled by next October.
  4. He might have never been to Kiev.
  5. The book is being translated at present
  6. The film was shown yesterday.
  7. The student is reading an article.
  8. The train will leave at 5.
  9. The train left at 5.
  10. The teacher corrected the students' mistakes
Ill A-4 Пользуясь таблицей,расставьте слова так, чтобы получились сказуемые
will, developed, have, been obtained, should, been, have

could, increased, be gone, has
been,have,reported travelled, have
investigated, is, being be, might, doing
answered, been, has discussed, been, had
produced, been,had will, taught, have, been
written, should, been, have could, developed, be
done,has been, have, ignored
arrived, is, being be, might, reading

Включение обстоятельственных слов

Между компонентами сказуемого иногда могут стоять обстоятельственные слова still, already, usually, yet, sometimes, never, ever, just, always, finally, now, soon, recently, hardly ever, even

Где располагаются обстоятельственные слова?

Их место внутри сказуемого: 1) после однозначного сигнального признака, 2) если такового нет, то перед основой (смысловым глаголом) 1. The plan has just been discussed. 2. He is usually reading at this time. 3. They do not often come to our place. 4. He has never gone to Britain. 5. Peter still attends > Кроме того, в этой же позиции могут стоять обстоятельственные слова со значением степени – completely, quite: I completely forgot her birthday Обстоятельственные слова со значением образа действия (briefly, frequently, fluently, etc) могут находиться перед смысловым глаголом (после однозначного признака) или в конце предложения: He briefly studied the problem He studied the problem briefly Однако, если дополнение слишком длинное, обстоятельство может находиться после смыслового глагола (характерно для журнализма): We considered briefly the long-term solution to the problem Если в предложении два обстоятельства, одно из которых намного длиннее другого, то оно ставится в конце предложения: They left at 3.00 with a great deal of noise

Неглагольные элементы в сказуемом

В данной таблице представлены только глагольные элементы/ но сказуемое может включать еще именные элементы:

1) глагол(ы) + существительное

2) глагол(ы) + прилагательное

3) глагол (ы) + числительное

Основные глаголы, образующие именное сказуемое, это to be, to become, to seem, to prove(оказаться), to appear, to mean, to remain, to turn out, to grow

Самые распространенные из них: to be, to have

Признаками существительного в сказуемом являются:

• артикль;

• притяжательное местоимение;

• окончание множественного числа.

1 Не is an engineer.

2 They are engineers. 3. She is my mother.

Есть группа существительных, не имеющих множественного числа и очень часто употребляющихся без артикля:

wine, sugar, snow, mud и т д.

Кроме того, к этой группе относятся т.н. абстрактные существительные. ignorance/ fascination, freedom и т.д.


  1. Выпишите сказуемые, в состав которых входят существительные.
III А-5.

will be water were numerous shall become an engineer has been a student will grow enormous
has gone are attended were numerous will have been a student shall become an
is in the room was milk are first-year students
is written is a student will grow enormous
was going was happy has been equipped
will be a teacher were designers will be named
is 20 will be a doctor can seem artificial
are attended is sugar has remained stable

В состав сказуемого могут входить также и числительные, и прилагательные Последние имеют следующие суффиксы (их надо выучить!)

-ful -ible -y
-less -ent -ate
-able -al
-ic -ant
-ical -ive
-inal -ous


The book is ironical. I'm grateful.

Иногда существительные и прилагательные имеют те же суффиксы -

student - dependent. Отличать их надо по наличию перед таким словом признаков существительного (или их отсутствию).


  1. Определите, что входит в состав сказуемого: прилагательное, числительное или существительное (если сказуемое составное именное)

III A-6.

is helpful will be perfectly compatible
has been brought is sixty.
will be my companion is being heroic
was successful could have been available
should have done will have been a constituent
remained inappropriate were delinquents
could be the tremendous news ought to grow cynical
is sugar grows meaningless
were careless will be obedient
were launched has become tolerable
is economical was ignorant
has been chaotic have proved boyish

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